Special Education Training Academy August 13, 2012
The mission of the GCCISD Special Education Department is to support the campuses in order to nurture inclusionary environments, enhance student achievement, and maintain compliant special education programs.
Guiding Question: Is this decision for the benefit of the children? Core Philosophies
The ABC’s of Special Education Daily Tasks and Responsibilities Texas Behavior Support Initiative
It is a meeting of the administrator, teachers and other school staff, the parent, and (sometimes) the student. This committee makes all decisions about the educational program and services for a student that qualifies for special education services. IEP Team decisions affect the child and his or her family forever…
To receive special education services, a student must qualify in a disability category. Disability Categories: Learning Disability Mental Retardation Intellectual Disability Auditory (Hearing) Impairment Autism Emotional Disability Orthopedic Impairment Visual Impairment Deaf-Blind Other Health Impaired Speech Impaired Traumatic Brain Injury
Some students may have difficulties with… Speech and language Motor skills and coordination Understanding and following directions Vision or hearing Answering questions Memory Social skills or behavior Health/personal care
Special Education students whose behavior interferes with their learning or the learning of others require a B ehavior I ntervention P lan or BIP. A BIP identifies the problem behaviors, suggests strategies to change the behaviors, suggests positive consequences to reward the correct behavior as well as negative consequences to decrease the inappropriate behavior. It also states what kinds of documentation will be kept, such as a behavior log or point sheet, and who is responsible for implementing the plan.
Transportation is a Related Service; if the IEP Team determines that the student requires transportation, by law, it cannot be denied.
This means that the Special Education student’s school day (the amount of time he/she is in school) is the same length as students without disabilities. When a student is (regularly) picked up early, or dropped off late, the amount of time he/she is in school has been changed. This violates the amount of time agreed upon by the IEP Team. Because the IEP Team decision falls under federal law, individuals can be held personally responsible for violations.
Medication must be in the current pharmacy prescription bottle labeled with the child’s name. Keep it safe, secure, and confidential ! Ask the parent about side effects so you know what to expect. Report anything unusual to the school staff and to the parent.
Be sensitive to your students and to their parents! You are one of the few professionals working with their child with whom they have daily contact. Notify your teacher/principal about problems or difficult parents Sometimes it’s not WHAT you say but HOW you say it!
Keeping secret information secret Privacy: Student information is confidential An ethical principle that protects the personal information of students The “Need-to-Know” basis guides confidentiality It applies to conversations as well as written information
Don’t talk about a student or the student’s family in front of others, such as the students on the bus. Do be careful when talking about your students: Who else can hear you? Student information (notes, files, etc.) must be kept in a secure location…
Working copies of IEPs must be maintained in a locked or secure setting. Do not leave student information (grades, IEPs, monitoring charts, teacher-parent journals, etc.) laying on desks, tables, or in public view when not in use
It’s the law! People talk, even when you ask them not to! Student and parent rights are protected by law! You can be held liable if you discuss confidential information with outsiders not relevant to the student’s education.
Know the students’ IEP requirements Plan with your classroom teacher o Establish and determine tasks and responsibilities Daily Tasks Weekly Tasks Create a Calendar
Ask for additional training as needed o Training can be provided by the classroom teacher o Requests can be made through the Campus Special Education Services Coordinator
If you have questions about Special Education, ask your teacher(s), your Principal, your Campus Special Education Services Coordinator or the Director of Special Education.
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