State Planning Organization Monitoring Systems State Planning Organization (DPT) DG Regional Development and Structural Adjustment Department of Monitoring and Evaluation
State Planning Organization Personal Experiences Zeynep ERSAYIN (Business Administration) Coordinator for monitoring of TR90 NUTS II Region Development Programme Member of “Monitoring System for Local Investment” team One year experience in “Social Security Institution”
State Planning Organization Personal Experiences Volkan İdris SARI (City Planner) Coordinator for Samsun, Kastamonu and Erzurum NUTS II Regions Development Programme Coordinator of “Regional Development Tools” Specialized Commission under National Development Plan Member of working group for coordination of Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme
State Planning Organization Content DPT’s Role and Institutional Structure Monitoring and Evaluation Department Common Monitoring Framework in General Evaluation Surveys Future Perspective
State Planning Organization DeputyUndersecretary DG Annual Programmes & Conjuncture DG Economic Modelling and Strategic StrategicResearch Units DG EU Affairs DG Economic Sectors and Coordination DG Social Sectors and Coordination DG Foreign EconomicRelations Knowledge Society SecretaryGeneral Advisors DG Regional Development and Structural Adjustment Legal Advisor Management Info Center Secretariat for Councils Secretariat for High Planning Council Secretariat for Economic and Social Council Secretariat for Money, Credit and Coordination Council Undersecretary DeputyUndersecretary DeputyUndersecretary Units Organisational Chart of Undersecretariat of DPT
State Planning Organization Responsibility in terms of planning, coordination, multi-annual and annual programming, regional development and EU assistance Harmonisation of sectoral and regional policies Horizontal coordination role among ministries and other institutions Coordination and guidance for strategic planning Coordination of public investment programme Appropriation of national co-financing of investments Sectoral coordination for IPA Components III and IV Vertical coordination between central institutions and development agencies Role of Undersecretariat of DPT
State Planning Organization Monitoring and Evaluation Department Duties: To design and coordinate monitoring system for EU Regional Development Programmes (RDPs) To establish and coordinate monitoring system for RDAs To design system for Public Investments To contribute to design monitoring system for National Development Plan
State Planning Organization DPT programmed and coordinated EU RDPs Covers almost half of the Turkey Eastern Anatolian Development Programme (309 Projects) RD Samsun, Kastamonu and Erzurum NUTS II Regions (396 Projects) RD Ağrı, Kayseri, Konya and Malatya NUTS II Regions (509 Projects) RD in TR 90 NUTS II Region (Evaluation ongoing, ~250 Projects)
State Planning Organization All RDPs supported by a common M&E Framework Developed, managed and sustained by DPT Agreed with European Commission Delegation to Turkey (ECD) and Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) Covers all actors from Grant Beneficiaries to central level Coherent with administrative structures and local characteristics Harmonised with Turkish and EU procedures
State Planning Organization M&E System: A standard platform for all grant schemes Based on beneficiary declarations and multi level validation system Declaration of Grant Beneficiaries in every two months Validation by monitors via monitoring visits Validation by Programme Implementation Units via control visits and other monitoring tools Validation by DPT and CFCU through Monitoring Infrmation System, reports and control visits Pro-active support, not waiting till the problems occur Risk assessment Performance indicators Early Warning and irregularity
State Planning Organization Three Pillars of the M&E System Monitoring Network Common Monitoring Manual Monitoring Information System (MIS)
State Planning Organization Monitoring Network (Diagram) SPO Regional Unit DPT M&E Dep. TATPIU CFCU I III II Beneficiaries Monitors 3-6 Persons Per Province Coordination of the Programme Coordination of Monitoring System Regional Coordination and Technical Support to Beneficiaries Project Site Visits Project Implementation DPT IV Design and co-finance
State Planning Organization Actors in Monitoring Framework SPO is responsible for the technical implementation of the programme and also will coordinate the monitoring of the projects awarded. CFCU is the Contracting Authority for all EU-funded programmes and responsible for contracting and contract amendments, approval of reports and payments to the granted projects.
State Planning Organization Actors in Monitoring Framework (II) Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) is the regional unit responsible to monitor and support the implementation of projects, components and finally the overall Programme. Technical Assistance Team (TAT), where applicable, will assist SPO, CFCU and PIU in the programming and implementation of the programmes.
State Planning Organization Center Regions Depart. of EU RDPs Depart. of M&E 14 Experts 15 Experts 29 Experts 8 Development (Service) Unions 1 EADP: 16 Experts Regional Coord. of Monitoring and Support Activities DG Regional Dev. and Struc. Adjust. Programming, coordination, Implementation, M&E of RDPs 3 SKE : 16 Experts 4 AKKM: 24 Experts 56 Experts Local 27 Provinces covered by RDPs Local monitoring and support to GBs AKKM 54 Staff 107 Staff EADP 9 Staff SKE 44 Staff RDPs carried out by a Sustainable Decentralized Institutional Network At most 30 projects per expert At most 10 projects per staff
State Planning Organization Common Monitoring Manual: Basic reference document for monitoring of all EU RDPs Describes the overall monitoring framework: Monitoring dimensions, actors, tools and process Detailed description of duties and responsibilities of each actor in each monitoring activity Reporting procedures and standard templates Control and validation levels including financial control and secondary procurement checklists
State Planning Organization Monitoring Information System: An integrative tool Provides monitoring system integrity Provides easy access and transparency Enforces obeying the rules Creates standards for reporting and data entry Verifies the declarations; Reports and Visits Improves the quality of monitoring activities
State Planning Organization MIS: Common communication and information platform
State Planning Organization Evaluation Surveys Mid term evaluation survey (Relevance, efficiency) System performance and results of activities Media: Internet (MIS) Between May 22nd and June 4th 2007 Responded by 327 Grant Beneficiaries (EADP: 50% - RD SKE 46%) Final evaluation survey Results and impacts of programmes Planned to be conducted in February 2008
State Planning Organization Results of Mid-term evaluation survey Grant Beneficiaries are satisfied with quality and quantity of information, training and support activities Significant level of achievements in expected project goals and fulfilment of the activities Grant type aid: main motivation of applications Challenging factors: complexity of rules and procedures, reporting and correspondences in English Sustainability of structures and outputs
State Planning Organization New Perspective Transferring “Lessons Learned” Consultancy for M&E of New EU Interventions Instrument for Pre-Accession M&E of National Plans/Programmes/Projects KÖYDES (Small scale infrastructure projects for villages) Local (Provincial) investments by Governorships Dissemination of “monitoring culture” in the public sector Producing standard manuals OPEN-DAYS Organizations
State Planning Organization KÖYDES Monitoring System Development of basic infrastructure of the villages all over Turkey in 2007, projects and 1.2 billion € Database Road database Village database Basic Project Data Drinking water system Sewerage system Road construction Agricultural Irrigation
State Planning Organization Provincial Investments Monitoring System Data collection for 11 sub-sectors: Education, Health, Transportation, Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing Industry, Energy, Communication, Housing, Tourism and Other Public Sectors. Sectoral Data (every 6 months) Database and Needs Assessment Monitoring Indicators Problems and Needs Project Data (every 3 months) Basic Project Data Monitoring Indicators for Ongoing Projects Data for Project Proposals
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