Class 2 Staple your Contract, Agenda and Work Log in that order. Place in the box with your TA’s name. If your contract is not signed, hand an unsigned one or draft. 1
ASSOCIATES/INTERNS FOR GLOBAL RISK PROVIDER The PRS Group Inc. is a leading global provider of country and political risk forecasts, headquartered in East Syracuse, NY. As part of PRS’ rebranding and expansion process, the firm is looking to recruit two (2) sales and marketing associates/interns for its Syracuse and/or Charleston (South Carolina) offices. The successful candidates will work alongside and under the general supervision of PRS’ Director of Marketing and Sales and report directly to the firm’s CEO. Candidates with a background in international relations, international political economy, and/or business and applied economics will be especially competitive. Responsiblities include marketing, product evaluation, client communication, and client segmentation. Visit the public affairs website for more information and instructions for the application process. 2
Class Agenda Class requirements Fun video with the bad news Introduce Carol Dwyer One Minute Project Descriptions Survey design principles Career Exploration Assignments Introduction to Dale Carnegie 3
Video Interviews with former PAF 315 students Video 4
Two Take-Home Examinations Worth 40 out of 100 points for course Research Methods Paper- 15 points Final Take-Home Paper- 25 points MATERIAL FOR PAPERS COME FROM CLASS DISCUSSIONS AND “IS THAT A FACT?” 5
Is That a Fact? This book contains just about everything you need to know about applied research. Read Chapters 1-4 to help think through your research design. 6
Basic Understanding of Research Constitutes the major portion of your grade: Research Methods Paper --15pts Final Paper –25pts STUDY: Coplin’s Research Rules on the Website. These are rules to live by. 7
Carol Dwyer – Class Consultant on Data Collection Office: 102B Maxwell Hall Who will need help from Carol? Survey Monkey Procedure 8
One Minute Project Description Name of organization Purpose – attitudinal, factual or both Source of Data – survey, records, other What is your data’s case or unit of analysis Problems 9
Surveys Target Population: Everyone in the group being studied Sampling Frame: Everyone contacted for the survey (including those who choose not to participate) Sample: Everyone who provides responses to survey Always get demographics Target Pop. ≥ Sampling Frame ≥ Sample 10
Types of Questions Demographics – describes respondents Attitudinal – likes and dislikes Factual – records experiences 11
On the Word Significance Never use the word “significance” in your Report Significance has a technical meaning, which is that the results are not due to chance at some level, usually 95% 12
Assignments due Next Class Resume Cover Letter The goal of these assignments is to help you with your internship/job search. 13
Resume All 315 students are required to create a resume and submit a cover letter. Your resume MUST BE REVISED BY CAREER SERVICES or you will lose 5 points See Career Services in Suite 235 in Schine for feedback on your resumeCareer Services DUE 1/30 (next week) Lose 5 points if you do not meet this deadline See sample resumes in binder in the PAF Office or on the Career Services website:
Organizing a resume Keep the resume relevant and to one page Make it easy to read Use skill and action words Know your audience Put most important at top BE CONSISTENT 15
Action Word Examples administered allocated analyzed appraised assigned attained audited balanced budgeted calculated chaired clarified collected computed consolidated contracted coordinated critiqued delegated developed diagnosed directed evaluated examined executed extracted 16 forecasted identified improved increased inspected interpreted interviewed investigated managed marketed organized oversaw planned prioritized produced projected recommended researched reviewed scheduled strengthened summarized supervised surveyed systematized
Must include in your resume Experience, skills, education, contact info Other things to include… Course projects Activities Honors/awards Only include RELEVANT information NO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (unless it is something you started in High School and are still doing today) 17
Community Link Report Refer to Community Link Project Report on your resume Example: Research Consultant, PEACE Inc. 18
How to Structure a Cover Letter 1 st para: Get the reader’s attention and establish credibility 2 nd para: Persuade the reader and include specifics 3 rd para: Reiterate your message and offer thanks 19
Dale Carnegie Presentations Each student will present ONE Dale Carnegie speech this semester. Format: 1 minute max State your problem Tell what you did Reveal which Dale Carnegie principle(s) you used State the benefit to you BE PREPARED. You can lose up to 10 points from your total grade for a poor or obviously improvised speech. A prize will be awarded each week for the best speech as voted by the class. 20
Dale Carnegie Next class Lin Han Zachary Reimers Gill Koren Jeannette Hanna Nicole Osborne Ivan Robles Jonathan Lee Timothy Quinn 21
Supervisor Meeting Codebook and Spread Sheet Training 22
Reminders Due next class. Hand in to your TA Supervisor: Resume Cover Letter Copy of Code book Spreadsheet with one case entered with fake data Review the Research Paper due on February 13th so you can collect the information you will need. Your Contracts, Agendas, and Work Logs will be ready for pickup Monday morning. If you don’t pick them up on Monday, you will lose 1 point off your final grade Submit Work Logs at beginning of next class 23