Deans’ Council July 12, 2012 Presented by: Sara Dorer, Bill Faber, & Paula Sullivan
Academic and Non-Academic concerns are separate SFMT = Student Feedback Management Team Focus today on input regarding goals for SFMT HLC language: Provides clear information for receiving complaints, responds in a timely manner, and analyzes to ensure improved practice.
Summary of academic complaints Suggestions from Report Create a form for ESP’s to use Better communication between Associate Deans and PD/DHs Coordinate process with Lakeshore Campus Next step Monitor and reinforce the use of our online process forms by PD/DHs Questions?
Definition of “complaint” Tracking Academic Non-Academic, Area Specific SFMT Tracking Options (Google docs, Excel, Drupal) Expectations Guidelines for Tracking Reporting Tracking Areas required to track
Are the guidelines clear? Questions or suggestions? Are the tracking requirements reasonable? Will you support the idea of each area being responsible for noting improvements made based on trends? Are there ways to connect this work to current reports that already exist? (Program Review, weekly reports, Department plans, etc.) Are the areas identified appropriate? Are there areas missing?
Current plan: In-person training with a representative from all areas required to track complaints A mailing to each person or to each area with the process handout and service stickers Other ideas we should consider? Should we be distributing the Process handout to faculty as well? If so, how?
Accomplishments Process outline/definition/guidelines Online reporting form SAS and SWD recording forms Student Feedback Fairs College Wide Improvements Clocks FACTs payment/Tuition payment buttons Financial Aid improvements noted because of trends
Feedback collected from a variety of sources Team reviewed all sources for report Trends broken into three areas: Feedback we continue to hear, but based on feasibility are not items likely to be changed at this point in time Feedback we believe is currently being addressed already Feedback we believe is worth considering – potentially an area for improvement? If so, would be determined and assigned by DC.
Develop protocol/guidelines for faculty who want to take students on off-campus trips/visits for class (is there assistance, liability, how to manage logistics, etc.) Process for notifying students when their classes are dropped (not all students are receiving notification when classes are dropped) – could there be a robo- call or text? Privacy in the Financial Aid Office (front desk is too public for personal information) What are solutions/rights for students who get called up for Jury Duty – put FAQ page on Dean of Students page that would address questions like this
Encourage DSS to work on door-to-door map/instructions regarding where accessible entrances are, etc. (GRCC mobile app has door to door, could maybe build an ADA version) Look at software needs at the Lakeshore – if offering classes that need specific resources, need the programs available in the lab (ex. Peachtree and Quickbooks) Online student center improvements to improve experience: Courses that cannot be added because past enrollment date, don’t have them show up as “open” Better communication of our policies that affect students (adding classes, etc.) Improved navigation on campus (rename “library”, verify room numbers make sense in Cook/Main building, maps on campus (outside) that include DeVos Campus and show you where you are.