Personal Research Dashboard: Making the Social Network Paradigm work for Research Dr Laurissa Tokarchuk & Dr Athen Ma
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Social Network Group Dynamics Investigation into existing social networking group structures. −Relationship between group membership and friendship. −Further binders such as topics and interests also being investigated. Other people involved: −Two undergraduate final year projects −Nuffield Bursary Summer Student Placement −Collaboration with Dr Raul Mondragon 2
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Social & Group based Recommendation Investigating novel techniques for: −combining temporal social interaction information with traditional recommendation, personalised within a given social context. −socially driven recommendation to groups. −using information gathered from social network analysis into the recommendation process. Other people involved: −Two RAs (via BTG funding and ESD funding) −4 undergraduate final year project −MSc by Research project 3
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Personalisation in a Mashup Environment Techniques for personalising a mashup: −Design considerations. −Group sandbox creation for research management. −User driven mashup content. Other people involved: −RA (BTG funding) −2 undergraduate final year projects −MEng group project 4
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Related PhD Students Maryam Fatemi (in collaboration with BT): working on the detection of relationships from social media for building service oriented user profiles and the use of those relationships in recommendation. Gabriel Santos: working on visual methods for exploring research space by exploiting techniques such as tag clouds and folksonomies. Ruijie Dong: Resource recommendation via Social information. 5
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Outputs: Grant proposals & Collaboration First Grant Proposal by Dr Tokarchuk on “Social and Temporal Recommendation”. −Incorporates initial work in both recommendation and complexity. −Supported by both BT and Last.FM. Internal ESD funding for research paper recommendation. Collaboration with the Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health Research Group at the University of Surrey. 6
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Further proposals in the area of complexity, recommendation and ubiquitous sensors are currently in preparation. 7 Motivated the formation of : a special interest group looking at social and complex networks. −study group and academic research collaboration.
The Department of ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Dissemination Organisation of a Special Session on Social Networking at NAEC Related publications: −L Tokarchuk, K Shoop and A Ma. (2009). Using co-presence communities to enhance social recommendation. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services. −R Dong, A Ma, and L Tokarchuk. (2009). Digging Friendship: Paper Recommendation in Social Networks. Proceedings of Networking & Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC 2009),