Overview of DOE’s National Weatherization Training and Technical Assistance Plan Holly Ravesloot U.S. Department of Energy February
Plan Objectives Build a better, stronger WAP –Support WAP grantee Recovery Act program implementation –Build on WAP grantee best practices to create national resources that raise the bar across the weatherization network Leverage WAP expertise and training infrastructure to lay the foundation for a national retrofit industry with ready access to a well-trained workforce and opportunities for worker mobility and career pathways 2
Plan Structure Background/Vision Tasks –Projects –Milestones Appendices –Comparison of Training Methodologies –Weatherization Core Competencies –Milestone Summary Chart
Highlights National baseline technical curricula National, technology-enabled training platform Worker certification Training accreditation/trainer certification Training centers, train-the-trainer, peer mentoring Targeted technical assistance New advanced online audit tool New web-based program management capability 4
Plan Details
Task 1: Enhance communications, information exchange, and planning Project 1.1: Streamline communications Project 1.2: Form a DOE/EERE WAP-BTP working group Project 1.3: Conduct weatherization outreach Project 1.4: Form and manage a national advisory committee Expected Outcomes: Significantly upgraded technical web site DOE webinar series for regular communication with WAP network Better coordination between related DOE programs Grantee public outreach events, communications resources/tools for DOE and grantee use Federal advisory committee providing recommendations on key issues related to weatherization and coordination with the national retrofit community 6
Task 2: Develop baseline technical training content and provide traditional training resources Project 2.1: Make available national WAP building science fundamentals Project 2.2: Develop standardized technical training content and traditional technical training materials Expected Outcomes: Analysis of WAP and related programs’ protocols and technologies Weatherization training materials inventory and best practice manuals for multiple climates Standardized, comprehensive technical training content and curricula (installer fundamentals and intermediate, mobile home installer, auditor, crew chief, train-the-trainer, technical monitor/inspector, supplemental modules for multi-family weatherization, heating and cooling systems, etc.) 7
Task 3: Develop and deploy a national platform for weatherization training Project 3.1: Develop and deploy a national platform for weatherization training (NPWT); an enhanced, web-based learning and content management system to manage training records and facilitate access to web-based training (uses content developed in task 2; training includes 3-D simulations and immersive environments) Project 3.2: Provide outreach on the NPWT Project 3.3: Provide training and technical assistance to support the deployment and use of the NPWT Expected Outcomes: National, open-source, virtual learning system that rapidly accelerates the pace and expands the availability of weatherization training An easy-to-use set of tools and services that allows students and trainers to create, use, share, continuously-update, and collaboratively-improve training materials, as well as safely maintain student training records 8
Task 4: Support the creation or expansion of comprehensive weatherization training centers and/or programs Partnerships to expand existing or develop new weatherization training centers or programs that provide accelerated, holistic, standardized, and multi-tiered weatherization training Support regions with the greatest need Provide a combination of classroom, online, and hands-on learning Facilitate partnerships with existing vocational training resources Use the standardized technical training content (task 2) and integrate with the technology-enabled training system developed (task 3) to the greatest extent possible Expected Outcome: Expanded national network of comprehensive weatherization training centers/programs 9
Task 5: Support weatherization train-the-trainer, peer-mentoring, and peer-exchange activities Project 5.1: Deploy train-the-trainer programs Project 5.2: Support peer mentoring and peer exchange Project 5.3: Establish a community of practice among weatherization training providers Expected Outcomes: Expanded network of expert trainers More “informal trainers” who teach through peer mentoring Better opportunities for trainers to learn from each other, share best practices and lessons learned 10
Task 6: Develop national requirements for weatherization certification and accreditation standards Project 6.1: Develop and implement a national weatherization worker certification framework Project 6.2: Develop a national weatherization training accreditation and trainer certification program Expected Outcomes: National weatherization worker certification framework and program in which WAP grantees must meet DOE criteria developed through a collaborative process National database that connects specific state certification requirements to training, allowing for worker mobility via career ladders and lattices National weatherization training accreditation and trainer certification programs that increase transparency of the training market and provide quality assurance to workers 11
Task 7: Provide expert services, technical assistance, and training to directly support the WAP network Project 7.1: Deliver program operations training and technical assistance Project 7.2: Deliver fiscal/procurement training and technical assistance Project 7.3: Provide targeted technical assistance and training Project 7.4: Provide Target Leveraging Assistance and Training Expected Outcomes: WAP programmatic and fiscal/procurement training materials inventory and best practices documents Procurement tool kit that clearly explains requirements and best practices and related technical assistance Expert technical assistance team to help grantees assess needs and provide specialized training that can prevent problems before they occur 12
Task 8: Support WAP grantee-directed pilots that advance the use of state-of-the-art technologies and protocols Project 8.1: Issue open call for projects Project 8.2: Evaluate and incorporate project results into WAP training and activities Expected Outcomes: Evaluation and confirmation of cost-effective weatherization technologies and protocols Web site that documents and broadly shares cost-effective technologies and protocols Mechanism for helping to ensure WAP procedures remain based on sound and state-of-the-art building science 13
Task 9: Conduct comprehensive WAP impact and process evaluations Project 9.1: Complete retrospective evaluation Project 9.2: Complete Recovery Act evaluation Expected Outcome: National, statistically-valid impact evaluations – (1) for , and (2) for the Recovery Act period – that describe the energy savings of weatherized households of different types in different regions as well as the relationship between program procedures, structure, and effectiveness 14
Task 10: Develop and deploy an advanced online energy audit tool Project 10.1: Provide ongoing grantee support of audit protocols Project 10.2: Maintain field versions of NEAT and MHEA Project 10.3: Develop a new online auditing tool Expected Outcomes: An advanced, user-friendly, online audit tool that supports a national database of retrofit measures with related costs and projected energy savings Increased availability and accessibility of WAP data and energy audit results 15
Task 11: Develop and implement a National Online Weatherization Management Information System Project 11.1: Define scope of National Online Weatherization Management Information System Expected Outcomes: A web-based program management system, using the existing WinSAGA/PAGE system as a core component, that covers most WAP work areas, from grantee and financial auditors to program and inventory managers, and from technical inspectors to field staff Increased efficiency and ease of reporting across the WAP network 16
Task 12: Provide for other services required during WAP Recovery Act implementation Project 12.1: Support data acceptance, analysis, and reconciliation Project 12.2: Ensure quick response research/analysis on hot topics Project 12.3: Facilitate program implementation and function Expected Outcomes: Well-coordinated, seamless program operation Rapid response capability 17
Final Plan Location Full plan is available – weatherization/trainin gplan.cfmwww.eere.energy.gov/ weatherization/trainin gplan.cfm 18
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