Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Flood information for businesses
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities.
The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) is a coalition of the major national voluntary organizations in the United States that have made disaster-related work a priority. National VOAD member agencies provide skilled direct services along the continuum from disaster prevention and preparation to response, recovery, and mitigation. wikipedia
Disaster EBs
Emergency preparedness is not only for Californians, Midwesterners and Gulf Coast residents. Most communities may be impacted by several types of hazards during a lifetime. Americans also travel more than ever before to areas with different hazard risks than at home.
Knowing what to do before, during and after an emergency is a critical part of being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count. Use: ready.gov/business to learn about potential emergencies that can happen and how to prepare for and respond to them.
Plans Safety of people, records, technology Sample business emergency plan library/assets/documents/89544
Why now The flood plain for downtown businesses has changed in the past 2 years ,16z/data=!4m5!2m4!3m3!1schamb er+of+commerce!2sTunkhannock,+PA+18657!3s 0x89c5307a38232a0d:0xb40d144078cc8bff
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Wyoming County VOAD Meets the 4 th Tuesday of the EMA building(usually) Provides some training - group, individual Shares information Establishing a list of who can do what when there is a declared emergency
Free Spontaneous, Unaffiliated Volunteer Training and Exercise. Points of Light is offering two free online opportunities to help your organizations, agencies, and volunteers better prepare themselves to respond to disasters of any size. The first one is Management of Spontaneous, Unaffiliated Volunteers Training In partnership with Volunteer Florida. May 27, 2015, 2:00- 4:00pm ET. Nearly every disaster evokes an outpouring of individuals wanting to be involved in response and relief activities. These individuals, although well-intentioned, are rarely trained, experienced, or certified in any official disaster response function, and therefore can often add to the already overtaxed resources available to assist the impacted community. This online training will help organizations with an interest or responsibility in handling these “spontaneous” volunteers do so efficiently and effectively. To reserve a spot in this training, please register at:
Operation Volunteer Placement: A Volunteer Reception Center Exercise - June 16, Operation Volunteer Placement allows agencies and organizations tasked with the coordination of spontaneous volunteers during a disaster to exercise their plan in a web-based simulation. Participants work together as a unified team in establishing, managing and demobilizing a Volunteer Reception Center. This exercise is intended for group interaction and should include local partners involved in the management of disaster volunteers, including EMAs and sister government agencies, VOADs, and other nonprofits. This exercise is self- paced and can be accessed between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET. It lasts between 90 minutes and three hours, depending on group interaction. NOTE: While intended for group interaction, each participant should individually register to ensure receipt of post-exercise certificate of participation. For additional information and to register, visit: group.com/project/vrc.htmlwww.drc- group.com/project/vrc.html
Fact Sheets These are printable, interactive versions of the Program 101 tabs for each of the programs offered by USDA Rural Development. Filter by: Business & Industry Loan Guarantees Community Connnect Broadband Grant Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Community Facilities Loan Guarantee Delta Health Care Services Grant Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grants Farm Bill Broadband Loans & Loan Guarantees Farm Labor Housing Direct Loans & Grants Intermediary Relending Program Multi Family Housing Loan Guarantees Multi-Family Housing Direct Loans Rural Business Development Grants Rural Energy for America Program - Energy Audits & Renewable Development Rural Energy for America Program - Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Single Family Home Loan Guarantees Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants Water & Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees Water & Waste Disposal Loans & Grants
Factsheets Answers to Question about the National Flood Insurance Program Discovery Brochure FloodSmart Factsheet Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs Hazus-MH: Estimating Potential Losses from Disasters Mitigation Planning Mitigation's Value to Society: Building Stronger and Safer National Flood Hazard Layer New Regulatory Flood Products NFIP Community Rating System What You Need to Know about Federal Disaster Assistance and National Flood Insurance What is RiskMAP? Answers to Question about the National Flood Insurance Program Discovery Brochure FloodSmart Factsheet Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs Hazus-MH: Estimating Potential Losses from Disasters Mitigation Planning Mitigation's Value to Society: Building Stronger and Safer National Flood Hazard Layer New Regulatory Flood Products NFIP Community Rating System What You Need to Know about Federal Disaster Assistance and National Flood Insurance What is RiskMAP?
Plans NEEDS GOING FORWARD What would you miss the most? Flood insurance for homeowners/businesses SBA disaster loans HURRICANE SEASON STARTS JUNE 1!!
Regarding U.S. Small Business Administration disaster loans: structure/loans-grants/small-business- loans/disaster-loanshttps:// structure/loans-grants/small-business- loans/disaster-loans. There are five fact sheets: structure/loans-grants/small-business- loans/disaster-loans/disaster-loans-fact- sheetshttps:// structure/loans-grants/small-business- loans/disaster-loans/disaster-loans-fact- sheets. They are actually webpages but they print off onto one double-sided sheet. One fact sheet is specifically related to business assistance.
Flood Risk Meetings Dear Stakeholder: Thank you for your participation in FEMA’s recent Discovery process for the Lower Susquehanna - Swatara Watershed. Discovery meetings were held on April 7 and 8, 2015 in Carlisle, Harrisburg, and Pottsville Pennsylvania. This process was an important first step in helping FEMA, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, county and local governments, and other stakeholders assess flood risk in the watershed in order to take action to increase resilience from flooding. The draft Discovery report, maps, and meeting minutes are available for public use at the following websitehttp://riskmap3.com/resources under the Discovery sections near the bottom of the web page. The final versions will be posted over the next several months. The Discovery Process is the beginning of a FEMA Risk MAP project in the Lower Susquehanna - Swatara Watershed. General information about the FEMA Risk MAP program can be found at: mapping-assessment-and-planning-risk-map. mapping-assessment-and-planning-risk-map Based on information obtained from you and other stakeholders at the Discovery meetings, FEMA has funded improvements to existing flood studies and also Risk MAP products such as flood depth grids throughout the watershed. These products will be produced over the next few years, as funding allows. During this time frame, FEMA would like to continue the connections and communication initiated during the Discovery process. FEMA will be sending a newsletter in the coming months with additional information. In the meantime, if you have questions or flood-related information that was not available during Discovery, please contact the FEMA project officer for this watershed, Lee Brancheau, GISP, at or atLowerSusquehanna-
Information Wyoming County VOAD Call us: Deb Lou Paul