TALENT Initial Training Network ATLAB Annual Assembly EDUSAFE ITN and TALENT ITN joint technology workshop February 18 th 2013 Didier Ferrere
TALENT MC ITN Marie Curie Initial Training Network is in the context of the ATLAS Tracker Upgrade program Aims at career development of early stage researchers in the field of instrumentation for radiation detection. Pilots the development, the construction and up to the operation of a new precision pixel detector for the ATLAS experiment, the Insertable B-Layer detector (IBL), and for future precision tracking detectors. 2
TALENT Project 3 Project Duration January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2015 Project Duration January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2015 Network Funding Euro 4.5 million European Commission, FP7 Marie Curie Action Network Funding Euro 4.5 million European Commission, FP7 Marie Curie Action Fellow Positions 15 early stage researchers with a fellowship of 3 years 2 experienced researchers with a fellowship of 2 years Applied physics – Electronics – Mechanical engineering – Software engineering – Economics Fellow Positions 15 early stage researchers with a fellowship of 3 years 2 experienced researchers with a fellowship of 2 years Applied physics – Electronics – Mechanical engineering – Software engineering – Economics
TALENT Technologies New technical solutions are required to upgrade or construct new infrastructures and detectors for the LHC experiments. Running the research facilities at increased intensity levels pose a need to significantly improve the detector technologies mainly due to the significant increased of the radiation level and of the data volume. New technical solutions are required to upgrade or construct new infrastructures and detectors for the LHC experiments. Running the research facilities at increased intensity levels pose a need to significantly improve the detector technologies mainly due to the significant increased of the radiation level and of the data volume. Answering these challenges require vigorous collaboration between industry and research on: Radiation-hard precision pixel sensors (WP2) Radiation-hard high-density electronics and interconnection technologies (WP3) New mechanical integration methods for light-weight support and cooling systems (WP4) Detector performance and system integration (WP5) TALENT has a special focus on dissemination, knowledge transfer and external research funding (WP6) Answering these challenges require vigorous collaboration between industry and research on: Radiation-hard precision pixel sensors (WP2) Radiation-hard high-density electronics and interconnection technologies (WP3) New mechanical integration methods for light-weight support and cooling systems (WP4) Detector performance and system integration (WP5) TALENT has a special focus on dissemination, knowledge transfer and external research funding (WP6) 4
WP2: Precision Sensors Optimal design reached for IBL, while optimization is required for Upgrade 3 sensor technologies under production: silicon planar, silicon 3D and CVD diamonds Rooms for further development Measure charge collection properties Investigate radiation hardness Study designs for pixel detectors and beam monitors planar 3D 5
WP3: Electronics and Interconnection New data transmission and off-detector readout system Qualification and system testing of readout and powering systems Research in 3D integration methods TSV (Through Silicon Vias) for future high-density pixel detectors New powering schemes for future trackers Integrated and simplified detector to FE interconnection – HV-CMOS PMOS NMOS p-substrate Depletion zone Potential energy (e-) deep n-well ~15µm Drift HV-CMOS 6
WP4: Mechanics and Cooling Design of light weight stiff composite structures for detector support Qualification of materials Measurements of thermo-mechanical properties on support prototypes Design and construction of high- efficiency CO2 cooling system Common CAD software procedures for integration 7
WP 5: System integration Types – Design and construction of prototypes for the IBL detector integration – qualification of thermal and mechanical properties Signal processing software – Development and optimization of signal processing software Integration of modules on staves – Integration of modules on staves and qualification of staves Integration of staves – Integration of staves to the full detector system and detector commissioning Overall IBL performance characterization 8
WP 6: Knowledge Exchange Study current technology needs in ATLAS Create map of external R&D funding instruments Benchmark available knowledge and technology transfer methods Stimulate knowledge exchange with industrial partners Business study to find industrial applications 9
Organization of training Researchers recruited by Partners – ESRs for 36 months and ERs for 24 months High quality independent research projects – Each researcher is assigned to an individual research project – ESRs are enrolled in PhD programs within academic partners – Secondments from industry to academia and vice versa – Both S&T and complementary skill training to researchers Events – Network organizes workshops, summer schools, joint training courses 10
Industry-Academia cooperation Enhanced knowledge exchange between academia and industry working in the field of particle detection Great potential to long-term intersectoral R&D collaborations within the network but also with actors outside the network 11
Technology transfer Increases the R&D efficiency – new technical solutions for future scientific infrastructures and industrial applications New innovative solutions – for fields such as medicine, cancer therapy, aeronautics etc. TALENT R&D outcomes have market potential – Outcomes of the research can be exploited outside the project as well -radiation sensors -integrated electronics -light-weight mechanical structures -CO2 cooling 12
Network Research facilities, Universities, Industrial partners CERN, Switzerland Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, Germany Wirtschafts Universität Wien, Austria NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Universität Bonn, Germany Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH, Germany Atostek Oy, Finland Université de Genève,Switzerland University of Oslo, Norway IBA Dosimetry GmbH, Germany Institute de Fisica d’Altes Energies, Spain Composite Design SA, Switzerland Bgator Oy, Finland Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Spain CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH, Austria A.D.A.M SA, Switzerland CPPM Marseille, France 13
TALENT Researchers WP 2: Sensors ESR1 – Arno Kompatscher (CiS) ESR2 – Viacheslav Filimonov (Bonn) ESR3 – Matevz Cerv (CERN) WP 3: Electronics ESR4 – recruitment in process (Wuppertal) ESR5 – recruitment in process (Bonn) ESR6 – recruitment in process (Fraunhofer) WP 4: Mechanics ESR7 – Koral Toptop (Nikhef) ESR8 – Mukundan Srinivasan (Wuppertal) ESR9 – Afroditi Koutoulaki (Nikhef) ER1 – Augusto Sciuccati (UNIGE) WP 5: Integration ESR10 – Simon Feigl (CERN) ESR11 – Antonio Miucci (UNIGE) ER2 – Rafael Tedin Alvarez (Atostek) ESR12 – Laura Franconi (UiO) ESR13 – Sonia Fernandez Perez (CERN) WP6: Entrepreneurship ESR14 – Vesna Babaja (WU-Wien) ESR15 – Manuel Burger (WU-Wien) 14
Thank you for your attention!