What is sociology? The systematic study of human society (Macionis 2008:2) The study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. American Sociological Association
Seeing the General in the Particular Sociologists look for general patterns of behavior in particular people. (Macionis 2008:2) Recognizing how the general categories into which we fall, impact the experiences of our daily lives.
Seeing the Strange in the Familiar Giving up the idea that everything that occurs in our life is a matter of what we decide and accepting the idea that social forces and experiences impact the decisions we make. Why are you at Oakton? Why do some people go to Northwestern and others don’t?
The Sociological Imagination The ability to see the impact of society on our everyday life Those who are marginalized are generally better able to use it. Sometimes develops as a result of crisis
Global Perspective Allows us to see our society’s place in the world High income countries – industrialized; most people live in material abundance Middle income countries – limited industrialization and moderate income Low income countries – little industrialization; severe poverty is the rule.
The Beginnings of Sociology Social Context New industrial economy The growth of cities Political change
Growth of Scientific Study Positivism a means of understanding the world through science Positivist thought had become an important aspect in the study of the physical world, so it made sense to apply it to the social world.
Auguste Comte Among the earliest theorists to use science to exam the social world. Created the term “sociology” to describe the scientific study of society in 1838
Macrosociology – looks at the world on the large (global) scale Levels of Analysis Macrosociology – looks at the world on the large (global) scale Microsociology – looks at the world on a smaller scale; of from an individual perspective.
Functionalist Paradigm Macrosociology Functionalist Paradigm Conflict Paradigm
The Functionalist Paradigm a framework that sees society as a complex system whose various parts work together to allow society to function believes our lives are guided by social structure – stable patterns of social behavior structures are understood through their social functions and consequences for the operation of society
Emile Durkhiem Stressed the use of social facts – aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals Organic Solidarity (society as human body) Mechanical Solidarity (no differentiation) Anomie
Herbert Spencer Studied sociobiology Coined the term “survival of the fittest”
Robert K. Merton Developed the concepts of manifest and latent functions Manifest – the recognized and expected consequences of social patterns Latent – unexpected and often unrecognized consequences
Criticisms of the Functionalist Paradigm Structural-Functionalism glosses over issues of inequality its focus on stability often ignores conflict and change
Social Conflict Paradigm sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change focuses on divisions through inequality examines the unequal distribution of money, power, education, and social prestige argues that social structure benefits some people while depriving others
Karl Marx Economics the most important defining factor of society Materialist conception of history (how we produce material goods shapes our experience) Bourgeoisie and Proletariat
Race Conflict Paradigm Focal point of social research had been whites Addresses inequality and conflict between people of different races and ethnicities Points out contributions made by people of color
W. E. B. DuBois First African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard Founding member of the NAACP Research addressed issues of race and conflict
Feminist Paradigm (Gender Conflict Approach) As with all other sciences, the focal point of social research had been men focus is on the intersection of gender, race, and class Stresses advocacy for political and social activities
Harriet Martineau First woman sociologist Argued that when studying any society, one must look at all aspects of it Said women’s lives must be studied First to study issues such as marriage, children, race relations, and religious and domestic life
Jane Addams Founded Hull House to assist immigrants Brought various groups of people (from poor immigrants to wealthy businessmen) together to discuss social issues. Worked for women’s suffrage Helped found the NAACP Helped found the ACLU Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Criticism of Conflict Paradigm Doesn’t address shared values or interdependence that leads to unity
Microsociology Symbolic Interactionist Paradigm Focuses on social interaction in specific situations Sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals Shared reality – we construct our reality as we interact with one another Definition of reality differs from one person to the next
Max Weber understand setting through point of view of those in it Studied bureaucracy
George Herbert Mead We build our personalities through our social experiences
Criticism of Symbolic Interactionism Tends to overlook social structures and the widespread effects of culture.
Other Important Paradigms Rational Choice If there could be only one explanation for the actions we take, it would be self-interest.
Other Important Paradigms Postmodern There is no longer an historical context for our social development Modern society is pluralistic and diverse