© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Simon Cotterill, Gordon Skelly,


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Presentation transcript:

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Simon Cotterill, Gordon Skelly, Tony McDonald School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Design and integration issues in developing a managed learning environment which is responsive to changing curriculum and policy requirements.

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Overview Introduction / BackgroundIntroduction / Background Features of the MLEFeatures of the MLE Design and IntegrationDesign and Integration Changing Curriculum and Policy RequirementsChanging Curriculum and Policy Requirements Supporting Independent LearningSupporting Independent Learning Future plansFuture plans

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Introduction / Background 8 years service delivery8 years service delivery TLTP3-86 collaborative project -> NLETLTP3-86 collaborative project -> NLE Regional medical school -> MLERegional medical school -> MLE –1,400 students –1,600 contributing staff –Multiple points of entry: Standard 5 year programme Standard 5 year programme Accelerated (4 year) programmeAccelerated (4 year) programme Joint programme with DurhamJoint programme with Durham

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Features of the MLE CMS -> Portal Management SystemCMS -> Portal Management System Outcome based e-GuidesOutcome based e-Guides Learning resourcesLearning resources Library and MIS dataLibrary and MIS data Self-assessmentSelf-assessment Patient based scenariosPatient based scenarios Reflective portfolioReflective portfolio Assessment marksAssessment marks and feedback and feedback Discussion forumsDiscussion forums Course announcementsCourse announcements Course evaluationCourse evaluation Timetable informationTimetable information Curriculum mapCurriculum map

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Design and Integration Design Philosophy Data is only entered once !Data is only entered once ! Ease of use by non-technical admin staffEase of use by non-technical admin staff Devolved content managementDevolved content management Tailored contentTailored content Using robust Open Source solutionsUsing robust Open Source solutions

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Design and Integration #2 Content Management Life-cycle Formatted word documentsFormatted word documents Dissected by a ‘grinder’ XMLDissected by a ‘grinder’ XML –Structure –Content –‘Value-added’ features in the online curriculum Training and SupportTraining and Support Quality AssuranceQuality Assurance

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Institutional MIS data Library data Staff and Student data Learning resources Study guides etc. automated daily update Teachers Create resources automated daily update Students Download resources Communicate Learning Environment Admin Each type of user sees a different ‘portal’ view of the MLE data Requests Services Communications Upload results Gather mgmt. data Curriculum data ‘External’ users e.g. teachers/tutors in NHS Other data sources: -student option selection -portfolio data -assessment data Curriculum Management

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Usage / Evaluation Monitoring usage - informativeMonitoring usage - informative –Eg. 5,100 logins / month –Typical student downloads 2 learning resources / session –94% of students have used self-assessment Responsive to student feedbackResponsive to student feedback Focus GroupsFocus Groups Staff-Student CommitteesStaff-Student Committees Included in regular MBBS QA processesIncluded in regular MBBS QA processes

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Responding to Changing Curriculum and Policy Requirements Changing curriculum: –The only constant is change ! –Functional -> Modula -> Outcomes-based curriculum –NEW entry routes to the Medical programme –Devolved Regional Medical School Changing Professional Requirements –Good Medical Practice, GMC –Tomorrow's doctors. Recommendations on undergraduate medical education. GMC, 2003

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Responding to Changing Curriculum and Policy Requirements #2 HE Policy Requirements Personal Development PlanningPersonal Development Planning –Dearing Report, 1997 –Guidelines for HE Progress Files. QAA, Widening ParticipationWidening Participation AccessibilityAccessibility –Special Educational Needs and Disability Act, 2001.

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Supporting Independent Learning Personal and Professional Development (PPD)Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Online formative self-assessmentOnline formative self-assessment Access to assessment results and feedbackAccess to assessment results and feedback Supplementary learning resourcesSupplementary learning resources Explicit learning outcomesExplicit learning outcomes Electronic portfolios…Electronic portfolios…

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 A collaborative FDTL-4 project: To support a reflective approach to evidencing the attainment of programme outcomes.To support a reflective approach to evidencing the attainment of programme outcomes. –Including outcomes that are not amenable to traditional instruments of assessment. To promote the development of the reflective capabilities of medical students, giving greater responsibility for managing their own learning and preparing for aspects of work-based and lifelong learning.To promote the development of the reflective capabilities of medical students, giving greater responsibility for managing their own learning and preparing for aspects of work-based and lifelong learning. To integrate the ePortfolio into the online curricula / MLETo integrate the ePortfolio into the online curricula / MLE Managed Environments for Portfolio-based Reflective Learning - Integrated Support for Evidencing Outcomes. Managed Environments for Portfolio-based Reflective Learning - Integrated Support for Evidencing Outcomes.

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Managed Environments for Portfolio-based Reflective Learning - Integrated Support for Evidencing Outcomes. Managed Environments for Portfolio-based Reflective Learning - Integrated Support for Evidencing Outcomes. Generic ePortfolio Stand-alone Portfolio framework Customisation: Component selection Outcomes / skills sets Terminology MBBS ePortfolio Integrated into the VLE Piloting in 2003/4: Years 1-2 diary / log-book Year 3 rotation in Child Health Year 4 placements (SSCs) FDTL-4 Newcastle development work:

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Current Research and Evaluation Studies -Questionnaires (before and after using the ePortfolio) change in awareness of intended learning outcomes ?change in awareness of intended learning outcomes ? factors influencing use of the ePortfolio:factors influencing use of the ePortfolio: - Continuing Learning Inventory (Oddi, 1986) - prior reflective practice - attitudes to computers in education - demographic data attitudes and perceptions of using the electronic portfolioattitudes and perceptions of using the electronic portfolio perception of impact of using the electronic portfolioperception of impact of using the electronic portfolio evaluation of technical features and ‘usability’evaluation of technical features and ‘usability’ -Focus groups - Supervisors’ Questionnaire (random sample) 1.Evaluation of an electronic portfolio to facilitate reflective learning in stage 4 medical students during their student selected components. Cotterill SJ, McDonald AM, Bradley P, Robinson R, Hammond GR

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Current Research and Evaluation Studies (cont.) -Focus groups -Questionnaire 2. Evaluation of a Phase I Portfolio/Log Book (paper and electronic versions). Cotterill SJ, Sarma S, McDonald AM, Bradley P 3. Feasibility Study of an Electronic Portfolio to Support Faculty Contract Research Staff (CPD) Cotterill SJ, Heseltine L, Drummond P, McDonald AM -Piloting -Structured telephone interviews

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 The MLE for Medicine at Newcastle: Integration of MLE components Highly adaptive to changing requirements Developed in an ‘Action Research’ like approach Changing emphasis –Content delivery Interactive –Instructional Constructionist Summary

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 MLE: Future Plans Technical RLOsRLOs IVIMEDS – international virtual medical schoolIVIMEDS – international virtual medical school InteroperabilityInteroperability Supporting mobile devices (WAP, PDAs etc)Supporting mobile devices (WAP, PDAs etc) Delivery and Evaluation Integrated service deliveryIntegrated service delivery Introducing more systematic evaluationIntroducing more systematic evaluation

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004 Further Information School of Medical Education Development ePortfolios Gordon Skelly: Simon Cotterill:

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004

© 2004, School of Medical Education Development, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle MLE Network Learning, 2004