17th January 2015 Agenda item 6 (part) High Needs – HI and VI Alison Shipley Bob Seaman Schools Forum
The previous reports to Cabinet and forum highlighted the creation of the new sensory impairment team from September Teachers of the deaf and HI teachers will be provided to schools as will mobility assessments, along with resources where the child meets the level of required support as outlined in the descriptors. 1.1 HI and VI review
Where sensory impaired pupils (with either a visual or hearing impairment) are in receipt of the majority of their support from Access Communication Support Workers provided by the centrally managed team, schools will be charged £12,000 per academic year. This cost is therefore, heavily subsidised from centrally held resources. Children who require individual intensive support will be identified by the Sensory team. If the school agree a Worker will be provided by the Sensory service with a charge being made to the school. 1.2 HI and VI review
The staff consultation paper and Appendices A to C are attached showing the current and proposed structures. The formal consultation started on the 3 rd February The consultation will run for 45 days and finish on the 20 th March. We hope to implement the new service from the 1 st September An information paper has gone out to all schools 1.3 HI and VI review