RwEdNet PRESENTATION Coordinator, RwEdNet Eastern Cluster Design Workshop Hilton Hotel, 06 – 07 October 2008
1. RWEDNET Background Genesis Genesis Enhanced quality education and research to facilitate the attainment of the 2020 Vision and the UN MDG’s Enhanced quality education and research to facilitate the attainment of the 2020 Vision and the UN MDG’s Promises: Promises: Greater connectivity over fiber optic within and outside the country Greater connectivity over fiber optic within and outside the country Ongoing backbone Infrastructure development GOVNET, Rwandatel, MTN, Electrogaz Ongoing backbone Infrastructure development GOVNET, Rwandatel, MTN, Electrogaz Expected Results: Competitive prices for Internet Connectivity Expected Results: Competitive prices for Internet Connectivity New area of better Quality of Services at reduced operational cost and user charges New area of better Quality of Services at reduced operational cost and user charges
2. Strategic objectives for RWEDNET Based on three following pillars: Infrastructure, Capacity Building and Value (Applications, services) Based on three following pillars: Infrastructure, Capacity Building and Value (Applications, services) Value Infrastructure Capacity Building
3. Strategic objectives of RWEDNET (cont’d) 1. Accessing national telecom backbone through using Public Private Partnership approach 1. Accessing national telecom backbone through using Public Private Partnership approach Output: Reliable Fiber backbone linking Rwednet members Output: Reliable Fiber backbone linking Rwednet members 2.Enhancement of functionalities, performance and capacity building in Internetworking and other relevant areas of Internet Governance. 2.Enhancement of functionalities, performance and capacity building in Internetworking and other relevant areas of Internet Governance. Output :technical and managerial expertise in area related to Internetworking Output :technical and managerial expertise in area related to Internetworking 3.Stimulate, foster and support collaboration and research among members institutions and external partners sharing the same vision 3.Stimulate, foster and support collaboration and research among members institutions and external partners sharing the same vision
3.Strategic objectives of RWEDNET (cont’d) Output: Development and promotion of Research and Education networking communities in and outside the country Output: Development and promotion of Research and Education networking communities in and outside the country
4. Progress on Network backbone setup Access to the existing fiber optic from Rwandatel (5 academic institutions + 2 research centers) Access to the existing fiber optic from Rwandatel (5 academic institutions + 2 research centers) Access to Internet connectivity through New Artel satellite link (availability of Universal Access funds) Access to Internet connectivity through New Artel satellite link (availability of Universal Access funds) Ubuntunet Alliance Eastern Cluster (Cross Border connectivity + sub marine fiber ) Ubuntunet Alliance Eastern Cluster (Cross Border connectivity + sub marine fiber )
4. Current RwEdNet Mapping
4. Current arrangement for sharing Internet connectivity Rwandatel fiber link Rwandatel fiber link - USD 1,200 per month for all institutions (fiber link from each institution to Rwtel + fiber link between RwTel and New Artel) => RwEdNet has already paid for six months => RwEdNet has already paid for six months New Artel Satellite Connectivity New Artel Satellite Connectivity Price : USD 3,000 per Mbps per month Price : USD 3,000 per Mbps per month RURA to pay USD 2,500 per Mbps per month RURA to pay USD 2,500 per Mbps per month Individual institutions to pay USD 500 per Mbps per month Individual institutions to pay USD 500 per Mbps per month
5. Capacity Building Activities - Hands on raining in Sys. Admin. and Network management - Hands on t raining in Sys. Admin. and Network management - Technical assessment of ICT support services within member institutions - Technical assessment of ICT support services within member institutions - Development of Strategic / Business Plan - Development of Strategic / Business Plan
6. RwEdNet members and Potential members UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS LOCATIONSPROVINCEDISTRICT Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) KIGALI CITY Nyarugenge Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) KIGALI CITY Gasabo School of Finance and Banking (SFB) KIGALI CITY Kicukiro Kigali Health Institute (KHI) KIGALI CITY Nyarugenge Independent University of Kigali (ULK) KIGALI CITY Gasabo Adventist University of the Great Lakes region (UNILAK) KIGALI CITY Kicukiro Université Adventiste de Mudende KIGALI CITY Gasabo Universite catholique de Musanze NORTHERNMusanze Institute of Agriculture and Husbandary (ISAE) NORTHERNMusanze Universite Polytechnique de Byumba NORTHERNGicumbi ETO-TUMBANORTHERNRulindo National University of Rwanda (NUR) SOUTHERNHuye Universite Catholique de Kabgayi SOUTHERNMuhanga ISARSOUTHERNNyanza IRSTSOUTHERNHuye UNATEKEASTERNNgoma Umutara Polytechnique EASTERNNyagatare NUR-RUSIZIWESTERNRusizi ULK – RUBAVU WESTERNRubavu KHI - KARONGI WESTERNKarongi
6. Universities and Research centers location
7. Physical Network Design –Backbone Network
NOC(RITA) Gicumbi Nyagatare Gatsibo KayonzaRwamagana Ngoma Kirehe Bugesera Karongi Rutsiro Rulindo Kamonyi Nyamagabe Rusizi Nyamasheke Nyanza Huye Ngororero Gisenyi NyabihuMusanzeGakenke GisagaraNyaruguru Ruhango Ring #1 (STM-64) Muhanga Burera Ring #2 (STM-64) Ring #3 (STM-64) Ring #4 (STM-64) 41km 19km 31km 21km 47km 46km32km 79km 36km 74km 39km 70km 81km 44km 47km 16km58km 33km 79km 33km 38km 27km 21km 36km 16km34km 29km112km 36km 84km 49km 8. Transmission Network – District Locations ULK KHI NUR UP UNATEK IRST ISAR UCK NUR ETO UPB ISAE UCM
Network Architecture of The National Backbone 10. National Backbone Network 10. National Backbone Network DWDM MSPP MPLS Switch ………….. - Very High Capacity Transmission - Easy upgrade & expansion for the future as adding DWDM Shelf & Module in MSPP - High Capacity Transmission - MSPP (Multi Service Provisioning Platform) - Support flexibility for IP Network Configuration - Hierarchical Configuration to decrease the routing hops - MPLS for network based-VPN service and QoS - Local Area Network - End Users Transmission Network IP/MPLS Network
Internet MPLS Router Firewal l Switch PCs Server s Kigali Metropolitan Node PCs Switc h District Locations Backbon e Router NOC(RITA) MSPP Internet Router Kigali Institutions Server s PCs District HQ (27) Firewall MSPP L3 Switch (MPLS) IP Network Diagram - Universites PCs Server s
11. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION STRATEGIES The implementation of the national fiber optic backbone is underway and will extend access network to all academic and research institutions in the country. The implementation of the national fiber optic backbone is underway and will extend access network to all academic and research institutions in the country. The main National Data Center and Data disaster recovery system will be located at RITA premises (Rwanda Information Technology Authority) – consideration to host RwEdNet servers as well. The main National Data Center and Data disaster recovery system will be located at RITA premises (Rwanda Information Technology Authority) – consideration to host RwEdNet servers as well. The national NOC will also be located at RITA – RwEdNet proposes to set up two NOCs on its own, one at NUR (Huye) and a second at KIST (Kigali) with a redundancy mechanism. The national NOC will also be located at RITA – RwEdNet proposes to set up two NOCs on its own, one at NUR (Huye) and a second at KIST (Kigali) with a redundancy mechanism. RwEdNet business case suggests the creation of a pool of Network technicians to maintain the network and provide adequate services to member institutions on cost recovery basis RwEdNet business case suggests the creation of a pool of Network technicians to maintain the network and provide adequate services to member institutions on cost recovery basis Government will support the physical layer through a Public Private Partnership utility (subject to confirmation). RwEdNet will take care of the Layer three management up to the institution premises. Government will support the physical layer through a Public Private Partnership utility (subject to confirmation). RwEdNet will take care of the Layer three management up to the institution premises. The ownership and management of international connectivity over fiber (cross border and sub marine) is not yet clear at this point. The ownership and management of international connectivity over fiber (cross border and sub marine) is not yet clear at this point.
12. TIME FRAME Construction of the National Backbone (Oct 2008 – Nov 2009) Construction of the National Backbone (Oct 2008 – Nov 2009)
13. Way forward 13. Way forward Finalize the design of the new RwEdNet network backbone with integration of new member institutions Finalize the design of the new RwEdNet network backbone with integration of new member institutions Finalize and Validate the strategic/business plan Finalize and Validate the strategic/business plan Recruitment of permanent staff (technical and administrative) Recruitment of permanent staff (technical and administrative)