uPortal: Hands On Mark Mazelin Cedarville University
Get your hands off my portal or How to cram a half-day workshop into 1 hour and 45 minutes
Development Environment Windows XP SP2 Eclipse with Web Tools Platform and Tomcat plugin 3.1 uPortal Sun’s JDK Update 7 Tomcat Ant Mysql
Resources uPortal home page: uPortal wiki: uPortal summer conference: uPortal 101: sig.org/wiki/display/JCON/uPortal sig.org/wiki/display/JCON/uPortal+101
Setup The latest released uPortal is installed on your machine with the following changes: Changed database to mysql Changed log file location
Let’s Go! Start > Run > C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe Tomcat > Start Tomcat Login with your guest account
InitPortal Open Ant Perspective Double-click dbtest (verify Console output) Double-click initportal Tomcat > Restart Tomcat
Logging [uportal]\properties\Logger.properties
Configuration and Customization Integrate your authentication system Integrate your look-and-feel Integrate your channels
Database Configuration The following databases are supported out of the box: HypersonicSQL MySQL Configuration Oracle Configuration MSSQL with the JTDS JDBC Driver PostgreSQL Configuration DB2 Sybase SQL Server
uPortal User Attr/Dir Configuration PersonDirectory was refactored for uPortal 2.5 to be backed by Spring to wire together its implementation LDAP JDBC
Groups Management Local Group Service (db driven) PAGS JIT LDAP LDAP FileSystem
Channels Built-in channel types uPortal IChannel JSR-168 portlets
Layout Management and Content Provision “Many sites have deployed portals using Aggregated Layout Manager but the future uPortal direction is to use DLM so we recommend new installations start with it.” DLM: Distributed Layout Management ALM: Aggregate Layout Management SLM: Simple Layout Management
Stats Recording In uPortal , the stats recorder is a Spring- configured IStatsRecorder instance