Joxel Garcia, MD, MBA Commissioner Successful Strategies for Community Interventions and Sustainability
Economics of Public Health n Public Health is inextricably linked to economic vitality of our state n Without healthy people and communities, we can never hope to achieve economically & socially vibrant cities n Transportation, housing, economic and workforce development and other urban development issues affect health status of all Connecticut residents
Connecticut’s Approach Building Healthy Communities n n Problem n n Impact – –Health Implications – –Economic Implications – –Social Implications n n Solutions – –Program – –Regulations/Legislation – –Partnerships
Social Marketing Fundamentals n Elements of Social Marketing n Understand “Customer Needs” / Target Audience n Social and demographic makeup n Psychosocial features n Distribution Channels: Making the “Product” Available n Promotion and utilizing mass media n Interpersonal contact is essential
n Social Marketing “P’s” n Partnership - social and health issues are complex and require a team effort to create change n Policy - create an environment that supports change for the long run n Politics - political diplomacy with community organizations Social Marketing Fundamentals
Conserve Connecticut n n Housing/Buildings n n Employment/Workforce Development n n Transportation
Housing/Buildings n n Indoor Air Quality n n Asbestos n n Asthma n n Childhood and Adult Lead Poisoning n n Prevention of Falls and Fall-Related Injury in the Elderly
Transportation n n Motor Vehicle Crashes n n Emergency Medical Services Transport n n Access to Healthcare Facilities
Employment/Workforce Development n n Healthcare Workforce Issues n n Health Careers n n Child Daycare n n Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program
Key Partners n n Governor’s Office n n Legislature n n Local Health n n Labor n n Economic Development n n Education n n US EPA n n OSHA n n MCO’s n Transportation n Motor Vehicle n Consumer Protection n Social Services n Universities n Healthcare Institutions n Associations
Partnerships: Making It Happen n n Faith based organizations n n Community action groups n n Health outreach committees n n Public service entities n n Educational institutions
Urban Health Initiatives n n “Door-to-Door” n n “House Calls” n n Creating opportunities to bring public health to communities n n Asthma Summit 2001
Keeping Connecticut Healthy Joxel Garcia, MD, MBA Commissioner