Tech. in the Workplace Business Letter
Business Letter Anita Vacation saw your travel brochure (the assignment you just completed in Publisher). She is interested in your trip. Write a BUSINESS LETTER to Anita Vacation telling her more about the specifics regarding the trip. Use Microsoft Word to write the letter.
Business Letter Pieces You will be using a block style, so you will not indent.
Important Language to Remember The Start: –Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss) Thanking the Potential Customer for His/Her Interest: –Thank you for your letter of... enquiring (asking for information) about... We would like to thank you for your letter of... enquiring (asking for information) about... Providing Requested Materials: –We are pleased to enclose... Enclosed you will find... We enclose... Providing Additional Information: –We would also like to inform you... Regarding your question about... In answer to your question (enquiry) about... Closing a Letter Hoping for Future Business: –We look forward to... hearing from you / receiving your order / welcoming you as our client (customer). Signature: –Yours sincerely (use 'Yours faithfully' when you don't know the name of the person you are writing and 'Yours sincerely' when you do.)
Letterhead is extra credit 2” Top Margin Six spaces (vertically) Block format – everything against the left margin. Two Spaces 4 Spaces – room to sign Business Letter: Block Formatting 1” side margin
Formatting a page File-> Page Setup
Business Letter Scoring Scoring Guide (A ‘4’ in any category = 100%) PointsTraits 1-6Ideas/Content: The writing is clear and focused. The reader can easily understand the main ideas. Content and selected ideas are relevant. 1-6Organization: Organization is clear and consistent. Order and structure are present, but may be too obvious. 1-6Sentence Fluency: The writing flows. Sentence patterns are somewhat varied, contributing to ease in oral reading. 1-6Word Choice: Words effective convey the intended message. The writer employs a variety of words that are functional. 1-6Conventions: The writing demonstrates control of standard writing conventions. Punctuation, spelling and page formatting. Pass/No Pass (4 or better in every category)
Goals for today Complete the Business Letter Another sample letter is on the class website describing the assignment. E.C.: Create a letter head for your company.