June 19 th – PLC Day June 19 th – PLC Day Year In Review – Year In Preview District Road Map District Road Map TPEP Early Release Collaboration Early Release Collaboration Writing Technology Standards-base Grading Standards-base Grading ELL Study
District Road Map The Road Map Project is a deep and deliberate review of all parts of our school system to determine our priorities in order to ensure that all students graduate with the essential skills, knowledge and attributes to succeed in our local community and in the world beyond. Nearly all certificated and classified staff have provided input on the Promise portion to date. Primarily certificated teacher leaders and administrators have provided input on our Foundational Elements to date. Click here for more information. RESPONSE TO THE COMMON CORE Click to Return to Main
T eacher P rincipal E valuation P roject The TPEP committee created a one page document showing current recommendations and work yet to completed. Click here to review this document.Click here to review this document. The Frequently Asked Questions document and additional resources can be found on our TPEP web page. Click here to visit this page. Click here to visit this page. Teachers that will be on the Comprehensive Evaluation cycle next year are eligible to participate in Framework Training beginning this summer using Teachscape. Click here to preview this resource. If you are interested in participating Dr. Jeff Drayer.Click here to preview this resource. Click to Return to Main
Early Release Early Release ILT Directed ◦ Teachers teams have collaboration time set aside for more frequent shorter periods of time to address the critical questions of student learning. ◦ Allow teachers to more effectively monitor the impact their teaching has on student learning ◦ Change instruction to meet student needs in a timelier manner ◦ Ensure that district and school learning targets are met. ◦ Research is clear that teacher collaboration focused on student learning leads to improved student achievement. Criterion 8 – Establish Student Growth Goal - Proficient Consistently and actively collaborates with other grade, school, or district team members to establish goal(s), to develop and implement common, high quality measures, and to monitor growth and achievement during the year. Criterion 3 – Establish Student Growth Goal - Proficient Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for subgroups of students not reaching full learning potential. Goal(s) Identify multiple, high-quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Criterion 6 – Establish Student Growth Goal - Proficient Establishes appropriate student growth goal(s) for whole classroom. Goal(s) identify multiple, high quality sources of data to monitor, adjust, and evaluate achievement of goal(s). Criterion 3 & 6 Achievement of Student Growth Goal Multiple sources of growth or achievement data from at least two point in time show clear evidence or growth for most students Video Link: Groups vs. TeamVideo Link: Key Ideas Click to Return to Main
Standards-Based Grading Guiding Question How do current grading and reporting practices help or hinder our (teachers, parents, and students) understanding of students’ academic proficiency and character development? Process Initially we expected that we would be developing new report cards this year As we learned together it became clear that writing and implementing a new report card was not a realistic next step. Thomas Guskey - August 28 The SBG team studied Dr. Guskey’s book this year and is excited for him to facilitate learning for all staff in August. Click to Return to Main
Writing Committee Summary of our most current learning around what proficiency means for our students in writing. District Writing Continuum David Matteson P-3 Benchmarks and alignment of Common Core Standards (You must be logged in) Opportunities to learn for next year: udy/cms_page/view udy/cms_page/view Click to Return to Main
Ed-Tech Advisory Team Guiding Question How can technology be used by staff, students, families, and community to focus on goals of career and college readiness for all students? What tools and access are needed? What training and support is needed? What sort of partnerships and communication plans are needed? Process gathered ideas from research and other districts developed a list of recommended tools to support CCSS and TPEP started to craft plans and questions around training/support needs created plans to support our next Tech Levy recommendations -Click HERE for details on resources and recommendations- -Click HERE to check training options- Click to Return to Main
How we determine B-ESD Hispanic ELLs to have a specific learning disability 10 years of data demonstrates that over 86% of our Hispanic SLD population does not identify English as their primary language. B-ESD tends to identify the majority of our Hispanic students as disabled (SLD) between 1 st and 4 th grade. Research indicates that student performance in the areas that often prompt referral for sped (reading and writing) will not be at grade level for ELLs until they have received 6 to 8 years of instruction, ideally in their primary language. Number of B-ESD Initial SLD Determinations by Grade (no students were initially found eligible past 8th grade) Typical Acquisition of Academic Skills for ELLs (Time Varies Based Upon Language, Instruction, and Culture of ELL) After a year of reviewing B-ESD’s practices in special education and ELL services, as well as a lot of learning, a team comprised of special education and ELL staff created two key documents to help guide practice. First, a guide to help all educators better understand the impact of language acquisition and the interplay/confusion with learning disabilities. Second, a tool was found and modified for the use of each building’s problem solving team when looking to support a language learner. Click to Return to Main
June 19 th – PLC Day June 19 th – PLC Day Year In Review – Year In Preview District Road Map District Road Map TPEP Early Release Collaboration Early Release Collaboration Writing Technology Standards-base Grading Standards-base Grading ELL Study