SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION for Enhancing Employability Workshop by MHRD Col. Prof. Dr. G. James Pitchai Vice-Chancellor Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 06 – 07 Dec 2014Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi
NEED FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT The employers face difficulty in finding skilled workforce Japan81% Brazil 71% US 49% India 48% Germany 42% The human capital is high in India along with the highest global unemployment rate. Skill development needs to be integrated into the training and education and should not be isolated.
NEED FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT Employers - graduates are not employable. Innovative and competitive youths are less due to educational system. 75% of the new job opportunities in India are skill-based of which only 25 % percent have employable skills.
TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS Institution Learning focus Protected zone Theory focused Knowledge driven Individual competitiveness Text book oriented Examination focused Individual care Preparing for life Industry Production Efficiency Profitability Team work Rigorous supervision Market driven Technology driven Competitiveness Volatile boundaries Uncertain Markets
CHALLENGES FACED IN IMPROVING SKILLS IN HIGHER EDUCATION Essential Skills Basic life skills Written & Oral Communication Language Skills Semi Skilled Multiple Skills Analytical Thinking Developing Knowledge Skill Sources
INDIA’S SKILL SET IN % of Growth in Agriculture 10 % of Growth in Manufacturin g Sector 11 % of Growth in Services Sector 9% of Economic Growth & Social Development
SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY 1. Statutory department of Extension and Career Guidance – School of Education Teaching, Research and Extension Major Research Projects in Skill Development Areas B.Voc Programme with Rs. 183 lakhs from the UGC Professional Linkage with Industries Entrepreneurship Development with the support of Funding Agencies New Curriculum Construction, Validation of existing curriculum 2. Learning portal Web learning portal supports around 10,000 students for softskill and domain knowledge development.
SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY 3. Center for Collaboration of Industry and Institute (CCII) Working with 43 industries and offering 100+ programmes 5000 persons benefitted, work based learning University controlled assessment and certification 4. University Center for Community Colleges Nine Community Colleges, 900 students benefitted Curriculum standardized, University level exams An autonomous college received grants from UGC 5. Incubation Center BSMED and Incubation Center promotes entrepreneurship among BU students Showcasing research talents, Research findings to industry Problem oriented research with support of Industry experts Industry experts in BoS
Inculcating entrepreneurship among community college students. An initiative by Bharathiar University in collaborating the mission activities to uplift the needy and disadvantaged students. The residual of students who have been successfully placed need a proper care, orientation and concern for their future. As the saying goes that “All roads lead to Rome” it is emphasized that all streams of education should lead to inculcate Entrepreneurship among students. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND COMMUNITY COLLEGES
INTERACTION WITH IT INDUSTRIES – BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY Finishing school Sector specific, tool specific and company specific training programme for a month with the help of company to minimize the training cycle and cost
INTERACTION WITH IT INDUSTRIES – BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY Curriculum development B.Com Business Process Service BBA Business Process Management Under Graduate Programe in Data Analytics Under Graduate programe in Remote Infrastructure Mgt. Diploma and Degree Programs in E-tutoring and E-publishing Faculty training Industry orientation, specific skills in soft and Hard Areas Specific areas of coaching Finance and accounting for business process service, campus to corporate
OUR COMPETENCE Designing Tools for Prior Learning in Work Place Context. Developing and Deploying Assessment Tools in Skill Learning (On-line, Paper- Pencil) Keeping the NSQF. Use of Blended Learning Methods. Conduct of Competency Mapping for various sectors of jobs and Skill Gap Survey. Validation of existing curriculum with Skill focus and Re-designing them keeping the parameters of NSQF. Construction of new curriculum in Business Process Service, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Remote Infrastructure Management, Retail Market Service, Banking and Insurance Business Process Service, Competitive Market Analysis
OUR COMPETENCE Offering Finishing School Programmes with Industry. Implementing NASSCOM/NSDC approved, GBFS Course-well designed and tested in the first phase. Special Training Efforts under Affirmative Action Programmes of companies. Establishment of State wide Virtual Learning Network (VLN) to strengthen Skill Development Initiatives. Relationship Building and working with Sector Skill Councils Design and Delivery of different assessment tools at various levels of learning and joint certification. Internships, Summer Placements in Arts and Science streams – Policies and Practice
WORKING TOGETHER Create Information Campaigns to accept and adopt B.Voc. Programmes and Diplomas in skill areas. Orientation to the senior faculty administrators and other stakeholders regarding NSQF, credit system, workplace assessment, credit transfer, skill bench marks, working with sector skill councils, predicting the change of technology and its impact on up-skilling and re-skilling. The greatest challenges are to pick up new technologies and turn them economic advantage by our education and training. Policy pronouncement, institutional mechanism, adequate financing and inter sector collaboration for skill development efforts.
WORKING TOGETHER State level council of Universities, Employers, Public Institutions on Skills and Create a road map for the next 10 years. Conduct of TOT (Training of the Trainers) for various functional areas. Nurturing talents at various levels to create talent pool, establishing bench marks, virtual learning portals
THANK YOU Col. Prof. Dr. G. James Pitchai Vice-Chancellor Bharathiar University, Coimbatore