Partnering for Growth WEF 11 September 2005 Influencing the Policy Debate The South African Challenges and Successes
Partnering for Growth Agenda South African priorities Current policy framework Public and private sector players Influencing policy –Examples and effectiveness Current recommendations References: SAITIS, DTI ICT Vision, Dti Review of Policies 2002,Foresight Project/ ICT RoadMap/ ICT Charter, Nedlac Sector Summit
Partnering for Growth South African priorities Key focus is economic and social development Recognition of importance of the ICT sector –to develop a knowledge based economy –its enabling role in other sectors Priorities influenced by –Political and economic imperatives –Rapid development of technology
Partnering for Growth South African Priorities Transformation of the Economy –Effective participation of majority of South Africans in economy –Focus on the development of society Industry Development –Economic Growth –Job creation –Skills development –Increasing competitiveness: Export development and investment Service Delivery –Ubiquitous access –Increased use of ICT –Bridging digital divide –Keeping pace with technology driven changes
Partnering for Growth Current Policy Framework No overarching Government Policy –Range policy frameworks impact on the ICT sector –All reflect the different priorities of the various Government Departments –Limited intra governmental coordination No provision for structured participation by private sector Rapid development of technology means policy makers playing catch up Existing laws barrier to ICT development Sector has been dominated by quasi public enterprises –5 year monopoly to Telkom Growing awareness of need for need to create structures that will address overall needs
Partnering for Growth Department of Science & Technology Department of Communications Department of Trade & Industry Department of Labour & Education Research & Development Policies & Legislation & Regulation Trade & Business Development Skills Development Across the ICT Sector The Advancement of Communications Technologies Development & Marketing of ICT Products Skilled Labour ICT Labour force across The ICT Sector Current role of the National Government Departments within the ICT Sector Government Players
Partnering for Growth Other Players Private sector Bodies –To date model has been ‘Need Specific’ –Over 40 industry related associations in ICT and electronics –Formed in response to a changes in the political, economic and technology arenas –Tend to address a particular issue/ focus area National economic Development & Labour Council (NEDLAC) –Issues of social and economic policy= social dialogue –Ministerial representation ICT Empowerment Charter Working Group –To address the legacy of economic exclusion –Labour, community, ICASA, Government and industry Formalised labour Chambers/ Business Unity SA (BUSA) Strong informal networks
Partnering for Growth Influencing Policy Debate: Examples Policy makers adopted based broad consultative process to address specific issues –Industry associations/ NGO’s/ Civil society/ Trade Unions/ Chambers invited to give input Government conducted research – private sector input Department of Communications –ICT Charter 2004 Ultimately will need to conform to the DTI’s Codes of Good Practice for Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment –Ongoing stakeholder engagement regarding telecommunications and e commerce –NEDLAC ICT Sector Summit 2002 Department of Science and Technology –Foresight program/ICT Roadmap –Integrated R&D policy
Partnering for Growth Influencing Policy Debate: Examples Department of Trade and Industry –National Export Strategy – current –Customised sector programs - current –Business and innovation incubators (CSIR) - current –SAVANT - marketing campaign –current –Cluster initiatives –ICT Vision 2002 –SAITIS SA IT Industry Strategy Project 2000 Department of Labour –SETA/ISETT : Skills assessment and funding for skills development NEDLAC –Input to trade negotiations President’s Councils –ICT Development Council (international) –Commission for ICT policy (national) – managed by DoC
Partnering for Growth Recommendations Need for strong leadership and vision in taking an ICT strategy forward Establishment of an ICT governance law that establishes an inclusive governance structure to address the overall needs of the sector –Public-private partnership approach –Extensive intra-governmental co-ordination –Provide for effective implementation capacity –Not mutually exclusive to needs based approach –Rationalisation of industry bodies South Africa accelerates legislation to remove barriers to growth –Convergence, e commerce, export development and investment
Partnering for Growth Thank You Questions and Answers