The University Library. Library User Group
The University Library. Report from the Director of Library Services Research data management update Content strategy update Planning round for 2013/14 IC East/New Engineering building
The University Library. Research data management update Laurian Williamson appointed to RDM Coordinator post: starts 3 June RDM Rose progressingRDM Rose Joint meeting of N8 Library and IT Directors in June University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) workshop on open access to research data held 28 March: presentations online soonUniversity Research Ethics Committee (UREC)
The University Library. Content strategy update General support for approach Minor changes made for clarification Continue to consult via Faculty Strategic Liaison meetings Final draft will go to next meeting of UEB Information Services Sub-Group
The University Library. Library planning statement Top 5 priorities for 2013/14 (and onward to 2016/17) Top 5 Business as usual activities for 2013/14 (and onward to 2016/17) Top 5 Things to change for 2013/14 (and onward to 2016/17)
The University Library. Top 5 priorities for 2013/14 Completion of design work for IC East, including determination of future use of St George’s Library. Inclusion of other estate priorities in capital pipeline post 2015, including IC West first mid-life upgrade 2017, completion of Western Bank Library refurbishment. Full implementation of Alma library management system. Development of support for Open Access, including implementation of RCUK requirements and enhancement of White Rose Research Online, and development of support for research data management, with R&IS and CiCS. Further improvement in student satisfaction, evidenced by NSS, ISB, and qualitative feedback.
The University Library. Top 5 Business as usual activities Content acquisition and delivery. Second year of UEB content budget uplift, ie inflation protection plus additional £200K recurrent uplift (£400K cumulative cf 2011/12). Operation of our five physical sites, providing study space, access to content, and staff support. Penultimate year of Workforce 2015 workforce development plan: focus on talent management and continued efficiency savings. Continued roll-out of Learner Support model for frontline staff. Digitisation of our unique and distinctive collections, including Special Collections and NFA holdings.
The University Library. Top 5 Things to change Address areas of poor departmental performance identified in 2012 Staff Survey. Increase levels of engagement with academic staff in service development. Improve marketing of services. Improve collaboration with other PS departments in areas of shared contribution. Continued effort to reduce complexity and costs in transactional workflows.
The University Library. IC East/New Engineering Building
The University Library. IC East/New Engineering Building Secretary of State will not “call in” SCC planning approval Tenders now being evaluated by EFM Continuing discussions around space allocations and the future of St George’s Library
The University Library. Open Access Heather Thrift, Associate Director
The University Library. RCUK policy All RCUK-funded papers submitted after 1 st April 2013 must be available Open Access Gold OA preferred – Green acceptable subject to satisfactory embargo periods Publication charges can no longer be included in grant applications
The University Library. Stage 1 : BIS transitional funding Library Open Access ‘team’ established Pre-payment or membership accounts set up with specific publishers Small number of APCs paid for individual papers White Rose Research Online enhanced
The University Library. Open Access Team Carmen O’Dell (OA Coordinator) and Jennifer Smith (OA Assistant) Organise payment of APCs on behalf of authors Help with submission of papers to WRRO Provide advocacy and training to faculties/departments Answer enquiries about Open Access Look after the webpages
The University Library. Publishers deals Memberships schemes Royal Society Biomed Central/Springer Open Pre-payment accounts Biomed Central/Springer Open Royal Society of Chemistry Sage Taylor and Francis Wiley
The University Library. Stage 2 : Block grant Majority of the block grant will be spent on the creation of a central University Publication fund to pay APC charges for RCUK authors only Authors need to contact OA team once an article has been accepted Payment will either be deducted automatically from the applicable pre-payment accounts or the OA team will pay the invoice for APCs
The University Library. Future developments Integrate process more closely with myPubs and WRRO Participating in JISC pilot for an OA management system: OAK RCUK review in July 2014 HEFCE consultation for REF post-2014 in process
The University Library. Further information Open Access web pages Open Access RCUK policy SHERPA RoMEO, JULIET and FACT
The University Library. Service Level Agreement Report on service measures to Keith Dean Assistant Director & Head of Corporate Services
The University Library. Any other business Western Bank Library Exhibition Gallery Ends Monday 6 May 2013 Western Bank Library Exhibition Gallery Ends Monday 6 May 2013