The ABCs of Fahrenheit 451 By. Jason Nagel
is for Alarm Mildred and her friends called in the alarm on Montag after he read the poem to them.
is for Beatty Beatty is the fire chief that Montag later sets on fire.
is for Clarisse Clarisse is the girl that Montag meets at night. Clarisse is the girl that makes Montag start thinking about the meaning of books.
is for “Dover Beach” “Dover Beach” is the name of the poem that Montag reads to the women that gets him in a lot of trouble.
is for Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes is a book from the bible that Montag memorizes and tells Granger.
is for Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature in which books burn. 451 is one of three symbols of the firemen.
is for Guy Montag Guy Montag is the protagonist who burned books but later was chased for saving books.
is for Hound The hound is robot dog that chases people down and injects them with poison.
is for Igniter The igniter is the device in which the firemen used to start the fires. Montag had an igniter with the salamander engraved on it.
is for Jonathan Swift Granger wanted to introduce Montag to Jonathan Swift, the author of the evil political book called Guilliver’s Travels.
is for Kerosene Kerosene is the flammable fluid that Montag used to start the fires and he always smelled of it.
Leisure to digest the information is for Leisure to digest the information The leisure to digest the information is the second quality that books need to be important.
is for Mildred Mildred, Montag’s wife, tells Beatty about the books he was hiding. In the end Mildred leaves Montag and goes to the city.
is for Noble Noble is the president that won the election because of his looks. The women voted for him because he looked better than the other person running for the election.
is for Old man Faber Faber is the ex-English professor that helps Montag. He gave Montag an ear piece so the two of them can communicate when he went and saw Beatty.
is for Portable TV The portable TV is the device Montag used to watch the chase when he was with Granger and the others.
Quality of information is for Quality of information The quality of information is the first of the three qualities that books need to be important.
Right to carry out actions is for Right to carry out actions The right to carry out actions is the third of the three qualities that books need to be important.
is for Salamander The salamander is one of the symbols of the firemen. The salamander is to be able to live in fire.
is for Thousands The thousands of houses and books that Montag burned before he found out the meaning of books.
is for U.C.L.A Granger wanted Montag to meet Dr. Simmons from U.C.L.A. He is a specialist in Ortega y Gasset.
is for V-2 rocket films Granger’s grandfather showed him some V-2 rocket films of an atom-bomb mushroom two hundred miles up.
is for White Clown The White Clown is a TV show that Mildred and her friends watched on her TV walls.
is for Ex-fireman Montag became an ex-fireman when he went from burning books to saving books in the end.
Y couldn’t the people just read the books? is for Y couldn’t the people just read the books? If the people would have read the books in the beginning, the firemen would never have had to burn them.
is for Zipper “The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn.”
The End of the Fahrenheit 451 ABCs