SỨC MẠNH CỦA BÀI CA POWER OF A SONG A song is a composition for voice or voices, performed by singing. A song can make you laugh, cry, fight, still… honor and please God. “Silent Night” was written in 1818, by an Austrian priest Joseph Mohr. "O Holy Night" is a well-known Christmas carol composed by Adolphe Adam in "Jingle Bells" was composed in 1857 by James Pierpont, and was originally called "One-Horse Open Sleigh.“ Mary praised the Lord for:
WHO HE IS - CHÍNH NGÀI "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (vs.46-47) To Him let us continually offer up to God a Sacrifice of Praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that confess His Name - Hebrews 13:15 The truth of God's character is focused in His Name. The divine Name reveals God's power, authority, and holiness. The Lord Jesus cried out “Eloi, Eloi” (my God)
WHO HE IS - CHÍNH NGÀI A few Hebrew names of the Lord: Eloi (my God), Adonai Jehovah (the Lord our sovereign), El Elyon (the Lord most high), El Olam ( the everlasting God), Jehovah Elohim (the eternal creator), Jehovah Jireh (the Lord our provider), Jehovah Nissi (the Lord our banner), Jehovah Ropheka (the Lord our healer), Jehovah Shalom (the Lord our peace), Jehavah Rohi (our shepherd)…
WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR HER NHỮNG ĐIỀU NGÀI ĐÃ LÀM CHO BÀ " For he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me - holy is his name. (vs ) Mary speaks to God as her Savior for she is a sinner, not sinless Mary would not be one who considered blessings but one who would be blessed Your life is a song for God. As God’s instrument, you are called to be Christ’s faithful servant and a channel of blessing
HIS MERCY ON THOSE WHO FEAR HIM SỰ NHÂN TỪ CHO NGƯỜI KÍNH SỢ “ His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. ” (vs ) Mercy (not getting punishment) is like a judge finding you guilty, but then withholding any punishment. Grace is getting something you could never have imagined. An incomprehensible gift. It's like the same judge awarding you a million-dollar-house, after finding you guilty! God forgives and forgets our sins. He doesn’t punish God’s fearers in the Hell but provides them a house in the Heaven
HIS FAITHFULNESS TO HIS PEOPLE SỰ THÀNH TÍN ĐỐI VỚI DÂN SỰ NGÀI “He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.” (54-55) God still keeps the promises He had made to Abraham even Israelites had failed. Christ is always faithful to his church through over 2000 years ago Christ is always faithful to this local church