DO NOW Copy your homework: Bring at least 1-2 pages of your memoir draft to class on Wednesday along with your completed memoir brain storm packet for peer review. Word of the day: Doldrums. Definition: A state or period of stagnation or slump The fourth quarter cannot become doldrums for students; they must still turn in homework and projects to finish the year strong. Take out your copy of letter from Birmingham Jail. Identify at least four total examples of logos, pathos, and ethos on page three.
Analyzing Letter From Birmingham Jail Liscinsky 4/16/2012
AIM/Standards AIM: I will identify how King responds to the claims of the clergymen in letter from Birmingham Jail by collecting and analyzing relevant, specific evidence. Standard(s): RI.9-10.6. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. RI.9-10.9. Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts.
Your Task: Directions: In your group identify how King responds to the clergymen’s claim listed above in Letter from Birmingham Jail. On chart paper your group must have: The claim you are responding to Evidence from the text that shows how King is responding to that claim Analysis of evidence Whether your evidence is an example of logos, pathos, or ethos Is King’s argument effective? Why or why not? You will need to have a minimum of two pieces of evidence in order to receive full credit. Your poster must contain all of the above elements in order to receive full credit. Your group must work together.
Sample Response: King responds to the clergymen’s argument that racial injustice in Birmingham is a local matter; outside interference is inappropriate by arguing, “I, along with several members of my staff am here because I was invited” which shows that King’s presence in Birmingham is necessary because the people feel that the current leaders and officials cannot rectify the problems being faced in Birmingham without outside help.