1 T HE A NDREW F ILE S YSTEM (AFS) Michael Moeng Summer 2008
2 W HAT IS THAT ? The Andrew File System (AFS) is a location- independent file system. AFS makes it easy for people to work together on the same files, no matter where the files are located. AFS users do not have to know which machine is storing a file. AFS is a distributed file system which make it as easy to access files stored on a remote computer as files stored on the local disk.
3 H AVE ENOUGH, OR YOU WANT MORE ? Think about it like this: AFS is a flash drive that you need not carry whenever you go, instead it’s available to you through the internet. All the files you store on the AFS is available to use online by just connecting to you AFS server. You connect to an AFS server through an AFS client. Client/Server???!!!!!! Each machine here in the lab has an already installed AFS client. How it looks?
4 AFS CLIENT Before that you need to know certain information: Your Pitt account which is also you AFS account AFS will show up like another drive in your “My Computer” or in Windows Explorer, so you have to decide which drive name you want For Setup, refer to the AFS Setup guide.AFS Setup guide