Integrated Assessment and Planning


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development Dr. Wesam Al Madhoun

Expected benefits from an IAP approach Develops policy packages that help strengthen sustainable development and poverty reduction. Enhances transparency and participation in policy dialogue and decision-making. Saves time and money by a coherent development approach.

Methods to enhance Sustainable Development Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Integrated Assessment (IA) Poverty and Social Impact Assessment (PSIA) Sustainability Assessment (SA)

Environmental Assessment «  A systematic process for evaluating and documenting information on the potentials, capacities and functions of natural systems and resources in order to facilitate sustainable development planning and decision making in general, and to anticipate and manage the adverse effects and consequences of proposed undertakings in particular. » (Sadler, 1996)

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) «  Systematic examination of the consequences of a project, with a view of improving overall environmental quality, by reducing or mitigating the negative consequences and capitalising on the positive ones.  » Other definitions emphasise the process, or integration of social impacts.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) « A systematic process for evaluating the environmental consequences of proposed policy, plan or programme initiatives to ensure they are properly included and appropriately addressed at the earliest possible stage of decision making, on a par with economic and social considerations. » (Thérivel et al., 1994; Sadler & Verheem, 1996)

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (continued) Basically designed to address environmental issues at strategic levels (i.e. of policies and strategic plans) in stead of projects. Advantages: proactive approach, involvement of decision makers at early stages, avoid better than cure. Approaches and definitions vary according to emphasis on the process, or level of integration.

Sustainable Development «  Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. » (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

Sustainable Development (continued) Maintaining and improving per capita well-being. Principles of intra- and inter-generational equity. Need to strike a balance between environmental, economic and social (ESE) issues. Aims to reduce poverty, protect the environment and stimulate economic growth - through trade. Is a continuous process of change based on principles of good governance.

Principles of sustainable development – good governance Quality of the process of change Participation by relevant stakeholders Transparency Accountability Quality of information

Dimensions of Sustainable Development Economic objectives economic and social assessments SD Environmental objectives Social objectives environmental assessment

From impact assessment to integrated assessment Impact assessment – environmental dimension (e.g. EIA, SEA, biodiversity assessment) Sustainability perspective: trade-off in time, spatial aspects, equity aspects, norms and standards Integrated assessment – synergy, comparison between dimensions (e.g. resource valuation, scenarios) Impact assessment – social dimension (e.g. gender assessment, poverty assessment) Impact assessment – economic dimension (e.g. cost-benefit analysis, economic models) Environmental sustainability Social sustainability Economic sustainability

Integrated Assessment Compares the different impacts and addresses the trade-offs between the three dimensions of sustainable development. The focus will be on the trade-offs between trade (economic), environment and poverty (social).

Sustainability Assessment Impact assessment – environmental dimension (e.g. EIA, SEA, biodiversity assessment) Sustainability perspective: trade-off in time, spatial aspects, equity aspects, norms and standards Integrated assessment – synergy, comparison between dimensions (e.g. resource valuation, scenarios) Impact assessment – social dimension (e.g. gender assessment, poverty assessment) Impact assessment – economic dimension (e.g. cost-benefit analysis, economic models) Environmental sustainability Social sustainability Economic sustainability

Sustainability Framework Derived from sustainability policies or international agreements, and/or by means of a stakeholder process Attention for spatial trade-off: HERE and THERE Attention for temporal trade-off: NOW and LATER Defines the criteria and norms of long-term and large-scale concerns, i.e. what should be sustained for future generations (later) and beyond the nation or locality (there).

Sustainability Perspective Space there and later planet nation community family myself Time now next election life-time next generation

Three levels of integration applied within IAP Substantive integration: environmental, social and economic (ESE) pillars of sustainable development, possibly including a sustainability framework for long-term focus Integration of assessment methods and tools within the planning process Integration of good governance issues in the planning process: participation, transparency, accountability, information access All of this at the strategic level of policies and plans

Framework for integrated assessment of a planning process

Improving the planning process through IAP IAP aims to improve an existing planning process by integrating assessment methods and tools in the planning process. IAP explores and evaluates interactions between the ESE dimensions of sustainable development, assesses possible trade-offs and/or synergies IAP places these consequences in a sustainability perspective. IAP aims to ensure that the process of planning and assessment meets good governance principles.