August, 2014 Diane Salter, Vice Provost Teaching and Learning Basics and Beyond Day 2
Recap of Day 1 Overview of Day 2
- changes in thinking about learning spaces / course design - an instructional design model (T5) that provides a framework - the connection to OBASL - how technology can provide interactive features based on pedagogical choices - educational implications – ‘learning time’ / ‘learning space’ -technology supported assessment and Feedback During this session participants will consider:
To foster a ‘deep’ approach to learning and achievement of LO’s Biggs and Tang (2007) suggest a shift: From To Coverage mode Assignment/Task Centred Mode What am I going to teach? What do I want the students to learn? I must cover … They must do… Teaching Tasks Learning Tasks Monologue Dialogue Teach content Engagement with content/class as assess for mastery dialogue/assess for deep learning
Changing the time and space for learning Flexible Learning?
Engaging Faculty With Rethinking Learning and Teaching With Technology
Curriculum as Conversation Knowledge arises from: “ongoing conversations about things that matter, conversations that are themselves embedded within larger traditions of discourse that we have come to value (science, the arts, history, literature, and mathematics, among many others).” (Applebee, 1996, p.3)
Large and Larger…… 50… 100 ….500…..1000… OK – not at KPU!! But what should we know? Are some challenges the same whether large or small class size?
What is Innovation? Doing old things in new ways? Doing new things in new ways? ‘Rethinking’ old and new things to use new tools in new ways? Pedagogy Technology Pedagogy
Key ideas from the Web
Leveraging Web Ideas?
Social Bookmarking Digg.comedtags
Social Repositories
Social Networking
Portals/Repositories/Possibilities Collection, management and sharing of digital assets developed by our community Support of teaching and learning Community center (not just a place to pick up or drop off stuff) Conversation about resources reuse, benefits, pedagogical application
Content resources: - Lecture Notes - Power Points - Syllabus Past Experience with Online Learning Spaces (Delivering ‘Content’) Early use of online: (Why do you think this model was so common?) Problems??
Content resources: - Lecture Notes - Power Points - Syllabus Thinking about Online Course Design. Early thoughts: Problems?? Encourages ‘learning for replication’ vs ‘learning for meaning’
T-5 - a learning-centred instructional design structure where learning outcomes define the framework for a unit of study. - learning tasks and feedback are the primary vehicles for learning. The T5 Model
T5 Model: Components of a learning environment Reuse Ownership - Tasks (learning activities) - Tutoring (feedback) - Teamwork (collaboration) -Topics (course resources) - Tools (resources/social networking/repositories) Learning Outcomes ….. Tasks/feedback ….. Assessment Followed by Reflection – Next iteration
What you want your students to learn: Aims and Learning Outcomes How you want your students to learn: Teaching and Learning Activities aligned with LO How you will judge how well your students have learned: Assessment methods and Standards aligned with LO Model of OBASL T5 Model
What is the relationship of the learning task to the content? Tasks (learning activities) are open questions which students respond by engaging with the content. Content resources to help the student to resolve the task. Encourages ‘learning for meaning’ vs ‘learning for replication’
Outcome-based Approach Intended outcome Content Teaching & Learning Activities Technology? Why? What type? When? Assessment (Consider alignment)
Learning Mapping Provides a framework for considering the course Learning Outcomes and designing appropriate Learning Activities Can be paper based (with templates) and/or With ‘web-based tools’ with online templates
Mapping Unit of Study content Timeline Unit of Study Content (Topic) Activity: - what does the learner do? - what does the teacher do? - what are the deliverables? - what is the feedback? (how deliverable evaluated)
Interaction with: - Content - Peers - Instructor Importance of Interactions Can we harness Web technologies to do more???
In ClassOut of Class What the learner does What the teacher does What the learner does What teacher does FLIPPING Means Changes to:
Challenge: Poor Quality of Essays Task:1 Final Essay Task:2 Task:3 With Feedback to Work in Progress Online support – rubrics, examples, specific tasks
Challenge: Class Prerequisite knowledge varies 800 students
Before deciding on the use of a technology option Consider What types of Learning Activities might be appropriate to help the student achieve the outcome? Audio Visual Presentations Field Trips/guests/panels Demonstration and Practice Small group Discussions Case Studies Interviews Lectures Other Then – consider online options to support student learning ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE REAL OR VIRTUAL
Learning Mapping Activity Flipping your class What will students do prior to attending class? How will this change class time? Will you use technology?
Lunch Panel Your Questions for the Panel
Technology Supported Feeedback
Task Task 1 Students submit Task 2 student completes online tasks/visits a virtual space engages in online discussion … other May be automatically ‘marked’ by online system Student receives online feedback Professor reviews and determines common problems – lecture Deals with students misconceptions – inclass FEEDBACK Prior and/or Post Class Social Collaboration Tools Reflection Tools (ie Portfolio/BLogs/Discussion) How does IN CLASS time change?
Learning Tasks/TutoringAssignments Conference Teamwork Topics & Tools: - lectures - resources - reuse of learning objects Improved View of Online Course Design.
Homework Patterns 2 nd test Final Weeks Time Spent 1 st test Prior to class – Who is working? What does the teacher do? What does the student do?
Task F Homework Patterns Weeks Time Spent A F A Pre Class Tasks
How do we introduce the paradigm shift ?
What activity for what learning space? Electronic access to library resources Brilliant lectures/ responding to misconceptions Flexible communication discussion forums Motivation and socializing Virtual labsPersonal contact Live demonstrations Digitized lecturesLive questions and feedback/
STUDENT APPROACHES TO LEARNING Why is a ‘Deep’ approach important? Surface Approach Intention to reproduce - rote memorise information needed for assessment - failure to distinguish principles from examples - treat tasks as external impositions - focus on discrete elements without integration Deep Approach Intention to understand - meaningfully memorize information for later use - relate new ideas to previous knowledge - relate concepts to everyday experiences - relate evidence to conclusions
Factors Relating to Approaches - Students’ Perceptions If students think the teaching is good goals and standards are clear students get help and advice on how to study subject is well organised then they are likely to be adopting deep approaches to study If students think the assessment is inappropriate workload is inappropriate then they are likely to be adopting surface approaches to their studies. Ramsden, 2003
Ramsden, 1992 SURFACE approaches encouraged by: Assessment methods emphasising recall or the application of trivial; procedural knowledge Assessment methods that create undue anxiety Excessive amount of material in the curriculum (Too much content) Poor or absent feedback on progress Lack of interest in and background knowledge of the subject Previous experiences that encourage such approaches DEEP approaches encouraged by Teaching methods that foster active and long term engagement with the learning tasks Stimulating and considerate teaching - demonstrating the lecturers personal commitment to the subject matter - stresses its meaning and relevance to the students Clearly stated academic expectations and learning outcomes Interest in and background knowledge of the subject matter Previous experiences that encourage such approaches
Overview of the student learning perspective Figure 1: Model of Student Learning Prosser, M. and Trigwell, K. (2001). Understanding learning and teaching: The experience in Higher Education. Philadelphia, USA. The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press. Note: there is not a direct link from course/departmental learning context to achievement of LO’s – rather must consider students’ perception of the context and this Influences their approach to learning
Alignment Outcomes-based Approach Intended outcomes What do we expect our students to be able to do or demonstrate as a result of the learning? Content What specific knowledge, skills, and attitude do they need to learn to achieve the outcomes? Teaching & Learning What are the most appropriate teaching and learning method for helping students to achieve the outcomes? Assessment What methods of assessment are most suitable for measuring students’ attainment of the outcomes? Ensure alignment
Your Plan