University-Enterprise cooperation for knowledge and skill requirements joint definition M. Carbonaro, GISIG, Genova, IT 25 th September 2014 0 - 2014 Open.


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Presentation transcript:

University-Enterprise cooperation for knowledge and skill requirements joint definition M. Carbonaro, GISIG, Genova, IT 25 th September Open Discussion Forum

p Open Discussion Forum Foreword GISIG Association is a University – Enterprise Training partnership founded in 1992 within the former EC COMETT Programme. From more than 20 years we operate at European level for innovation and technology transfer on the GI field, grouping expertise from universities, companies and users to promote and develop joint projects

GISIG Activity lines p Open Discussion Forum Projects and Thematic Networks development

Education and Training Since 1992, for ten years we managed COMETT/Leonardo da Vinci grants for students/new graduates and staff needing practical experience and professional up-dating on geo-spatial technologies and related applications in specific thematic domains. We were pioneer to apply the EUROPASS Certificate to people on mobility. In parallel, we developed since the beginning training courses on GI application technologies. These activities evolved in a strong joint university- enterprise cooperation able to agree on shared definition of skills and competences requirements for new labour market needs in the GI field. p Open Discussion Forum

p Open Discussion Forum LINKVIT Leveraging Inspire Knowledge into Vocational Innovative Training Leonardo da Vinci project Transfer of knowledge strand (IT)

p Open Discussion Forum Project aims LINKVIT deals with “Digital Competence” as defined in the Key competences for Lifelong Learning- A European Framework. Competences in geo-information are crucial in the new European context to be operational in the assignments of the INSPIRE Directive. LINKVIT will aim at creating such competences through a set of training modules developed in different European initiatives.

6 p Open Discussion Forum Project aims LINKVIT aims to provide revised training material to support INSPIRE implementation Start are the business processes supporting INSPIRE implementation To cover the activities within those processes you need certain skills and knowledge Define expert / job profiles for which learning paths are designed

7 p Open Discussion Forum Target groups Already existing learning material is leveraged and reframed to provide end-user oriented modular learning to: Employed people to be re-qualified on new competence required by INSPIRE Postgraduates, for easier access to GI-labour market with a post-degree specialization Professional profiles within public and private sector (technicians and decisions makers)

p Open Discussion Forum Learning Paths How to define the Learning Paths? 1.Take into account the business processes and activities that should be covered... 2.Work from a more generic level towards a more detailed level (if necessary)... 3.Based on the definition of what someone should be able to know and do... 4.To be fine-tuned for each individual when applied in practice...

p Open Discussion Forum INSPIRE processes 4 Business Processes BP1 – Transforming data and metadata BP2 – Creating and managing access mechanisms BP3 – Access, bind and use of spatial data (through services) BP4 – Managing and reporting INSPIRE implementation Job profiles INSPIRE Manager (BP4) INSPIRE Data Expert (BP1) INSPIRE Service Expert (BP2) INSPIRE Service Consumer (BP3)

p Open Discussion Forum Learning path INSPIRE data expert – Assumption 1: no knowledge on data modelling... – Assumption 2: data management tasks in hands of one person Intro Data Specs Intro Data Specs Intro INSPIRE Data Harmonization Data Validation Examples UML XML GML Procedures

p Open Discussion Forum Geographic Information Need to Know (GI-N2K) The GI-N2K project is built around a network of 31 partners ( 25 countries ) from the academic and non – academic sectors and partners from the GI industry (including Shell ), major GI associations and individual experts.31 partners GI-N2K aims to answer the question on how the education and vocational training in the domain of GI S&T can match with the actual job requirements in the job market. The project analyzes the current market demands with regard to the knowledge and skills and compare them with the current training offer in the GI S&T sector. The existing GI S&T Body of Knowledge is being used as a starting point, updated and brought in line with new technological developments, and with the European perspective in mind.The existing GI S&T Body of Knowledge ERASMUS Network

p Open Discussion Forum Geographic Information Need to Know (GI-N2K) GI-N2K builds upon the existing Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (GI S&T BoK) that was developed by the American University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, published in 2006 by the Association of American Geographers. The ‘BoK’ will be updated and brought into line with the new technological developments and the European perspective ( e.g. importance of INSPIRE in Europe).existing Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (GI S&T BoK)INSPIRE The renewed BoK will apply an ontological approach and will take the form of a dynamic e-platform (wiki-based format) including tools to use, explore the BoK, to define curricula, training opportunities and courses and to define job profiles. More info at ERASMUS Network

p Open Discussion Forum Assessment of training needs in the water sector

p Open Discussion Forum Assessment background has been carried out in the first project phase Objectives: to help the identification of the eLEANOR training subjects to validate and further investigate existing training needs of water companies considered in the project to improve the training in the water sector through the optimisation and standardisation of the learning processes and pathways to reflect the main demands of skills by EU Directives (water protection, waste water treatment, water supply, storm water management)

Steps p Open Discussion Forum The vocational training needs assessment covered following steps: Water business survey creation of a lists of Business Processes (BPs) and Job Profiles (JPs), validation of the lists by water professionals, assessment of a level of knowledge for each Job Profile, validation of the levels by water professionals, creation of a matrix mapping the training needs in relation with JPs and BPs.

p Open Discussion Forum Water business survey extension of the water domain is large in order to precise the different BP and the JP that derives from them, a better understanding of the water cycle was studied this understanding helped to choose the water uses to work on

p Open Discussion Forum Asset Management Operation of Plants Geographical Information Works and Interventions Public Service Contract Management Operation of Networks Measurements Water Resources Management Environmental Monitoring Frames of BP 29 BPs within classification of urban water uses was done, by identifying the existing water business processes and jobs profiles Business Process (BP): Collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. Business Processes

p Open Discussion Forum Asset Management Operation of Plants Geographical Information Works and Interventions Public Service Contract Management Operation of Networks Measurements Water Resources Management Environmental Monitoring Asset Management Planning and Design of New Assets and Plants WWTP Management Management of Plant Maintenance DWTP Management Use of GIS Maintenance of GIS Field Interventions in DW/WW Management Incl. Connections Electrom. Maintenance in Plants and PS Sewer Inspection and Sewer Cleaning Field Works in DW/WW Incl. Connections Real Time Network Management DW/WW/SW Water Primary Network Management and Water Balance Water Secondary Network Management Leak Detection Waste Water Network Management Storm Water Network Management Water Resources Management MMR and AMR Reading and Management Automation & Sensors for DW/WW/ENV Lab & QC for DW and WW ENV Monitoring Public Service Contract Management Business Processes

p Open Discussion Forum Drinking Water Projects Technical Support Engineers (TSE) Waste Water Measurements and Laboratory Management ENV and Quality Certification Automation Electromechanics and Pumps Real Time Operations Connection and Site Works Geographical Information Frames of JP 54 JP within classification of urban water uses was done, by identifying the existing water business processes and jobs profiles Job Profile (JP): The outline of the duties and tasked required of and performed by a person for a specific title/job. Job Profiles

p Open Discussion Forum Drinking Water Projects Technical Support Engineers (TSE) Waste Water Measurements and LaboratoryManagement ENV and Quality Certification Automation Electromechanics and Pumps Real Time Operations Connection and Site Works Geographical Information Resource & Env TSE Drinking Water Quality TSE Drinking Water Network TSE Waste Water Treatment TSE Waste Water Network TSE Storm Water TSE Production manager Distribution manager Sewerage manager Customer manager Finance manager HR Manager Logistic manager Commercial Manager Contract Manager Asset Manager Technical Manager Innovation manager Research manager Communication manager Health & safety manager Crisis manager Marketing manager Quality Prevention Env & Processes Network operators DW plant technician and/or operator DW plant supervisor DW plant manager Leak detection technician and/or operator MMR and AMR fitters Meter readers Meter bench specialist Meter park manager Water quality lab technician Head of the lab WWTP technician and/or operator WWTP supervisor WWTP manager Camera operator Network inspection technician Cleaning operator Dispatcher / Control Room Technician Electromechanic Technician Head of maintenance team Automation engineer Instrumentalist Works foreman Field work planner / coordinator / scheduler GIS technician Head of GIS team Samples collectors Remote sensors technician Project technician Project engineer Job Profiles

Matrix creation Rows: Job Profiles Columns: Business Processes p Open Discussion Forum Level of knowledge for each JP

p Open Discussion Forum Business processes and the jobs profiles of the water industry can be related to each other by assessing the importance of each BP in every JP In order to reflect this relation, the matrix was filled in with a scale from 0 to 3, indicating: 0 [not important]: No specific knowledge requested about this BP 1 [intermediate]: Minimal knowledge of the BP (general overview about the BP), but the JP requires a shallow knowledge about this BP 2 [important]: Knowledge of the global BP and activity in parts of the BP 3[very important]: In depth knowledge of the BP core activity of the JP and management of the BP Level of knowledge for each JP

p Open Discussion Forum Embossing the training needs: the knowledge (deep – 3 – very important and global – 2 - important) of certain BP that each job profile has to have DW plant technician and/or operator DWT P Mngt El.- Mech. Mainten. In WWTP, DWTP &PS  Mapping the training needs

p Open Discussion Forum Matrix, mapping the needs [BP in JP]

p Open Discussion Forum Conclusions In the recent years the GI community is promoting several initiatives aimed at identifying the job market needs in terms of knowledge and skills for the new professional profiles arising from new regulatory as well as technological developments in the GI- related fields. Those efforts will hopefully result in university-industry shared definition of competencies in specific professional domain, helping education and vocational training offer to match the actual job requirements, at the same time providing tools for competence certification and validation at EU level.