3-5 Interventionists Training Session 3 November 19, 2013 Range Line Conference Room 1:00-4:00
Today’s Learning Targets We are learning to … Understand the process for small group intervention in mathematics Understand the meaning and importance of “explicit and systematic instruction.” We will be successful when we can… Verbalize the steps of the intervention process for mathematics Identify what “systematic and explicit instruction” looks like and sounds like during small group intervention.
Getting Started with Your Intervention Group
Reviewing the Process 1.Review MAP scores (Grades 1-2) 2.Identify any students in the 1%-30% OR students of concern as identified during PLC. 3.Locate MAP score on NWEA RIT ALIGNMENT 4.Administer CPA Diagnostic Assessment for that Grade Level 5.Plan intervention activities 6.Administer intervention – recording on Tier 2 Student Recording Sheet 7.Progress Monitor after 3 weeks using easyCBM.
Diagnostic Assessments & Resources MTSD Intervention Resources ources.cfm
Tier 2 Student Intervention Plan Record Sheet Purpose: Planning Recording activities Recording attendance Communication ***This is a word document so change to meet your needs.
A structure for instruction Symbols Give a context: tell a story Explain orally and/or in writing Make a picture Use concrete models: manipulatives
A Research Based Approach to Intervention
Emerging Key Research Themes Increased instructional time in addition to core mathematics taught in Tier 1. Small-group instruction utilized in all tiers Explicit methods of instruction (e.g., C R A, Talk Moves) Use of concrete and pictorial representations to facilitate conceptual understanding Strategy instruction for problem solving (e.g., Think Aloud) Focus on problem solving skills (not just computation) Careful alignment of instruction and content in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Screening and progress monitoring to target deficit areas Source: Adapted from Newman-Gonchar, R., Clarke, B., & Gersten r. (2009). A summary of nine key studies: Multitier intervention and response to interventions for students struggling in mathematics.Retrieved from
IES Practice Guide: Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention for Elementary and Middle School Students US Department of Education Research-based education practices Committee Chair: Russell Gersten Published by: What Works Clearinghouse (April 2009)
Explicit and Systematic Instruction Look back at your notes from our last meeting and gather 2 ideas to share regarding how you might explain “explicit and systematic instruction.” Jot those ideas down on a notecard.
Engaging tasks and clear problem-solving models (e.g., tape diagrams) Time for students to think Teacher modeling followed by guided and independent practice using carefully orchestrated examples and sequences of examples. Corrective feedback as needed Opportunities for students to participate and hear teachers thinking aloud Concrete objects to understand abstract representations and notation (C R A) Explicit and Systematic Instruction
Nearest Answer Ten Minute Math, Dale Seymour Publications ≈ ,982 – 978 ≈6,0007,00014,00015, × 11 ≈ ,000 ≈
Nearest Answer What’s the mathematics targeted in this task? How was the mathematics made explicit? Move the task through the 5 modes of representation. In what ways do these translations from one representation to the next surface the mathematics? How might we make the connections between representations explicit?
A structure for explicit and systematic instruction Symbols Give a context: tell a story Explain orally and/or in writing Make a picture Use concrete models: manipulatives
Your Turn! Work with a partner that is intervening around similar content as you. Select 2 Nearest Answer tasks to facilitate with a small group With your partner: – Identify the mathematics – Identify and practice “moves” you will use to make the mathematics explicit
Reflect How will this knowledge help you be more explicit with your instruction? Where might you step in with explicit instruction?
Planning for Instruction
What is instructional supports are avaialble? MTSD RtI Math Resources Howard County Math Wikis Illustrative Mathematics
easyCBM Progress Monitoring Tool
EasyCBM – Welcome Kurt Roeker Login to easyCBM through our RtI Website