East Grand Rapids Public Schools Special Services Educating and inspiring each student to navigate successfully in a global community.
I have a concern about my child or one of my students. What Happens?
Child Study or Student Assistance Team Process A Problem Solving Process occurs at each school building. The Student Assistance or Child Study Team process includes: Data gathering – info from teachers, parents, test scores, classroom and school observations, etc. Interventions – must try a variety of strategies and interventions and document their effectiveness. Recommendations – can be for further strategies and interventions and/or special education, Section 504, gifted and talented review or assessment.
Special Education Testing Process Disability suspected which requires special education programs/services for student progress in general education. Successively intensive interventions are insufficient for student progress Parent/guardian grants permission for evaluations and provides information for the Evaluation Team Evaluations, observations, information gathering completed Evaluation Team makes a recommendation for special education eligibility
IEP Individualized Education Program IEPT - Individualized Education Program Team reviews recommendation for eligibility and any other information and determines eligibility for services. Eligible students must meet disability eligibility criteria and require special education programs/services. IEP Team develops a plan for the student including appropriate programs, services, accommodations, and goals. IEP team meetings for eligible students are held at least once per calendar year and student plans are reviewed, revised, and updated. Redetermination of eligibility required every 3 years. East Grand Rapids Public Schools follows all State and Federal rules regarding special education eligibility.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cognitive Impairment (CI) Deaf-Blindness (DB) Early Childhood Developmental Delay (ECDD) Emotional Impairment (EI) Hearing Impairment (HI) Learning Disability (LD) * Other Health Impairment (OHI) Physical Impairment (PI) Severe Multiple Impairment (SXI) Speech and Language Impairment (SLI) * Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Visual Impairment (VI) 13 Special Education Disabilities *Most common disabilities in EGR. We have students with all disabilities except DB, SXI, & TBI.
Basic Reading Skills Reading Comprehension Reading Fluency Mathematics Calculation Mathematics Problem Solving Written Expression Listening Comprehension Oral Expression 8 Areas of Learning Disabilities
School Year Fall Count 179 students in district 13 classes - 3 preschool, 4 elementary, 3 Middle School, 3 High School Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, School Social Work, Speech and Language, Teacher Consultant, and Transportation 20 students receive programs/services through cooperative agreements with other districts and KISD Special Education Fast Facts
PRESCHOOL ASSESSMENT East Grand Rapids Public Schools collaborates with Grand Rapids Public Schools for the evaluation and service for children from birth through ending two years of age. For children from about two and one-half to five years (or school age), East Grand Rapids’ Preschool Assessment Team completes evaluations in the Preschool Assessment Center located at the James Morse Administration Center at Woodcliff. Parents are encouraged to call Dawn Beemer, special education and business office assistant, directly, at , about concerns regarding their children of infant, toddler, and preschool age.
For more information Please call or Kathy Wisniewski Director of Special Education School Psychologist East Grand Rapids Public Schools