October 23rd, 2014
Road Centerline/Addresses Migration Law Enforcement Data and Application Migration ◦ PCADS AVL Vehicle Locator (PCSO) ◦ QuickApp (Justice and Consumer Services) ◦ Licensing Board (Justice and Consumer Services) ◦ Crime Viewer/Crime Fighter (Public) DEI Utility Data Migration and Workshop ◦ Water/Sewer MUNSYS to ESRI Enterprise GIS Database Restructuring ArcGIS Online Overhaul (web presence) Pinellas County Open Data Portal
PCU Maps Replacement Rollout Parks Finder Application 2010 Census Data Updates Historic Sites Application Planning Half Section Map Replacement PAO/DXF AutoCAD Data Access Solution
Enterprise Asset Management Infrastructure (CityWorks) ◦ Oracle to SQL Enterprise Migration (All of eGIS) Focused Apps to Retire WebGI ◦ BDRS Front Counter ◦ Roads/Addresses Data Viewer ◦ DEI Asset Viewer ◦ REM County Owned Lands (Phase II) ◦ DEI Survey File Network Viewer Supervisor of Elections (MapInfo to eGIS) ◦ Strategy and Migration Plan Release 2 Project Overflow
eGIS Currently Holding ten (10) Complimentary Passes for 2015 July 20 th – 24 th in San Diego, CA Currently only one (1) slot has been claimed (HHS) Steering Committee will finalize utilization on Nov. 6th
Vendor 3 rd Delivery on September 24 th, 2014 Alignment, Color balance, Ghost Images, Shadows, Tile Shifting Vendor 4 th Delivery on October 14 th, 2014 Currently under review by eGIS/PAO Pinellas withholding two contract deliverable payments totaling $85,645
Pictometry servers have been changed from PAO to BTS (eGIS) eGIS will be sending out a one-page instruction manual to existing Pictometry users on how to switch servers (existing users) Pictometry Zen is ready for deployment (new users)
With help of users, accounts have been cleaned up Creation of new user roles and privileges:
Negotiations with vendor over the next few months eGIS in planning phases for SQL infrastructure to support CityWorks implementation
Met with stakeholders; gathered requirements, existing business process and dependencies; loaded Address and Centerline geometry and tabular data into LGIM and assigned all domain values. Set up LGIM Address and Centerline feature datasets in SDE under Dev in preparation for configuring the Esri Address Management Solution. Esri scheduled to be onsite October 28/29 th to assist in configuring the Address Management Attribute Assistant Dynamic Values Table methods and provide 1 day of end user edit training with Pinellas County Address & Road Centerline Data on October 30 th. Next steps include a brief period of dual entry, rewriting existing reports (SAP) & (PCSO), complete the architecture requirements for SES and geocoding services, build new front counter viewer app and an Addressing Request Notification app for municipalities.
DEI staff have completed data migration workshops eGIS/DEI have worked closely to migrate water/sewer data into ESRI Local Government Information Model eGIS working with DEI on a final cutover to retire MUNSYS Asset data for EAM (CityWorks)
ArcGIS Pro will be available with ArcGIS 10.3 ◦ Scheduled for second half of 2014 per ESRI