The Big Picture Spatial Data Relationships 5th DE Community Meeting Penn State Harrisburg January 31, 2001 John Moeller Staff Director, FGDC
Purpose Discuss Relationship of Spatial Data Infrastructure activities Build on existing partnerships and establish new opportunities
Population Growth Washington, DC - Baltimore Issues Affecting Nations & Citizens - Emergency Response Wild Fire Management Happen in Places
Spatial Data Infrastructure Progress Growth in participation and partnerships –Federal - State, Local & Tribal –Associations- Industry & Academia Expansion of NSDI Clearinghouse Nodes Metadata and Data Standards Training Programs Community Support for use of GIS, DSS and Applications International
CURRENT SITUATION Institutionally Separate – Redundant, Costly & Unreliable 7Stove-piped Definitions, Standards, Capital Planning & Funding 7Much data Data Is Not Catalogued, Reused, Reusable or Shared. Tools to Use Data Rebuilt 7Need Common Privacy, Security, Data Quality and Licensing Policies 7Policy and Decision makers ( and others) not effectively using GI technologies and data 7Technology and Data initiatives need better linkage
TRENDS Products Mandates Federal View Closed Solutions Limited Communication Information & Services Incentives Community View Open Geoprocessing Worldwide Reach
Major Activities National Spatial Data Infrastructure - NSDI Global Spatial Data Infrastructure - GSDI Digital Earth - DE Global Disaster Information Network - GDIN International Organization for Standardization - ISO Open GIS Consortium - OGC Global Map
The NSDI n OMB Circular A-16 and EO l Develop and implement spatial data resource for nation l Reduce duplication of effort l Promote effective management by all levels of government l Improve the acquisition, distribution and use of geographic information l Stakeholder collaboration - public private partnerships (State, local, tribal, Pvt, Academic) l Federal leadership provided by the FGDC l GeoData Alliance is developing as National leadership & governance structure
The GSDI n Policies, standards, technologies, human and financial resources n Support collaboration on regional and global issues of importance n Encourage the growth of Spatial Data Infrastructures n Provide mechanisms to link national and regional efforts n Public and private sector participants n Guided by Steering Committee represented by many nations
Digital Earth n Improve application of geodata visualization, decision support & analysis n Accelerate research and development n Focus on community end use applications n Focused research, funding, and collaborative partnerships to resolve gaps and issues n US Digital Earth led by NASA with Interagency Steering Committee n International Digital Earth
GDIN n Focus on sharing disaster information n Improve use of existing and new technologies n Facilitate institutional processes to promote global sharing of disaster information n Improve effectiveness and interoperability of natural and technology information n Foster improved early warning and mitigation n International public/private partnership n Guided by an International Executive Committee
ISO n Promote development of standards worldwide n Facilitate international exchange of goods and services, develop cooperation n TC 211 is responsible for Geographic Information/Geomatics n Standards specify geographic information, methods, tools, and services n 2 Published standards and 27 in development n International Committee for TC211 includes 33 participating nations &19 observers
OGC n Addressing interoperability needs among systems that process georeferenced data n Promotes connection of mainstream computing systems and geoprocessing systems n Develops technology specifications and business process innovations to support widespread use of geodata and services n International membership of public and private entities n Activities guided by multi-national/sector Board of Directors
Global Map n Objective is to help understand global environmental issues in support of Agenda 21 n Developing global scale geographic information through international cooperation (81 countries and areas have participated) n Selected thematic data sets will be provided at 1:1,000,000 scale - Focus is on base data, such as elevation, vegetation, drainage systems, transportation n International Steering Committee provides guidance
Emphasis Areas For Spatial Data Resources Metadata GEOdata Clearinghouse (catalog) Framework Standards Community Applications Outreach and Education Leadership Partnerships
Emphasis Areas GeodataNSDI, GSDI, Global Map, GDIN MetadataNSDI, GSDI, ISO ClearinghouseNSDI, GSDI, OGC FrameworkNSDI, GSDI, Global Map StandardsNSDI, ISO, OGC PartnershipsALL Community ApplicationsDE, GDIN OutreachALL ResourcesALL LeadershipALL
Common Characteristics Each is seeking to expand value of place based information to decision-making Seek to improve geographic information and technologies Build on cooperation/partnership of many individuals and organizations Public and private are each critical to success Call for “interoperability” of data and technology Often involve many of the same organizations Each are addressing pieces of the “Big Picture” Each is guided by a multi-agency or multi-sector committee Each presents opportunities for synergy, leveraging and better coordination of activities
Imagery Elevation Geodetic Control Boundaries Surface Waters Transportation Land Ownership Other Thematic Data Framework/Core Data Access, Sharing, Interoperability and Relationships to Build Once, Use Many Times Soils Economic Biological Landcover Demographic Flood Zones
Spatial Data Infrastructures Regional/Multi-National National Global State, local
Lessons Learned Common Spatial Data Infrastructure improves information access, sharing and use NSDI and GSDI are building blocks to support many activities Availability, quality, and consistency of spatial data still an issue DE, GDIN, Global Map and other activities should use SDIs and help them grow Standards-based technologies and information are key for dynamic application of spatial data on the WWW. FGDC developing data standards for NSDI ISO supports GSDI and SDI work in many nations OGC developing interoperability specifications for geoprocessing technology
Lessons Learned Significant efficiencies can be gained through local, state, federal partnerships Reduce redundant data collection and maintenance Improve quality, lower cost Public Private Partnership models show promise
Future Needs/Opportunities Focus on continued growth of spatial data infrastructures metadata, cataloging, standardization, access and framework (SDI) Focus on place Web Delivered Technologies -Decision Support, Location Based Services,Visualization -G-Government Partnerships -Consortia to pool resources for data collection, maintenance and use (federal, state, local, tribal, private sector) - OMB Initiative -Agreements to enhance flow/transfer of technology, information and ideas -Technology test beds and pilots -Procurements for standards based COTS and NSDI compliance
Future Needs/Opportunities Leadership and Awareness Help policy makers see capabilities for improving decision process Promote interaction of scientist, engineers, program managers, and others to institutionalize policies to better use place based information Increase understanding of opportunities to use geodata and technologies to help tie together many functions of government and business Promote agreement on the alignment of initiatives and determine how each can more fully contribute and avoid duplication Promote awareness and a consistent common “Big Picture”
SDIs supporting user needs Regional/ Multi-national National Global Digital Earth GDIN E-Gov National Atlas Community 2020 Geography Network … many others State, local Standards supporting Infrastructure & Applications NSDI, ISO, OGC User Applications drawing on & supporting SDIs The Big Picture View
Resulting in Better information Better decisions Better operations Better customer service Greater accountability More trust in government & business
To find out more.… Spatial Data Infrastructure / Federal Geographic Data Committee Digital Earth GIS Consortium Organization for Standards Global Disaster Information Network Map