Dr. David Cleaves Senior Climate Change Advisor U.S. Department of Agriculture – Forest Service 1 st European Evaluators Network Forum Leuven, Belgium.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. David Cleaves Senior Climate Change Advisor U.S. Department of Agriculture – Forest Service 1 st European Evaluators Network Forum Leuven, Belgium 9-10 February 2012 Using a Scorecard to Incorporate Climate Change in U.S. National Forest System Management Changing Forests…Enduring Values

“To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s forests and grasslands for the benefit of present and future generations” ….. Now under a rapidly changing climate …. Our Mission And Climate Change Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 International Programs  Business Operations  Research & Development  State & Private Forestry  National Forest System Building Climate Change Into: Changing Forests…Enduring Values

National Forests & Grasslands Changing Forests…Enduring Values

How does a large, dispersed agency such as the U.S. Forest Service “operationalize” a national strategy for climate response AND assess and evaluate its progress? Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 Leadership commitment at all levels: National, Regional, and Reporting Unit  Organizational adaptability  Rapid science-to-action cycle  Management systems for multiple stressors/values  Landscape scale coalitions – agency and citizen partners  Balanced performance-based approach: Climate Change Scorecard Critical Elements For Responding To Climate Change Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Climate Change Scorecard Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 A cohesive and balanced framework that would drive action on the ground and with metrics to assess the extent to which climate change was being integrated into practice.  A simple, straightforward assessment tool for agency performance in addressing climate change.  An assessment tool that any resource manager could use to determine progress and to guide learning and resource allocation in his/her unit of responsibility. Why a Scorecard? Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 Performance measurement  Strategic alignment  Integration with existing programs/functions  Consistency vs. regional flexibility balance  Balance across dimensions of response  Unified language and concepts  Framework for learning and diffusing best practices The Scorecard as a Strategic Management System Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 Leadership engagement – Strategic Framework (2008)  Program integration – Climate Change Roadmap (2010)  Design, guidance, and field network development – Release of Scorecard ( )  Preliminary assessment (early 2011)  Baseline assessment (end of 2011)  Annual reporting, learning, adjustment (2011 – 2015) Scorecard Development Journey Changing Forests…Enduring Values

National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Goal for each unit: YES to 7 out of 10 elements by 2015 Climate Change Scorecard Changing Forests…Enduring Values

FY2011 Baseline Scorecard Assessment Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 Training employees to understand the basics of climate change and impacts to the forest.  Partnering with universities and NGOs on climate change research, education, and activities. On the ground, Forests are… Changing Forests…Enduring Values Workshop for using FS climate change tools sponsored by FS Eastern Forest Threat Assessment Center and UNC Asheville National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center. Participants from FS Southern Research Station and Southern Region, National Forests of North Carolina, Southern Group of State Foresters, City of Asheville, UNC Asheville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center and the Nature Conservancy

 Assessing vulnerability at local and regional scales. On the ground, Forests are… Changing Forests…Enduring Values  Adaptation activities: restoring native species and reconnecting habitat.  Monitoring effects of climate change.

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Technical/Policy Needs from FY2011 Baseline Assessment

 Climate Advisor’s Office in Washington HQ – policy and coordination  National network of coordinators – 130+  Science Advisory Group  Senior Executive performance standards  Web-based resource center (  All-employee e-Update  Technical deployment package (focused boosters) Scorecard Support System Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Demand-side  Rapidity of climate impacts – surprises and extreme events  Economic realities – debts, deficits, and slow growth  Public views about the role of government and climate change Side-effects  Climate change’s coupling effect – multiplier of stressors  Shifting horizons and performance expectations Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating - 1 Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Methodological  Linking organizational performance to environmental impacts in a increasingly turbulent environment  Evaluating the marginal impact of climate actions on climate-driven impacts already underway - metrics?  Encouraging and accounting for learning, adjustment, and innovation effects in program evaluation  Accounting for interactions (including conflicts) among internal policies Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating - 2 Changing Forests…Enduring Values

 Cathy Dowd, Natural Resource Specialist, USDA Forest Service  Eric Norland, Climate Change Specialist and National Extension Forester, USDA Forest Service and National Institute of Food and Agriculture Acknowledgements Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Sanford Gifford  Thank you! Changing Forests…Enduring Values