1 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Land Registration in Scotland Changing from a Deeds to a Title Registration System
2 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Registers of Scotland Computerization of the registration Process & Integrating with LRMS Land & property registration organisation for Scotland Self-financing Government Agency 1500 staff Offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow Responsible for 16 public registers
3 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Key Registers Register of Sasines (Deeds Register) Land Register
4 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Key Differences Key Differences between the Register of Sasines and the Land Register A register of deeds Not map-based Title established through examination of prior deeds Not guaranteed A register of interests in land Map-based Title derives from the register; simpler, faster conveyancing Guaranteed Register of Sasines (Deeds Register) Land Register
5 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Development of the Land Register
6 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Reasons for Change Inaccuracy and inefficiency of existing narrative descriptions/deed plans Deeds registration did not guarantee validity Time-consuming and complex title checks Title registration would provide definitive title, with reference to a map and with a State guarantee
7 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL The Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979 First county introduced on 6 April 1981 First Registration applications validated by Registers of Scotland Title Sheet created Land and Charge Certificates issued
8 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Land Certificate 4 sections: (1) description & Title Plan (2) proprietor(s) (3) charges (mortgages) (4) burdens Unique Title Number, e.g., GLA 98667
9 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Sporadic versus Systematic Change Main Reasons for sporadic approach: - Cost - No urgent property market pressures - Staffing and training issues - Impact on legal community and customers - Ordnance Survey mapping Systematic registration can be adopted at later date
10 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL The Costs of Change Key costs: staff, training and IT Over 150% increase in staffing levels Full cost recovery still achieved Unit cost reducing with ongoing efficiency improvements
11 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL The Benefits of the Title Registration System
12 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer service A more comprehensive and efficient registration service for the citizens of Scotland Key benefits: - indemnity - accessibility - still public and open to all - more compact data provision, storage and archiving - security Conveyancing process simplified
13 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Information Provision and e-Services Better property market statistics and services Benefits to creditors, valuation experts, investors and to business Supports e-Government initiatives Computerised registers allowed development of more comprehensive services, including mapping element
14 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Examples of Services REGISTERS DIRECT Recent localised house prices via Individual Property Prices Average Property Prices Volumes of Sales Land Values - Bulk Data Customised Reports Spatial Data from Digital Mapping System
15 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Income Registration fees the same Development of information services has boosted income - Registers Direct provides income of over £400,000 per month
16 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Looking to the Future Automated Registration of Title to Land Registration fee review
17 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Potential Benefits in the Indian Context Less land disputes Security for credit, business growth and investment Greater control, e.g. illegal building Service development Monitoring of land markets Tools to support planning and development More cost effective services
Land Administration System – DSM Soft's Capabilities > Expertise > Resource > Value
19 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Scope of Land Administration System Creation of Land Records Management System (LRMS) Computerization of the registration Process & Integrating with LRMS Setting up Land Record Management Centers at Teshil, Sub-Division/District, State Levels Creation of Records Registration Process Management Centers
20 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Creation of Land Records Management System DSM Capability 15 years of international experience Cadastral Mapping / Land Records Mapping for various states in India Experience includes cadastral mapping for Western Europe, USA and Australia Experience in customizing GIS environments to cater to LRMS Computerization of Land Records Digitization of cadastral maps Data conversion of textual records including mutation records / other land attributes data Integration of textural Data Creation of Records
21 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Creation of Land Records Management System DSM Capability Highly capable team to interpret aerial photography and satellite imageries Involved in updating survey and settlement records for various states in India 11 years of international experience Strong consortium with various ground survey companies Survey / Resurvey and updating of the survey and settlement records Pure Ground method using Total Station (TS) and DGPS Hybrid methodology using aerial photography and ground truthing (TS&DGPS) High resolution Satellite Imagery and ground truthing (TS & DGPS) Creation of Records
22 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Computerization of the Registration Process & Integrating with LRMS DSM Capability Over 6 years if experience in developing comprehensive software solutions Integration of different hardware and software components in the solution Development of web based interfaces Provide solutions on both Proprietary and Open Source software systems Integrated Registration and Mutation Process Pre-registration process including calculation of stamp duty, e- stamping, deed preparation using standard templates Registration process including data entry, fingerprinting, photographing, generation of certificate of registration, authorization and delivery Post-registration process including mutation notice generation, mutation verification and authorization Registration Process
23 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Setting up of Land Record Management Centres DSM Capability Tie up with Data Centric Hardware solution providers Tie with High Speed Data Transmission solution providers Integrated Registration and Mutation Process Tehsil, Sub-division/District Computer Centres State Level Data Centre Inter-connectivity among Revenue and registration offices Management Centers
24 STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Why DSM Soft Experience & all round capability to set up comprehensive Land Administration Systems Experienced International consultant having wealth of experience in Land Registration and Land Reforms in developed and developing countries Right blend of Indian experience and resources and international expertise Balanced solutions – requirements and costs No conflict of interests, enabling it to provide optimal software solutions
Questions > Expertise > Resource > Value Dave Sharp Sharp Consultancy
Thank you > Expertise > Resource > Value