TEAM WORK Training Of Officers University Seventh Day Adventist Church Lemmy Manje Prepared B C Chiyabi, 2003, Revised Lemmy Manje 2007
Is there proper alignment?
What is a Team? Team consists of people with different talents, abilities and expertise (skills) People are a valuable resource of any organization. A manager or leader must create a work environment in order to tap the unlimited creative potential of people
Role of A Team Leader 90% of what we call “management” consists of making it difficult for people to get things done. Peter Drucker, Business Analyst To ‘lead’ is often different from to ‘manage’. The same arguments for terminologies such as ‘Boss’ and ‘Leader’ Leaders have an important role in building teams… Team members equally have an important role in facilitating team spirit
The Value of a Team A team helps people accomplish more than they could working individually. Two people effectively working together as a team can accomplish much more than two individuals working alone. This principle is clearly expressed in Ecclesiastes 4:9-13. As this passage suggests, both the quantity and the quality of work improve when one becomes a part of an effective team Jesus knew and applied this principle consistently He formed a team of 12 men and trained them to carry on His work after His return to heaven Mark 6:7-13 describes Jesus dividing His 12-man team into six 2-man teams and sending them out to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. Why? Because He understood the principle of team dynamics as recorded in Ecclesiastes 4:9 A team allows people to use their gifts, skills and talents more effectively Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and one’s weaknesses tend to reduce the effectiveness of his strengths Jesus modeled the church on this team approach to Christian service. Eph. 4:11-12. This passage points out that individuals have different gifts and strengths. These are to be used to assist one another as the team works at accomplishing the goal – in this case building up the church and bringing it to spiritual maturity
Ingredients of Teams Strengths Gifts (Talents) Weaknesses Ideas Resources Skills
Success Factors of Teams Time Investment Innovation Creativity Team Spirit Strategic Planning Brainstorming Good Leadership
Needs that bring members to Teams The need to use one’s skills and gifts to assist the team’s efforts The need to be accepted by the other team members The need to pursue team goals compatible with personal goals The need to represent people and groups outside the team
Features of a Church Department a budget activities that are essentially unique and non-repetitive use of resources, which may be from different departments & need co-ordinating a single point of responsibility (i.e. the Leader) team roles & relationships that are subject to change depending on the agreed strategies and activities
The Key to Building Productive Teams The team goal or mission is the key to developing and maintaining a productive team The leader plays an important role in ensuring that every team member embraces the team goal or mission The leader should ensure all the members participate in developing strategies and activities to achieve the goal or mission
Positions are simply different roles! Work Hard with Team Spirit The Bottom Line… Positions are simply different roles! Work Hard with Team Spirit