Durham – A 21 st Century School! “Techno-rich!” SMARTboard in every room 477 computers available to staff and students! Student response systems in each classroom Integrate technology into everything!
Getting “SMART” Received SMARTboards in Nov/Dec 2007 Up and running January 2008 Training began in November and was ongoing for rest of school year First “fully operational” year Training continues to be provided through staff development.
"Durham MS is a 21st Century school and is always working to find the best ways to use technology for the challenge and support of our students. At present, the staff utilizes the SMART technology product in the classroom. Also, the Blackboard course management system is being utilized by many of our teachers for communication and blended learning activities with students." Technology Programs utilized by our Students here at Durham: MicroSoft Word 2003 MicroSoft Excel 2003 MicroSoft Publisher SMARTnote book SMART Ideas MicroSoft Office Publisher 2003 MicroSoft Power Point Blackboard Windows Movie Maker
Curriculum Programs Durham teachers and staff endeavor to deliver a rigorous and relevant curriculum to all Durham students. Content instruction occurs at all levels and includes small-group instruction, on-level instruction, inclusion classes and advanced content instruction in all core areas. Durham also offers thirteen different Connections classes for students. Content delivery and instruction is based on the Georgia Performance Standards. All teachers collaborate to develop a strong, engaging curriculum. Vertical and horizontal collaboration for specific content takes place on a regular basis.
Professional Learning Communities Durham uses job-embedded professional learning opportunities at the local school level to offer teachers a chance to learn and grow professionally. Since the installment of the 21 st Century Technology into all classrooms, a major focus of professional leaning has been focused on the training necessary to integrate the technology into curriculum. During the first year of implementation, professional development at the school level was focused on “getting to know and use” the boards and responses systems. Keeping current on new software updates and new strategies for integrating technology into instructional delivery continues to be an over-arching professional development goal for the school. In , Durham added additional learning opportunities differentiated to serve the individual needs of the staff. All teachers participated in the school-wide technology sessions. Additionally, teachers were able to choose between the following strands for professional development:: SMART I (for beginning users); SMARTII (for intermediate users); Differentiation in the Classroom; Reading in the Content Area; and Support for At-Risk Students.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) continue for the school year. Again, all teachers will be involved. The strands for this year focus on more vertical and horizontal efforts for the content areas. Vertical teaming with the feeder schools has been expanded from language arts and math areas to include vertical teaming efforts and instruction in the science and social studies content. At the local school level, PLC’s are set up by content areas, including the Connections teachers. The student support personnel (guidance, ISS teacher and the Special Education Lead Teacher) are again focusing on strategies and communication to support at-risk students. The content PLC’s (Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and Seminar teachers) will collaborate vertically and horizontally to develop and implement a more relevant, rigorous curriculum as they explore research-based strategies including vertical teaming, content-specific differentiation, formative and summative assessment and data analysis relevant to the subject being taught. Connections teachers collaborate on the development of classroom strategies and activities that support the school strategic plan goals for improvement in student achievement in math and writing. As they develop new activities, they are also to establish a calendar for when and how these activities are to be implemented into the individual curriculums.
Professional learning takes place through a blended model that includes face-to-face time and on-line activities via delivery and interaction with BlackBoard Online Learning. Professional learning strands are facilitated by the principal and content division leads and supported by the Professional Learning division of the Cobb County School District. Connections teachers collaborate on the development of classroom strategies and activities that support the school strategic plan goals for improvement in student achievement in math and writing. As they develop new activities, they are also to establish a calendar for when and how these activities are to be implemented into the individual curriculums.