TPB Models Development Status Report Presentation to the Travel Forecasting Subcommittee Ron Milone National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) January 23, 2009 tfs_ _modelsDevStatus_cubeCluster5.ppt
Models development status report, 1/23/09 2 Version 2.3 Model Development Activities in motion since last meeting: –2007/8 HH travel survey file cleaned –Updated (~3,700) TAZ system remains under review –Project for improving the TPB’s use of GIS technology to facilitate network development remains in progress –Approaches for reducing Version 2.3 model execution times have been explored
Models development status report, 1/23/09 3 Speeding up model executions Four approaches identified: 1.Faster hardware 2.New traffic assignment solution algorithms under development by Citilabs, Inc. 3.Decrease the number of speed feedback iterations 4.Implementation of distributed processing (DP) capability that currently exists in Cube Voyager
Models development status report, 1/23/09 4 Reducing Speed Feedback Iterations in Version 2.3 Investigation: Pre-existing model outputs summarized by iteration (year: 2030) –VMT by facility type –Total transit trips by trip purpose
Models development status report, 1/23/09 5 Version 2.3 VMT by iteration
Models development status report, 1/23/09 6 Ver.2.3 Transit Trips by Iteration
Models development status report, 1/23/09 7 Conclusions based on iteration summaries Global metrics summaries indicate that results of iteration 3-4 are not substantially different than those of iteration 6 Finer detail iteration summaries should be analyzed (e.g., screenline, link level, possibly i/j level)
Models development status report, 1/23/09 8 Implementing Distributed Processing Current hardware/software specifications used by TPB Preliminary DP work: Identifying the most time-consuming modeling steps Overview & key points regarding the deployment of DP with Cube Voyager (a.k.a. Cube Cluster) Experience gained by TPB thus far
Models development status report, 1/23/09 9 Travel model server specifications Hardware (cogtms002) –High-end workstation (not a true server) –Two CPUs, each with four cores = 8 cores Intel Xeon X5365; Chip speed: 3.0 GHz System bus: 1,333 MHz; L2 Cache: 8 MB per CPU –Memory: 4 GB RAM –Hard drive: 2.27 TB direct-attach storage array Software –Server operating system, so that the computer can operate like a server (Windows Server 2003) –Citilabs Cube Base 5.0.2; Citilabs Cube Voyager Note: We have moved from TP to Voyager for the Ver. 2.3 model Server (cogtms002) is shared by 4-6 modelers
Models development status report, 1/23/09 10 Cube Cluster: Preliminary work Identify the most time-consuming modeling steps (Ver. 2.3 model) Model execution time by iteration (cogtms002)
Models development status report, 1/23/09 11 Cube Cluster: Preliminary work Model execution time by modeling step (iteration 6) Minutes Model Step
Models development status report, 1/23/09 12 Cube Cluster: Overview Spread the computing load across –Multiple computers connected via a LAN; –Multiple CPUs within one computer, or multiple cores within a CPU or a set of CPUs in a computer (the current approach being tested by TPB staff); or –Both Each processor or core is referred to as a “node” There is generally a main process and one or more sub- processes Cube Cluster works with Voyager, not with TP+ Two flavors of distributed processing in Voyager –Intra-step distributed processing (IDP) –Multi-step distributed processing (MDP)
Models development status report, 1/23/09 13 Cube Cluster: Overview Intra-step distributed processing (IDP) –IDP breaks up zone-based processing of vectors or matrices into zone groups that can be processed concurrently on multiple computing nodes –Works for only two modules: MATRIX, HIGHWAY Multi-step distributed processing (MDP) –More general than IDP –Can be used to break up processing conducted by any module in Voyager, as well as any user-written program (e.g., Fortran) –Caveat: the distributed blocks and the mainline process must be logically independent of each other. For example, you cannot run path skimming procedures before you update the speeds on the network that will be skimmed. However, you can assign peak and off-peak networks concurrently in most models, since these steps are generally independent of each other.
Models development status report, 1/23/09 14 Cube Cluster: Key points Because of the zone-independent requirement on IDP and the step- independent requirement on MDP –it requires careful planning and setup by the user to implement DP Cube Cluster has limited error-handling capabilities –It uses a file-based signaling method to communicate between the main process and the sub-process(es) –If a sub-process crashes, the main process will wait indefinitely –Best to use DP on a model that has been cleaned of syntax errors In general, DP works well for computationally intensive applications (e.g. doing hundreds of matrix computations for each zone in a mode choice step), but will result in less time savings for disk intensive procedures (e.g. combing 3 matrix files into one matrix file)
Models development status report, 1/23/09 15 Cube Cluster: TPB experience AECOM did some work in this area, while under contract with us –Work is undocumented, but we have reviewed some of their work –Lesson: Things can get complicated TPB staff –Tested IDP (for MATRIX and HIGHWAY) on the highway assignment step, since this is the most time-consuming step
Models development status report, 1/23/09 16 Cube Cluster: TPB experience Adding code for DP Global control of DP options (in your script): –DISTRIBUTE INTRASTEP=T MULTISTEP=F Initiate IDP of the current MATRIX or HIGHWAY step (in your script): –DistributeINTRASTEP ProcessID='mwcog', ProcessList=1-4 Open up one or more cluster nodes –Interactively: Cube Base > Utilities > Cluster Node Management –Command line Voyager –start Voyager.exe mwcog1.script /wait -Pvoya Cluster utility –start Cluster [ProcID] [ProcList] [Start/Close/List] [Exit] These commands would generally be in the batch file used to launch your script. Up to now, we have used the interactive approach and the Voyager command.
Models development status report, 1/23/09 17 Cube Cluster: TPB experience Highway assignment: Running IDP with 3-4 sub-processes results in a 50% time savings 83 minutes should now take about 42 min. Time savings –42 x 7 = 294 min (4.9 hours) –So 18.5 hours becomes 13.6 hours (25% savings)
Models development status report, 1/23/09 18 Conclusions Running time can be reduced by: –Reducing the number of speed feedback steps –Implementing DP –New hardware (?): We need to use benchmarks to assess speed, not simply the rated speed of the CPU in GHz Future steps –Optimizing the use of IDP and/or MDP in executing traffic assignment and other steps (mode choice and transit fare building) –Investigate improved traffic assignment algorithms These methods reach a higher level of convergence using a smaller number of iterations, so they have the potential to save us time