Jefferson City Public Schools
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Special Education English for Speakers of Other Languages Services (ESOL) Reading Recovery and Literacy Coaching 504 Health Services Gifted Evaluations Summer School
Early Childhood Special Education 131 School Aged Students 969 Total 1100 Parent Placed Private School Students 86
Intellectual Disability 89 Emotional Disturbance 21 Orthopedic Impairment 7 Visual Impairment 3 Hearing Impairment 12 Learning Disabilities 212 Other Heath Impaired 229 Deaf and Blind 1 Multiple Disabilities 6 Autism 86 Traumatic Brain Injury 6 YCDD 47 Language Impairment 47 Speech Impairment 203
Inside the regular classroom more than 79%72% Inside the regular classroom 40-79% 8% Inside the regular classroom less than 40%10% Public Separate Day Facility 0% Private Separate Day Facility 0% Homebound/Hospital 1% Private Residential 0% Correctional Facility 0% PPPS 9% State Operated Separate School 0%
School Psychological Examiners 8 Prenger Family Center 1 Preferred Family Health.5 Early Childhood Special Ed.14 Speech/Language Pathologists14.5 Resource Teachers41.5 Occupational Therapists 7.5 Physical Therapists 2.5 Self-contained Special Ed.Teachers 10 VI Teacher 1 OH Teacher 1 Adapted Physical Education 2.5 HI Interpreters 2
PT Assistants 3 Classroom Paraprofessionals 87 ECSE Paraprofessionals 8 Hourly Paraprofessionals 5
Certified staff 5 Non-certified staff12 Number of students served: Public 240 Non-public 0
Teacher Leaders:Mrs. Karen Thom Mrs. Julie Schaefer Number of Reading Recovery/Literacy Coaches 17.5 Reading Recovery and Literacy Coaching
504 Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance from the U.S. Dept. of Education. Under 504, a person with a disability is defined as an individual who: 1.Has a mental or physical impairment that SUBSTANTIALLY limits one or more major life activities; 2.Has a record of such an impairment; or 3.Is regarded as having such impairment. JCPS currently has 191 students receiving services under Section 504.
Health Services Ms. Jeanie Rademan, RN Coordinator 7 registered nurses 10 licensed practical nurses 2 health room aides
EER- Exploration, Enrichment, and Research Elementary (grades 3-5) 117 Parochial 35 and Public 82 Middle School (grades 6-8) 96 TJMS 60 and LCMS 36 Referral Process
Summer School 2013 Summary ECSE44 Pre K-5 enrollment 1140 Middle School enrollment 299 Simonsen and JCHS 622 Total enrollment 2105 Pre-K-grade 8 Remedial Instruction Grade 9-12 Credit (811 half units earned) Most popular courses: Driver’s Ed., PE, and Health
Thorpe Gordon Elementary 71 students in grades 2-4 attended Academic Gains: 71% of students increased SRI Score 81% of students increased Basic Math Skills Attendance: 66% attended at least 80% of the session