Mairead Fleming Deputy Managing Director
Presentation in association with Leitrim County Development Board 5 Ways To Being Job Ready Thursday 3 rd March 2011
5 Ways To Be Job Ready 1.Cover Letter 2.CV Preparation 3.Interview Preparation 4.Competency Based Interviews 5.Using Social Media In Your Job Search
Cover Letter Tailor your cover letter Include your contact details Brief outline of your skills and experience Use same stationery as your CV
CV Preparation Presentation Order of Information Spelling & Grammar Tailored vs Generalist
CV Presentation Black ink on white paper Clear typeface – choose font carefully Bullet points – not essays Same font & stationery as cover letter.
CV - Structure Personal Details – contact Personal Profile –Education –Qualifications –Professional memberships Career History –Reverse Chronological Order –Brief bio of company, job title, responsibilities Interests and Hobbies References
CV - Pitfalls Gaps in CV– always explain Correct dates References – on request or ask permission Spelling and grammar Know your CV inside out Keep skills / qualifications updated
Tailored vs Generalist CV Think about your audience Single generalist CV unlikely to be enough Specific job – specific skills highlighted Research company – highlight relevant experience
Sample of a Bad CV(1)
Sample of a Bad CV (2)
Sample of a Good CV
Sample of a Good CV (2)
Interview Preparation Research company –Location –New products, expansion plans –Via website, industry publications, media Research role –Go through job spec carefully. –Talk to previous employees or people in similar roles Research interviewers –Courtesy –Inside track on interviewing manner –Connection to job ie: HR Manager or Line Manager Dress Code
Interview Pitfalls Prepare sample questions –Become familiar with your own skills / experience –Will come across as knowledgeable / confident Prepare sample answers –Quantifiable information to measure your success against employers’ needs –Show interest in the company Know your CV inside out –Don’t stumble on easy questions Bring all documentation – copies of CVs etc.
Competency Based Interviews Basic premise is that your past performance is the best indicator of your future performance. Examples of what you have done that demonstrate key characteristics of what the employer needs.
Competency Based Categories Organisational awareness Strategic thinking Communications Client focus / client relationship Teamwork Leadership ability Innovation Time management skills
Competency Interview Pitfalls Always have examples ready – how you dealt with situations Relate your answer to real life situations in order to highlight your skills Know how to assess your own skills and give examples of what you have learned from each situation
Using Social Media Twitter
LinkedIn Most professionally orientated site Used by HR professionals Build network of valuable contacts Join Groups –Alumni groups –Professional associations –Industry specific groups Recommend / get recommendations Basic accounts free of charge
Facebook Put up a profile Status update – looking for a job. Be careful what you post –Always stay professional –No criticising bosses / colleagues Source of jobs / leads
Twitter Follow posts of who you’re targeting; companies / individuals Follow your next employer – target a specific company, helps to understand company culture Companies post jobs on Twitter Keep Twitter updates professional