Authors: Daniela Kirovska-Simjanoska, SEEU, Macedonia Iva Matasic, Consulio, Croatia
Digitized materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research (OECD: 2007) Each resource is issued under a license that spells out how it can be used The following well known initiatives present important steps toward creating, sharing and reusing open source: ● Open Source Initiative ● Connexions ( ● Open Content Initiative ● MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching, They all offer basic level of openness - “open” means “without cost” but it does not mean “without conditions”
The term Open Educational Resources (OER) was first introduced at a conference hosted by UNESCO in 2000 and was promoted in the context of providing free access to educational resources on a global scale Knowledge should be shared freely for the benefit of the society Resources are not limited to content but comprise three areas: - Learning content: Full courses, courseware, content modules, - Tools: Software to support the development, use, reuse and delivery of learning content, learning management systems - Implementation resources: Intellectual property licenses to promote open publishing of materials
There have been some initiatives to create OER not only in the higher education institutions, but in alternative educational settings as well OER initiatives that function as e-learning centers: The academic community and SRCE (University Computing Center) in Croatia organized the annual EDEN (European Distance E-Learning and Network) conference held in Zagreb in 2014
No OER initiatives in Macedonia for ESP - economic reasons, inability to see the OER potential in facilitating new styles of learning and teaching SEEU uses LIBRI a learning management system created by the IT department The system can be only used by the SEEU students who get their credentials (user name/password) upon registering in their faculty
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Participants – students from the Business Informatics and Computer Sciences groups at SEEU, 15 total, third semester, ESP 1 The objective - to see students’ attitudes towards using LIBRI and ICT in ESP and other courses as well
What is your skill level for the following? Not at all skilled Not very skilled Very skilledExpert 1. Using LIBRI0% 67%33% 2.Presentation Software (PowerPoint) 0% 27%73% 3. Using the Internet to search for information 0% 33%67% 4. Evaluating the reliability of online information 0%27%60%13% What is your opinion for the following statements? Strongly disagree DisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree 1. I get more actively involved in courses that use IT. 0%6%0%60%34% 2. The use of IT in my courses improves my learning. 0% 80%20% 3. I skip classes when materials from course lectures are available online. 0%86%14%0% (Adapted from ECAR, Research study 6, 2009)
3. Are you using the following for any of your courses this semester? Check all that you are using. Spreadsheets (Excel, etc.) – 33% Presentation software (PowerPoint, etc.) – 47 % Social networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) – 27% Instant messaging (Viber, WhatsUp, etc.) – 13% University library website – 27% LIBRI – 80% 4. How often do you use LIBRI? Never – 7% Once a year – 0% Once a semester – 0% Once a week – 26% Several times a week – 47% Daily – 20% 5. Describe your overall experience using LIBRI. Very negative – 0% Negative – 33% Neutral -33% Positive – 14% Very positive – 20%
Conducting a project that will enhance the chances of students being actively involved in the ESP syllabus creating and making the most of e-learning Develop interactive materials using Raptivity ( and its e-learning toolshttp:// Students will develop interactive materials in English language that will be used in class to strengthen and improve their knowledge of ESP for the specific faculty
Raptivity allows you to quickly and easily create learning interactions such as games, simulations, brainteasers, interactive diagrams, virtual worlds and more. You can embed these interactions right into your online courses to improve learner engagement Authentic experiences, feedback, increased interaction and engagement, used for e-learning courses and flipped classrooms Not everything is applicable for ESP but it is up to the teacher to decide what to use
Nearpod rocking lessons, engaging classroomshttp:// Adobe captivate Articulate engage –