Think efficiency programme
Slide 2 Background The council embarked on a programme of measures in 2008 principally based on the initial findings and recommendations from the KPMG study during Q3 2007/8 and approved in December The work built on many council inspired efficiency initiatives over the years as part of a long standing commitment and successful track record of continuous improvement in front line service delivery and organisational efficiency. Many initiatives have been introduced over recent years involving new service models, new service channels, underpinned by strong leadership, collaborative working, a skilled and motivated workforce, innovative change management capabilities and deployment of information technologies Local citizen and business needs and expectations continue to rise. Local and regional social and economic conditions on skills and employment, public health, community engagement, personal safety and the environment present unique challenges and opportunities. Such challenges must be seen against a backcloth of diminishing resources and severe budget constraints The ongoing drive then, for ever more efficiency and effectiveness are central to delivering up cashable and non-cashable savings to meeting target savings or redirecting resources to the front line
Slide 3 Programme vision
Slide 4 Benefits and beneficiaries The programme benefits and beneficiaries provide a simple overview of what we can expect from the programme and who it is directed at. These are the simple headlines for the programme; more explicit and measurable outcomes are explained later in the programme document
Slide 5 Benefits and beneficiaries … continued
Slide 6 Emerging design features Mgt. Structures Mgt. Structures Admin- istration Admin- istration Common Functions Common Functions Workforce Mgt. Workforce Mgt. 3 rd Party Relations 3 rd Party Relations Enablers: ICT, HR, Property& Agile working Enablers: ICT, HR, Property& Agile working Customer Services Customer Services
Slide 7 Customer services: Proposed operating model
Slide 8 Administration: Preferred Design Structure
Slide 9 Common functions: Democratic process to be Consistent, consolidated support to lead members Alignment of Scrutiny function Reduction in size of all reports –Reduction in paper used in officer meetings –Reduction in paper used in committee meetings
Slide 10 Common functions: Marketing and communications to be A re-centralisation of this function Consistency of council branding and all outputs Redesign of the tourist information centre and align with customer services principles Realign service provision to allocate dedicated resource to internal communications Centralised Marketing and Communications Team Services include: Corporate Marketing Internal Communications Web Design Creative Services Events Marketing PR FTEsSaving (£000) AS IS : 53 TO BE : 41221
Slide 11 Common functions: Programme & project management to be Consolidated corporate resources A scaleable model All major pieces of work carried out using consistent tools and techniques Consistent support to outstationed officers from a corporate team A gateway process in place to regulate the numbers of programmes and projects undertaken by the corporate team FTEsSaving (£000) AS IS : 53 TO BE : 36557
Slide 12 Common functions: Transactional HR to be Consolidation of transactional officers into a broader support model Special consideration given to the service needs of our schools HR helpdesk to handle the majority of routine transactional enquiries –Opportunity to amalgamate with payroll helpdesk ICT enablement across a wide range of areas –E-recruitment –Employee self service –Manager self service FTEsSaving (£000) AS IS : 53 TO BE : 43217
Slide 13 Common functions :Transactional finance to be Consolidated billing with an increased number of suppliers Introduction of a wide number of self-service electronic transactions Reduction in need for and use of of timesheets FTEsSaving (£000) AS IS : 103 TO BE : 85296
Slide 14 Common functions: Strategy, Policy & Performance Support To Be SR Env CHSC CE CSS CYP Strategy 11.5 fte 1 fte Head of Function plus 0.25 fte senior mgt Total resource – fte Policy 12 fte Performance 33.5 fte In the To Be model there will be a matrix type of relationship between the consolidated team and Directorates / services. The centralised team will need to align resources and expertise to specific directorates / services to ensure that any specialised knowledge meets service specific requirements. Consolidated team is still a flexible pool of resources and whilst a member of the team may have a primary focus in terms of supporting and working with specific Directorates / Services, they will also work across other corporate and service areas to maximise the benefits of this new way of working and to achieve the efficiencies required. Directorates will still have specific responsibility for aspects of strategy, policy and performance work. Directorates retain Accountability and capacity for service specific policy An equivalent of 121.3fte do this across Directorates. This represents posts where less than 30% of time is spent on this and/ or reflects senior manager posts. There are ftes in terms of posts where more than 30% of time is spent on service specific policy. Such resources should be pooled within Directorates to maximise flexibility and efficiency within Directorates Annual Cost of To Be is £2,556,787 FTEsSaving (£000) AS IS : 123 TO BE :
Slide 15 Management structures – target reduction Current running totals 73 posts Principles: 5 overall layers reporting lines:1,5,7,15
Slide 16 3 rd Party relationships to be
Slide 17 Work force management Overtime – management & reduction Training & development –Reduce external venue hire –Reduce external providers –Streamline internal service* Salary sacrifice * see later slide on to be designs
Slide 18 Training Head of Service also manages other related services = managers = specialists = ‘doers’ Business Support Team (5) 2 x SBSA 3 x BSA Managed by Team Leader for Admin on Civic Campus FTEs: 42.1 Cost: £1,392, 754 incl on-costs
Slide 19 High level delivery plan
Slide 20 Financial Savings and HR Implications FunctionAs is (FTE) To be (FTE) Net FTE Reduction By FY Savings £K (pa) By Customer services ,253 Management structures ,795 Common functions - Democratic process - Strategy policy performance - Marketing & communications - Programme & project management - Transactional finance - Transactional HR - Sub-Total , ,694 Administration ,733 WFM: Training and development Total post reduction and staffing saving by £10,949k Procurement saving by £ 5,013k Overtime and venue hire reduction £ 1,183k Total saving by £17,145k
Slide 21 Enablers: HR, Organisational development and training This section outlines the overarching HR and OD policies, practices and tools critical to the successful achievement of the programme. The specific organisational changes are included within the individual plans covered in the programme products section ProductStatus Organisational change policy and practices… this identifies ways in which the people implications will be planned, managed and implemented within our statutory and employee relations framework. It includes arrangements for consultation, displacement, redeployment, retraining etc. Organisational development capacity (OD)… this sets out the proposed future OD function within the overall change management context to support the emerging changes from this and related programmes Workforce Development Plan … this sets out an ongoing process ensuring that the Council has the right number of people in the right places with the right skills to deliver improved or new services. It provides a template for trying to predict the future demand for different types of staff and seeking to match this with supply through recruitment, retention, individual and organisational development. Management development blueprint… this will provide the framework for describing the role and competencies of management layers and as a basis for future training and development Completed and available for use In development as part of the evolving corporate change team – Due for implementation April 09 Draft now developed and in consultation. Due for completion April 09 Draft in development. Due for consultation with OCMT in Mar 09
Slide 22 Enablers: ICT Work-streamOutcomes ICT enablers Customer Services Management Structures Administration Common Functions Workforce Management 3 rd Party Relations Procurement Q-wins Agile Working Develop ‘self service’ automated solutions for a range of ‘stakeholder’, to relieve the engagement with admin, support staff and back office professionals. Implement a number of ‘Tactical’ solutions based on existing processes, policies and systems Bring ‘common’ operational business functions and personnel together to create ‘Economies of Scale’ Provide an environment for an operation shift In customer access in the areas of – Avoidable contact, Channel shift, and Consolidation to corporate centres Provide facilities and solutions for professionals to be more efficient in the way they work and engage with customers directly Provide solutions for the implementation of key strategic principals that ensure the Council Creates an Intelligence-led customer service operation Provide solutions to enable an Intelligence led, proactive, responsive and efficient organisation via the utilisation of an corporate Information repository Information & Knowledge Management : Document and Records Management Web Content Workflow and Business Process Mapping Case Management Document Collaboration Business Intelligence/Knowledge Observatory Employee & Asset Management Management/ Employee Self Service Room Bookings Training / Events management Recruitment / Appraisals Online Remittance / Invoicing Asset Management Customer Services : Transactional Channel review Citizen Self Service portals CRM & Single Customer Accounts Web architecture & middleware integration Technical Infrastructure: Project Serve – Virtualisation Wireless WAN / LAN / Mobile MFD XP – Core Modules phase 2 Shared Service delivery The ICT enablers work-stream is very substantial indeed and lies at the heart of the efficiency improvements. The following graph outlines the work involved. Detailed ICT enabler form part of the individual project delivery plans and a detailed PDD and product catalogue is available from ICT Services
Slide 23 Enablers: Property and agile working The property impacts and agile working opportunities of the programme are key considerations as the individual efficiency measures are rolled out An accommodation strategy has already been devised and agreed with OCMT in 2008 to provide the overarching approach to property design and utilisation which will guide specific solutions as the programme evolves. Similarly, a future overall agile model was agreed in 2008 and pilot initiatives launched as the basis for testing organisational approaches and technology solutions Phase 1 of Agile Working will conclude March 2009 and a conclusions report will be presented to the delivery team. As part of this phase, the team will deliver a combined implementation & benefits model that covers Agile Working and Accommodation factors. As part of planning for Phase 2 covering the delivery programme, each Think Efficiency work- stream will be evaluated via this model, including identifying yield, by the end of March 2009 for reporting in April
Slide 24 Staff development (key training focus for 2009) Management development… reflecting new model Team working (including agile management)… reflecting new structures Communication… to support change agenda Service / business planning… to implement new approach Change Management … to support change programmes Programme, Project management, Risk management… to support change programmes Policy and strategy development … to implement new approach / team Commissioning, procurement and contract management… to implement new approach ICT: use and application of enabling technology solutions… part of rollout of enablers A consolidated programme training plan will be devised for consideration in Quarter 1 09 which will bring the whole training effort, priorities and timings together The following summary sets out the key training focus for 2009 at programme level to support delivery. Detailed training plans will form part of the individual project delivery plans
Slide 25 Any Questions