Judged According to the Things Written in the Books Volume I Your Book of Faith Your Name Volume I Your Book of Sacrifice Your Name Volume I Your Book of Good Works Your Name Volume I Your Book of Choices Your Name Volume I Your Book of Thankfulness Your Name Volume I Your Book of Relationships Your Name
Volume I Your Book of Sacrifice Your Name Here Volume I Your Book of Faith Your Name Volume I Your Book of Sacrifice Your Name Volume I Your Book of Good Works Your Name Volume I Your Book of Choices Your Name Volume I Your Book of Thankfulness Your Name Volume I Your Book of Relationships Your Name Your Name Here
Convenience 1.The quality of being suitable to one's comfort, purposes, or needs. 2. Personal comfort or advantage. (American Heritage Dictionary)
The distance from my house. The length of the service The time of the service. Does it fit my day? Is there a meal offered? Are their social activities to follow? Is there a choir I can participate in. Is the choir any good? Is there an ATM so I can contribute? Do they have a daycare?
Sacrifice Costs Romans 12:1-2
Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service.”
God Man God =
God Man
Sacrifice Costs Romans 12:1-2 II Samuel 24:18-25 Philippians 3:7-8 Leviticus 5:5-6 Hebrews 10:8-10
Sacrifice Costs Making Necessary Changes Psalm 89:7
ChristianJobFamilyBall TeamPolitics
Christian JobFamilyBall TeamPolitics
Sacrifice Costs Making Necessary Changes Psalm 89:7 Ephesians 6:4 Matthew 10:37-38 Proverbs 6:9-11 I Timothy 5:8
Sacrifice Costs Making Necessary Changes Philippians 2:4 James 4:17 I Timothy 4:8
Sacrifice Costs Making Necessary Changes Ways to Balance Ecclesiastes 9:10 Philippians 2:4 Luke 12:16-21 II Corinthians 6:2 Matthew 6:34 I Peter 5:6-7
Judged According to the Things Written in the Books Volume I Your Book of Faith Your Name Volume I Your Book of Sacrifice Your Name Volume I Your Book of Good Works Your Name Volume I Your Book of Choices Your Name Volume I Your Book of Relationships Your Name