Interuniversity Center for Educational Research and Advanced Training Paolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli European Distance and E-Learning Network Teachers’


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Presentation transcript:

Interuniversity Center for Educational Research and Advanced Training Paolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli European Distance and E-Learning Network Teachers’ Training in the era of access Content, Metadata, and Recognition of Self-learning Activities to Shape an Open Training of Trainers Model Teachers’ Training in the era of access Content, Metadata, and Recognition of Self-learning Activities to Shape an Open Training of Trainers Model

Contents EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli 9/4/20152 Background The role of trainers Open Educational Resources Metadata Research questions OER-UNIVIRTUAL Teachers’ training approach Research design-principles General architecture Repository of metadata resources Process of work: a participatory approach Conclusions Background The role of trainers Open Educational Resources Metadata Research questions OER-UNIVIRTUAL Teachers’ training approach Research design-principles General architecture Repository of metadata resources Process of work: a participatory approach Conclusions

BACKGROUND The role of trainers Teachers must improve ICT and linguistic/intercultural competences to become reflective/research practitioners (Margiotta, 2007; OCDE, 2009) This requires rethinking teachers’ training models with more emphasis in self- learning strategies and use of Web resources 9/4/20153 Information Society challenges put in evidence a lack of competences by the teachers to face this complexity (Hargreaves, 2003; European Commission, 2007) EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

BACKGROUND Open Educational Resources 9/4/20154 Open educational resources includes (Wikipedia, OER definition) Learning contents Tools Implementation resources Open educational resources includes (Wikipedia, OER definition) Learning contents Tools Implementation resources First steps OpenCourseware (MIT, 2001) UNESCO-IIEP FORUM (2002) - coined the term “Open Educational Resources” MIT’s initiative has inspired an increasing number of institutions to join the movement First steps OpenCourseware (MIT, 2001) UNESCO-IIEP FORUM (2002) - coined the term “Open Educational Resources” MIT’s initiative has inspired an increasing number of institutions to join the movement EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

BACKGROUND Metadata METADATA Definition of standards (DC, LOM) for sharing the same metadata in different platforms 9/4/20155 To manage enormous amounts of digital objects creates some problems: How to describe different aspect of a resources? How to classify the resources? How to facilitate the retrieval process? To manage enormous amounts of digital objects creates some problems: How to describe different aspect of a resources? How to classify the resources? How to facilitate the retrieval process? EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

Research questions 9/4/20156 Our training approach get an important benefit from metadata methodologies, especially involving users in giving criteria to define the contents they generate Main questions Do the teachers use open digital contents? Why do the teachers download open contents? How to maintain the interest and motivation about some resources in order to foster the production and sharing? How to facilitate the users to reach communities that will allow to participate in further constructive processes? In which extent is possible to analyze and recognize informal learning occured through interaction with content and with peer? Main questions Do the teachers use open digital contents? Why do the teachers download open contents? How to maintain the interest and motivation about some resources in order to foster the production and sharing? How to facilitate the users to reach communities that will allow to participate in further constructive processes? In which extent is possible to analyze and recognize informal learning occured through interaction with content and with peer? EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

OER-UNIVIRTUAL Teachers’ training approach Open Educational Resources Open Educational Resources Flexible Learning Environments Flexible Learning Environments Being Connected Becoming Author Educational needs Being Informed Being Updated 9/4/20157 Create ShareUse Remix EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

OER-UNIVIRTUAL Research design-principles 9/4/20158 The research design is based upon two convergent strategies: Metadata and classification of open contents for educators Learning Design in virtual/blended learning environments The research design is based upon two convergent strategies: Metadata and classification of open contents for educators Learning Design in virtual/blended learning environments The leading hypothesis is that this approach promotes an active engagement in processes of knowledge building with impact on teachers’ understandings about open education; teachers’ specific competences in recognizing useful content, and in use, re-shape and share them The leading hypothesis is that this approach promotes an active engagement in processes of knowledge building with impact on teachers’ understandings about open education; teachers’ specific competences in recognizing useful content, and in use, re-shape and share them Development of their professional identity as innovative professionals rather than outdated workers EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

OER-UNIVIRTUAL General architecture 9/4/20159 Main components Repository of metadata resources (DSpace) Content Management System (CMS) Learning Management System (LMS) Database containing the data concerning the users of the system Repository Interface OER Portal Main components Repository of metadata resources (DSpace) Content Management System (CMS) Learning Management System (LMS) Database containing the data concerning the users of the system Repository Interface OER Portal Training paths and connections with other users will be suggested based on objects downloaded and user profiles EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

OER-UNIVIRTUAL Repository of metadata resources 9/4/ Three main actors Educators Metadata editors Research & Learning Design Team Metadata application profile CMM (Common Metadata Model) from Share.TEC project LOM + elements that are suitable for the domain of Teacher Education Expose metadata through OAI- PMH protocol Integration of DSpace with CMS and LMS Harvesting of metadata by Share.TEC (european vision of our resources) Three main actors Educators Metadata editors Research & Learning Design Team Metadata application profile CMM (Common Metadata Model) from Share.TEC project LOM + elements that are suitable for the domain of Teacher Education Expose metadata through OAI- PMH protocol Integration of DSpace with CMS and LMS Harvesting of metadata by Share.TEC (european vision of our resources) EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

OER-UNIVIRTUAL Process of work: a participatory approach 9/4/ Deploy and personalization of a metadata repository (DSpace) Selection and organization of a set of digital contents Training of metadata editors Discussion about TEO (Teacher Education Ontology), Share.TEC project Creation of a common understanding about the meaning of each field value to be used to describe a resource (in particular, pedagogical fields) Collect feedback usability problems related to the tool adopted to insert the metadata logic underlying collection Enrichment of the repository (more than 500 metadata records) Deploy and personalization of a metadata repository (DSpace) Selection and organization of a set of digital contents Training of metadata editors Discussion about TEO (Teacher Education Ontology), Share.TEC project Creation of a common understanding about the meaning of each field value to be used to describe a resource (in particular, pedagogical fields) Collect feedback usability problems related to the tool adopted to insert the metadata logic underlying collection Enrichment of the repository (more than 500 metadata records) EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

Conclusions (1) 9/4/ From our experience Not all teachers are prepared to reuse and collaborate with other users in enriching a repositoty of open contents (many of them think that author-producer/reader-user are profiles clearly separated) Teachers, in their practice, are not people that simply download a resource an use it in their classes, but they customize the object and combine it with others resources From our experience Not all teachers are prepared to reuse and collaborate with other users in enriching a repositoty of open contents (many of them think that author-producer/reader-user are profiles clearly separated) Teachers, in their practice, are not people that simply download a resource an use it in their classes, but they customize the object and combine it with others resources Our proposal Introduction of Web tools that guide users both to: - Download ->understanding metadata - Upload->describing their own contents As principles to being aware of the circle use-remix-create-share It is not only important to collect users’ comments about possible applications of a resource, but also in sharing new resources (making visible the circle use-remix-create-share) Our proposal Introduction of Web tools that guide users both to: - Download ->understanding metadata - Upload->describing their own contents As principles to being aware of the circle use-remix-create-share It is not only important to collect users’ comments about possible applications of a resource, but also in sharing new resources (making visible the circle use-remix-create-share) EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

Conclusions (2) 9/4/ The main challenge Generating continuity and motivation in sharing digital resources, extending the perspective of Open Education within the teachers’ practice, as part of a professional change The main challenge Generating continuity and motivation in sharing digital resources, extending the perspective of Open Education within the teachers’ practice, as part of a professional change Training teachers to work with metadata on its own materials as the kernel of good sharing, could be a good strategy to reach the paradigm of Open Education, and quality of OER EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli

Thank you! Any question? 9/4/ EDEN Research WorkshopPaolo Tosato, Juliana Raffaghelli