Comprehensive System of Learning Supports
Outcomes for Today Share how ISBE currently provides support to Illinois district/schools Provide Overview Information Regarding SSOS: – Continuous Improvement Process – CIP Indicator System – District/School System structures Provide Overview Information Regarding Learning Supports: – Comprehensive System of Learning Supports – Content – Specialists Share how ISBE in the future will provide support to Illinois district/schools
What is the Current Structure of the SSoS? ISBE Content Area Experts MathELA Assessment Learning Supports Areas I-B-B I-B-C I-B- D Districts and Schools CPS Districts and Schools Area I-C Districts and Schools Area II Districts and Schools Area III Districts and Schools Area Coordinators Area IV Districts and Schools Area V Districts and Schools Area VI Districts and Schools IPA ISBA Districts and Schools
Continuous Improvement Comprehensive Planning Learning Environment Conditions for Learning Community and Family Educator Quality Professional DevelopmentLeadership Teaching and LearningCurriculumInstructionAssessment 4CATEGORIES4CATEGORIES 8 ELEMENTS8 ELEMENTS
Curriculum & Instruction Governance/ Management
Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum Instruction Governance/ Management Leadership Comprehensive Planning Professional Development Assessment
Curriculum & Instruction Governance/ Management Learning Supports
Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum Instruction Governance/ Management Leadership Learning Supports Comprehensive Planning Professional Development Assessment Conditions for Learning Community and Family Engagement
ELA & Math“ Content Specialists” Data/ Assessment “Content Specialists” Learning Supports’ “Content Specialists”
Comprehensive System of Learning Supports (Systems, Data, & Practices) Promotion Prevention Early Intervention Intensive Interventions
Trauma Informed Classrooms Bullying Prevention PBIS SEL ATOD Wraparound SASS LRE Autism Transition Planning Health Centers Special Education Parent Engagement 21 st Century Poverty Mental Health Military families
Learning Supports
Curriculum & Instruction Governance Management Learning Supports
Illinois State Board of Education Roundtable The Center for School Improvement SSOS Partners Illinois Association of School Boards Illinois Principal Association Illinois Resource Center ISTAC RtI Network Center Director Chief Officer for District Accountability and Oversight comprehensive interventions for the state’s chronically lowest performing districts, which are hereafter referred to as high-priority districts. Staffing TBD Center Manager for Curriculum and Instruction Content Specialist Math ELA Data/Assessment Learning Supports Center Manager for Regional Supports Assistant Directors District Assistance Teams Center Manager for Priority Services Turnaround Specialist Rapid Response Teams Areas I-B-B I-B-C I-B-D I-C CPSAREA IIAREA IIIAREA IVAREA VAREA VI Districts and Schools Districts and Schools Districts and Schools Districts and Schools Districts and Schools Districts and Schools Districts and Schools What is the Future Structure of the SSoS?
Universal Professional Development Provided to all districts/schools once they have met Criteria GOAL of Professional Development: Provide awareness and understanding regarding the development of Effective District/School Improvement Planning What are the infrastructure pieces needed to develop an effective an efficient district/school governance & management system? What are the infrastructure pieces needed to develop an effective and efficient district/school curriculum & instruction system? What are the infrastructure pieces needed to develop an effective and efficient district/school learning supports system? OUTCOME of Professional Development: Teams will identify “First Steps” in their District/School Improvement Planning Process and begin to develop their Action Plans (DIP/SIP) Universal System Principles Prevention focused Team-based, Data-based decision making & problem solving Evidence-based interventions in the least restrictive environment Continuous Progress Monitoring for Continuous Improvement Implementation Integrity
Foundational Services Districts with schools at Star Levels 3, 4, & 5 (80% of Title I Schools) REGIONAL DISTRICT CAPACITY BUILDING Integrate professional development services for districts among ISBE divisions (e.g., DII, ELL, SPED, CTE, etc.) Build district capacity to implement Eight Essential Elements (8 EE’s) across schools through regional initiatives/trainings/guidance/ materials/tools Foundational Services Regional Support Assistant Directors Regional Coaches
Targeted Professional Development (Content specific, identified through needs assessment/data collection) GOAL of Professional Development: Provide content-specific (A-Z Topics) Professional Development to build capacity of administrators and teachers for improved student outcomes Where are the students performing in district/school? Where do we want them to be? What Professional Development for Administrators/Teachers is needed based upon data. OUTCOME of Professional Development: Administrators/Teachers build capacity to effectively lead, teach, provide necessary supports to improve student outcomes. Targeted System Principles Prevention focused Team-based, Data-based decision making & problem solving Targeted Function- based, Evidence-based interventions in the least restrictive environment Continuous Progress Monitoring for Continuous Improvement Implementation Integrity
Intensive, Individualized Professional Development Turnaround/Takeover Districts GOAL of Professional Development: Individualized, intensive programming directly coordinated through ISBE-contracted group. Intensive/ Individualized System Principles Prevention focused Team-based, Data-based decision making & problem solving Targeted Function- based, Evidence-based interventions in the least restrictive environment Continuous Progress Monitoring for Continuous Improvement Implementation Integrity
Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum Instruction Governance/ Management Leadership Learning Supports Comprehensive Planning Professional Development Assessment Conditions for Learning Community and Family Engagement
Focused Direction