Framework for the Measurement of Social Capital in New Zealand Rachael Milicich General Manager Geography, Regional and Environment
Why measure social capital? Interest from central and local government as agencies expressed interest in determining whether knowledge of social capital could assist them in their work Many people involved in policy development in NZ increasingly recognised that the concept of social capital could contribute to a broader analysis of policy options and issues
Conceptual issues Types of capital –Human Education, skills and knowledge that reside within individuals –Cultural The set of values, history, traditions and behaviours which link a specific group of people together –Social The social networks that help society to function effectively Individual vs. collective returns Increase/decrease in social capital
Definition of Social Capital Used “Relationships among actors (individuals, groups, and/or organisations) that create a capacity to act for mutual benefit or a common purpose” It can be accumulated over time and then drawn on in the future for use in achieving certain goals Is a collective resource rather than accruing to an individual Circumstances may result in having access to greater or lesser stocks of a community’s social capital
How is Social Capital Used Access to social capital can be said to have three key functions: –Processing information –Assessing risks –Exploring situations, individuals and agencies Implications for measurement –Focus is on quality and quantity –Identify aspects of social life that relate to social capital and can be measured to some extent
Aspects of Social Capital Conceptual framework was based on the work of James Coleman and his theoretical synthesis “Foundations of Social Theory” Coleman (1994) described what it was about social relations that could constitute useful capital resources for individuals. A Maori concept of Social Capital
Development of the framework Incorporation of key aspects –Norms and sanctions –Mandate and authority –Organisation –Sources of information –Obligations and expectations Review of work by others internationally –Six international research projects chosen and reviewed
Development of the framework Stocks and flows –Ideally both are required –Involves different implications for measurement as well as user requirements –Stocks involve determining the various factors that indicate high or low levels of social capital –Flows involve measuring the actions that can increase or deplete social capital –Stocks was chosen for the framework development as being more important initially
The Framework Developed Behaviours Giving to strangers Participation in voluntary organisations Participation in informal networks Wider interest in society Community participation Compliance with rules and norms
Dimensions Behaviours Giving to strangers Participation in voluntary organisations Participation in informal networks Wider interest in society Community participation Compliance with rules and norms Measures of the propensity people have to: –give willingly to strangers –give their time to causes Measures of the relationships and interactions with others on an informal basis Measures of who pays attention to what is going on in the world Measure of who takes on responsibilities by complying with rules and by taking responsibility for others
Dimensions Attitudes & Values Beliefs about self Attitudes towards others Trust and reciprocity Attitudes to government and other societal institutions Values and norms Outlook for and confidence in the future Range of possible measures Examples include: –How you view your place? –Whether feel connected to other people? –Whether everyone is of equal value? –Opinion on the nature of social and political activities –Whether you feel safe in your local area? –Trust in Parliament –Attitudes towards caring, co-operating, tolerance and other “social capital related norms –Goals for the future
Dimensions Population Groups Demographic Family Cultural Employment Communication Examples –Sex –Age –Ethnicity –Family type –Ages of children –Birthplace –Religion –Labour force status –Education –Industry –Hours of work –Health/disability status –Language spoken –Geographic isolation
Dimensions Organisations Number Type Size of "membership" Structure Links and networks Mode of operation Examples Number of organisations Service organisations Sports clubs Marae (Meetingplace) Schools Number of members Number of employees Tiers of management Public access routes into organisation Membership of network, association, other Consultation with the community
Suggested Key Indicators Trust –Degree to which other people or institutions are trusted –Degree to which individuals feel they themselves are trusted or valued Civic engagement Voluntary activity Participation Giving Meeting obligations
Suggested Key Indicators By individual activity (what people do; how they behave) –Civic engagement Voting, standing for elections –Voluntary activity Volunteering for others - informal or formal –Participation In sports, arts, culture (club rather than social service activity) –Giving Time, money, blood, information –Meeting obligations Family, cultural, religious obligations, paying taxes
Suggested Key Indicators By opportunities (the presence of institutions that are inducive to the building and use of social capital, ie a social capital rich environment) –Voluntary associations, How many? What type? –Elected boards and committees versus appointed or bureaucratic management –Public meetings – forums for dialogue
Since 2002 Focus shifted to measuring social well-being which is measured in the Social Report by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Example of Social Well-being outcome and indicators Civil and Political Rights DESIRED OUTCOME STATEMENT All people enjoy civil and political rights. Mechanisms to regulate and arbitrate people’s rights in respect of each other are trustworthy. INDICATORS 22. Voter turnout* 23. Representation of women in government* 24. Perceived discrimination 25. Perceived corruption
Contact information Myself Principal Statistician, Social and Population Group Australia –Assistant Director, Family and Community Statistics Section –Director, Family and Community Statistics Section