PBL - Entrepreneurship Creating a Business using the Economics and Entrepreneurship Model
(Name of Company) Our company offers a (good/service) to the consumers
Business Plan (Name of company) 244 LBJ Road, Jackson, KY (Sole proprietor or partner names)
Mission Statement (add the goals of your company here…why are you in business?)
Description of Business (provide a brief description of your business plan)
How will we make a profit? It will cost us (amount of money to produce our product) OR (amount of money per hour to offer our service). We will have to charge at least this amount to break even. According to our market research, we can make the most sales revenue by charging (amount of money).
Advertising (add advertising techniques – flyers, posters, website, social media, commercial, etc.)
What We Have Learned Owning a business is NOT an easy job! Economics and business are important subjects. Our economy needs new businesses. Entrepreneurs must be willing to take risks! Entrepreneurs must be creative and energetic!