1 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Presentation to ASKN workshop, Dakar Stats SA: Planning & reporting: “Getting statisticians to plan, monitor & report” Annette Myburgh Executive Manager: Programme Office Statistics South Africa 28 September 2010 to 1 October 2010
2 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Content 1.Statistics South Africa: Challenges regarding planning, budgeting & reporting 2.South Africa: Legislation on planning, budgeting, monitoring & reporting 3.South Africa: Planning, budgeting & reporting cycle of Government 4.Stats SA: Developed integrative planning, budgeting & reporting cycle 5.Stats SA: Key concepts in planning, budgeting & reporting
3 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Content 6.Stats SA: Developed planning & budgeting process 7.Stats SA: Strategic planning 8.Stats SA: Project & operational planning, budgeting & reporting by statisticians 9.Stats SA: Integrated outputs from operational planning 10.Stats SA: Management information reports 11. Stats SA: Management information website
4 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Statistics South Africa (Stats SA): Challenges regarding planning, budgeting & reporting
5 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Statisticians 1. Challenges faced by Stats SA Lack of management experience & knowledge of planning, budgeting & reporting Lack of capability & capacity in project & operational planning, budgeting & reporting Lack of integration across functions, operations & projects during implementation Lack of coordination Lack of management information
6 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep South Africa: Legislation on planning, budgeting, monitoring & reporting
7 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 As national government department Statistics South Africa has to comply with legislation regarding planning, monitoring & reporting (supplying performance information): Statistics Act (Act No. 6 of 1999) Public Finance Management Act (PMFA) (Act No. 1 of 1999) National Treasury Regulations for government departments (issued in terms of the PFMA) (May 2002) National Treasury Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (May 2007) 2. Legislation on planning, budgeting & reporting
8 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep South Africa: Planning, budgeting & reporting cycle of Government
9 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Oversight By Parliament Policy development Strategic planning INSTITUTION Stats SA Implementation and in-year reporting Specify performance indicators Set targets & allocate resources Monitor & take corrective action Assess & adjust Operational planning & budgeting End-year reporting 3. Planning, budgeting & reporting cycle of Government
10 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Developed integrative planning, budgeting & reporting cycle
11 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Integrative planning, budgeting & reporting cycle
12 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Key concepts in planning, budgeting & reporting
13 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 IMPACT OUTCOMES OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES INPUTS What we aim to change What we wish to achieve What we produce or deliver What we do What we use to do the work Plan, budget, implement (operational planning & budgeting) Manage towards achieving results (Strategic planning) 5. Key concepts in planning, budgeting & reporting
14 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Developed planning & budgeting process
15 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Planning & budgeting process Cabinet Lekgotla Cabinet Lekgotla Government planning/ policy development Stats SA integrated strategic & operational planning & budgeting Confirm strategic & operational plans & budgets MTSF/ National priorities Programme of action Strategic direction Strategic direction Confirm strategic objectives Strategic priorities MTEF planning MTEF planning 3 year priorities & plans Divisional strategic plans 1 year detail plan & budget Operational plans MTEF request Operational Planning & budgeting Operational Planning & budgeting April January April/ May Cluster/Divisional strategic planning Cluster/Divisional strategic planning Oct/ Nov/ Dec Budget allocation – confirm 3-year plans Stats SA’s work programme May/ June Confirm 1 year detail plan & budget ENE Operational plans Operational Planning & budgeting Operational Planning & budgeting
16 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Strategic planning
17 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Vision of Stats SA Your leading partner in quality statistics Stats SA: Strategic planning
18 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Mission of Stats SA To lead and partner in statistical production systems for evidence-based decisions Stats SA: Strategic planning
19 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep To expand the statistical information base by increasing its depth, breadth & geographic spread 2.To enhance public confidence & trust in statistics 3.To improve productivity & service delivery 4.To lead the development & coordination of statistical production within the South African National Statistics System 5.To invest in the learning & growth of the organisation 6.To promote international cooperation & participation in statistics Stats SA: Strategic Objectives 19
20 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Large projects e.g. Population Census, Living Conditions Survey, Income & Expenditure Survey, ISI 2009 etc. 2.Recurring projects e.g. Monthly Consumer Price Index, Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarterly Financial Statistics etc. 3.Other operations e.g. profiling businesses, updating business frame / dwelling frame 4.Services e.g. procurement, logistics, financial services, security, IT services etc. Major types of activities of Stats SA
21 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Project & operational planning, budgeting & reporting by statisticians
22 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 “Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation” – Robert Schuler
23 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Developed frameworks, process, guidelines & templates for project / recurring project / operational management (including detailed planning & reporting) Developed statistical value chain for Stats SA – basis for planning, monitoring & reporting Trained/empowered staff in detailed planning, monitoring & reporting annually to enhance capabilities Developed practical Project Management Course based on the Project Management Framework & statistical value chain to enhance capabilities Trained Project Managers & potential Project Managers How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
24 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Developed frameworks, guidelines & templates for detailed planning & reporting How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
25 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Project Management Framework Stats SA: Recurring Project Management Framework Stats SA: Operations & Services Management Framework 8.1 Frameworks based on types of activities
26 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Project Management Framework How do I Project mana- gement phase Main activitiesExpected outputsFrequency 1. Start / plan a project? Stakeholder & business needs & requirements determination Determine stakeholder & business needs Develop project idea & compile a business case (plan project at a high level) Stakeholder needs & requirements document Approved Business Case At the start of the project Project initiation & definition Register project Define & plan project further (sub-projects / key phases & activities) & compile Project Charter including project governance structure Submit Project Charter for approval Establish Project Management Support Office Registered budgeted project Approved Project Charter Functional Project Management Support Office At the start of the project
27 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 How do I Project mana- gement phase Main activitiesExpected outputs Frequency 1. Start / plan a project? Project planning, scheduling & budgeting (detail) Identify inputs, process & outputs & list sub-projects / key phases & activities & high level linkages with other divisions / projects within Stats SA etc. Map project processes Identify, list & sequence sub-projects / key phases, activities & tasks (based on project value chain) & outputs Estimate duration of each sub-project / key phase, activity & task Identify critical path Assign timelines Schedule sub-projects / key phases, activities & tasks Identify milestones Identify performance indicators & targets Assign responsibilities Identify linkages with (support needed from) other divisions / projects within Stats SA (integration across functions within Stats SA is important) Identify & assess project risks & compile risk management plan Identify resources needed Compile resources & demand management plan Compile project communication management strategy & plan Compile project documentation management strategy & plan Compile quality management strategy & plan Compile change management strategy & plan Compile contract management plan (if relevant) Cost the project & compile project budget Submit approved project planning documents & budget Project value chain Project process map Network diagram & critical path Work breakdown structure & project schedule Project risk management plan Project resource & demand management plan Project communication management strategy & plan Project documentation management strategy & plan Project quality management strategy & plan Project change management strategy & plan Project contract management plan Approved baseline project plan & budget At the start of the project & annually for the new financial year by the end of June with the final version after the budget allocation has been announced i.e. by the end of November 8.1 Stats SA: Project Management Framework
28 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 How do IProject manage- ment phase Main activitiesExpected outputsFrequency 2. Manage & control a project? Project execution, monitoring & reporting Initiate & organise work within each sub-project / key work phase Update sub-project plans Do actual work according to plans Manage, control & monitor activities & tasks, & performance Compile status, progress/ performance & production reports against plans Updated sub-project plans Project scope change requests & logs Updated project risk management plan & logs Project decision logs Project action logs Regular project production, progress & status reports Monthly progress / performance against planned project milestone reports - to be submitted to Programme Office Regular project expenditure against budget reports Continuously / weekly/ monthly 8.1 Stats SA: Project Management Framework
29 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 How do IProject manage- ment phase Main activitiesExpected outputsFrequency 3. Finish/ close a project? Project output delivery to stakeholders, evaluation & closure Deliver outputs Finalise & archive project documentation Evaluate project & determine lessons learnt Compile project evaluation & closure reports Outputs All final project documentation filed e.g. plans, operations manuals, reports etc. Debriefing documents containing lessons learnt Project evaluation & closure reports At the end of the project i.e. project closure 8.1 Stats SA: Project Management Framework
30 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Project Management Framework
31 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Developed project & operational planning & budgeting process & components of a plan How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
32 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Steps for compiling project, recurring project, other operations & service plans & budgets
33 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Project & operational plan components Develop / confirm project / operation / service value chain Develop project / operation / service Work Breakdown Structure Develop / confirm project / operation / service governance & organisational structure Develop project / operation / service risk mgt plan Develop project / operation / service resource & demand mgt plan Compile project / operation / service budget
34 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Compile project / operation / service communication mgt plan Develop project / operation / service document mgt plan Develop project / operation / service quality mgt plan Develop project / operation / service change mgt plan Develop project / operation / service contract mgt plan Project & operational plan components
35 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Developed statistical value chain - basis for planning, monitoring & reporting How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
36 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 IMPACT OUTCOMES OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES INPUTS What we aim to change What we wish to achieve What we produce or deliver What we do What we use to do the work Key concepts in planning & reporting Plan, budget, implement (operational planning & budgeting) Manage towards achieving results (Strategic planning)
37 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 InputProcess Out- puts Out- come 8.3 Value chain framework
38 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 What does the value chain mean? What we use to do the work / how What we do What we pro- duce or deli- ver What we wish to ac- hieve InputProcess Out- puts Out- come
39 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Statistical value chain
40 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Statistical value chain
41 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Statistical value chain & linkages/integration framework
42 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Statistical value chain & relevant activities: Household Surveys
43 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Statistical value chain & relevant activities: Business Surveys
44 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Core competencies: Plan for capabilities How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
45 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 CapabilityPlan & manage IntellectualPlan for skills required for producing statistical information TechnologicalPlan for people, information technology & information systems central to production of statistical information LogisticalPlan for processes & systems to collect statistical information on a large scale from various sources in the field AdministrativePlan & manage statistical environment including communication & public relations & governance 8.4 Core competencies: Plan for capabilities
46 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Facilitated project & operational planning process mapping: Example How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
47 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Process mapping: Example
48 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Developed & trained on Project Management Course How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
49 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Project Management Course
50 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Project Management Course
51 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Provided expertise & support to project teams How did we get statisticians to plan & report?
52 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Integrated outputs from operational planning
53 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Integrated planned publication calendar Stats SA: Integrated planned schedule for field surveys Stats SA: Planned key events schedule 9. Integrated outputs from operational planning
54 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Extraction from integrated planned publication calendar for 2010/ Integrated outputs from operational planning
55 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Extraction from integrated planned schedule for large field surveys for 2010/ Integrated outputs from operational planning
56 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Management information reports
57 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Integrated monthly & quarterly milestone report template
58 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Example of monthly/quarterly milestone report
59 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Example of monthly/quarterly milestone report
60 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Monthly integrated performance reporting linked to Work Programme of Stats SA
61 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Extraction from monthly status against integrated planned publication calendar for 2010/2011 report 10.2 Example of monthly integrated performance reports
62 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Stats SA: Extraction from monthly status against integrated planned schedule for field surveys for 2010/2011 report 10.2 Example of monthly integrated performance reports
63 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Dashboards (linking operations to strategy)
64 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Dashboards Serves as early warning system Highlights performance against plans & budgets, areas of concern & risks
65 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Dashboard on priorities (linking operations to strategy)
66 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Dashboard on priorities
67 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Programme / cluster dashboards (linking operations to strategy)
68 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards Programme 1: Corporate Services
69 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 2: Economic Statistics Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
70 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 3: Population and Social Statistics Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
71 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 4: Methodology and Standards Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
72 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 5: Statistical Support and Informatics Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
73 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 6: Corporate Relations Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
74 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Programme 7: Survey Operations Stats SA: Programme / Cluster dashboards
75 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep Stats SA: Management information website
76 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010 Frameworks, processes, templates etc. Plans Integrated planned schedules Dashboards & integrated management information reports Expenditure against budget reports etc. 10. Stats SA : Management information website
77 StatsSA_ASKNWorkshop_Dakar_AM_Sep2010