vs Xora Professional Services - INTERNAL
Definition of Xora Professional Services o Types of Services Provided How to Request Xora Professional Services o Professional Services Request Process o Required Documentation Setting the Customers Expectations o Turn around time o Cost Agenda 2
What is Xora Professional Services Each company has different needs and unique problems to solve. To meet these diverse challenges, the Xora XPS team leverages expertise in both business and mobile technology to deliver highly configurable mobility software solution for your customers. Successful implementations and managing mobility requires an alignment between the company’s mobile strategy and it’s business process. The Xora Professional Services (XPS) team delivers experience in both business and innovative mobile solutions to insure the results your customer’s need. We are pleased to announce that Xora will be offering professional services for you to offer to your customers to insure they are positioned to achieve the ROI that Xora can provide. 3
XPS will be able to provide your customer with the following services: o Custom Reports: A custom report defined by the customer o Custom Symbology (Map Icons): Replace the default map icons in the Xora application with custom images o One Time Data Import / Export: Assistance loading or extracting customer data to/from the system o System Configuration: Setting up the system to best suit the customer’s needs o Integration Assistance: Integration consultation and testing / development assistance o Training / On-Site Assistance: Specialized training or assistance What is Xora’s Professional Services 4
XPS Request Process 5
Requesting XPS o It is the responsibility of the requestor to submit a Professional Services Request (PSR) form to the Pro Servs address ( ) o It is important that the PSR form is completed with the customer’s needs clearly defined. This will assist the XPS team in a more efficient assessment of the customer’s needs. o It is important that requests from a customer be discussed with the XPS team prior to making any commitments to a customer o XPS is available to consult with internal resources prior to any request submission How to Request XPS 6
XPS will receive the request and analyze the defined needs o XPS may contact the Xora individual who submitted the request for more information o XPS will contact the customer within 3 days after receiving the request if more definition is required o If the request is approved, a statement of work (SOW) will be produced and sent to the customer within 3 days of the approval o If the request is outside of XPS offerings, the requestor will be notified by XPS XPS Request 7
XPS will send a Statement of Work (SOW) to the customer o The SOW will be a definition of all the work to be completed by the XPS team o The SOW will contain the start time and estimated time of completion of the defined work o The SOW will contain the costs for the defined work o Once the customer signs and returns the SOW, work will proceed based on the timeline defined in the SOW o If the customer requests revisions to the SOW, a new SOW will be created to reflect the newly requested work (any revision may affect the timeline and cost of the project) XPS SOW 8
Turn around time o Based on the requested services, XPS will provide a time for completion of requested work in accordance with complexity of request and other projects o XPS will work on a case by case basis to insure timely completion of work requested Certain requested tasks may need to be completed prior to deployments Certain requested tasks may need to be completed to “win the deal” Setting the proper expectations will be necessary by the XPS and Sales team to insure the customer is on board No XPS work will be completed without a signed SOW XPS Timeline 9
XPS services will be billed with a fixed quote based on the hours identified in the SOW Xora will invoice the customer with the submission of a signed SOW Requirement – Xora Customer Agreement, Sales Order Form, and a Customer Purchase Order The Xora Customer Agreement, Sales Order Form, Customer Purchase Order and Statement of Work must be submitted to XPS Order and Billing Process 10
XPS - Do’s and Don’ts DO consult with XPS if you are unsure if the customer’s request can be covered by XPS DO work directly with the customer when completing the Professional Services Request (PSR) document DO complete the PSR completely DO insure that your customer has the ability to clearly define all work requested prior to submitting a request DO insure that your customer understands that all requested work MUST be completely defined AND any changes after the SOW has been signed will require a new SOW to be created AND this will incur additional costs and delay the delivery of the completed work DO educate your customer the timeframe for completion will be defined in the SOW and based on complexity of their needs and availability of XPS DO insure that your customer understands the XPS work is billable DO NOT commit to a customer’s request unless you consult with XPS if you unsure about the ability for XPS to perform the work DO NOT submit a PSR without completing on not fully understanding what the customer is requesting DO NOT commit any timeframe for completion to a customer unless approved by XPS DO NOT provide the customer with the perception that XPS can and will do anything requested DO NOT provide the customer with the perception that their project will be an iterative process Do’s Don’ts 11