Scholarly Project Malignant Hyperthermia Learning Module By Ginger VanDenBerg Ferris State University
Presentation Objectives Discuss Project Goals and Objectives Discuss assessment process to identify project topic Present project topic and supporting literature Present learning strategy and delivery methodology Discuss supporting theory and literature Present evaluation methods and collection
A.D.D.I.E. Assessment/Define/Develop/Implement/Evaluate Identifying a topic or issue for a scholarly project What is missing or needs improvement for perioperative education Assessment of the perioperative orientation material and required annual competency Topic - Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Education
Scholarly Project – MH Goals & Objectives Goal 1: Develop a computer based malignant hyperthermia learning module for GRMC’s perioperative nursing staff. -Review literature & organizational information related to the most up to date healthcare assessment & treatment of MH. -Identify learning objectives, utilizing cognitive development theories and Bloom’s taxonomies for knowledge building -Develop learning module content – addressing assessment, recognition, interventions, and post care for MH. -Coordinate meeting with IS staff to verify computer program compatibility with GRMC’s LMS and discuss timeline for implementation -Conduct literature search and review to identify various evaluation methods -Develop evaluation tools reflecting learner accomplishment and program value
Scholarly Project – MH Goals & Objectives Goal 2: Implement a computer based malignant hyperthermia learning module for GRMC’s perioperative nursing staff. -Verify learning module content and evaluaiton collection within the LMS system. Verify staff assignment with perioperative management -Launch the on-line MH learning module Goal 3: Evaluate the computer-based MH learning module for GRMC’s perioperative nursing staff. -Review evaluation data collected through the LMS, including knowledge evaluation and overall course feedback
A.D.D.I.E. Assessment/Define/Develop/Implement/Evaluate Identified Learning Objectives – Bloom’s Taxotomy Target Audience- Perioperative nursing staff Learning Environment – Computer, Online, Availability Learning Content – Time Constraint for staff engagement
A.D.D.I.E. Assessment/Define/Develop/Implement/Evaluate (Please refer to your handout – powerpoint MH learning module) Conducted literature search – Question ? Appropriate learning theory Identified Constructivist learning theory-Student Centered Teaching strategy-Powerpoint with intermittent quizzes, comprehensive quiz, and case study Delivery method – Online through Genesys Learning Management System
E-Learning and Constructivist Integration of E-learning & Constructivism Educator’s Role Course Effectiveness E-Learning (Technologies utilized as cognitive tools) Enhancing Active Learning Quality of Learning Materials -Usability -Accessibility -Satisfaction Constructivism (A learning theory that encourages building a knowledge base with the learning environment Creating Quality Learning Material Learning Outcomes (Nursing Competency) -Knowledge -Decision-making skills
A.D.D.I.E. Assessment/Define/Develop/Implement/Evaluate Coordinated meeting with key stakeholders -LMS personnel -Periop management Notified periop nursing staff of module availability (not annual required) Confirmed module flow and testing on the LMS.
A.D.D.I.E. Assessment/Define/Develop/Implement/Evaluate Conducted literature review to identify appropriate evaluation methods. Systems Theory = Input, Throughput, Output, Feedback Indentified summative, formative, and Likert scale- evaluation for staff value and content learning Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time- bound (S.M.A.R.T.) = Preceptor/Student evaluation