Intro to Video Composition


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to Video Composition Shot Types Camera Angles Composition

Shot Types The shot type refers to how close or far you are from your subject and who is in the shot.

Wide Shot (WS) A shot taken from far away Sometimes used to show where the next scenes are taking place If it is of a person, it is usually from head to toe

Medium Shot (MS) The Medium Shot is closer than the Wide Shot. The viewer feels more apart of the action.

Close-Up Shot A Close-Up Shot shows a subject's face and shoulders. It is close enough to show subtle facial expressions clearly.

Extreme Close-Up Shot An Extreme Close-Up Shot shows only a part of a character's face. It fills the screen with the details of a subject.

Two Shot Shows two people side-by-side such as in an interview situation

Over the Shoulder (OTS) Used in an interview to make the viewer feel like the interviewer

Camera Angles High-Level Angle Eye-Level Angle Low-Level Angle

Rules of Composition What is composition? Composition is the way you arrange the items you are filming on the screen. Do you want to put them on the right side of the screen? Left? Top? Bottom?

Rule of Thirds Objects, people, and the horizon should usually fall on one of the lines or the points that cross. Placing the main subject at the intersection of these lines helps to focus attention on the subject.

Rule of Thirds No Matter how wide or close a shot, you should put eyes on the upper third line.

Rule of Thirds Notice how the bike hub is placed in the bottom, right hand corner of the photo.

Rule of Thirds Head Room Make sure that the person’s eyes fall on the upper third line. Too close to the top and the person’s head is chopped off Too close to the bottom and the person looks like they are sinking Perfect !!!!

Lead Room When someone is walking or running in a video, make sure that there is plenty of room in front of them.

Directing Attention Use color to direct a person’s attention to something Put your subject on a contrasting background to make it “pop.”

Directing Attention Frame the subject with objects such as branches, signs, or walls. This directs attention to the subject.

Simulating Depth By placing an object or person closer to the camera it increases the depth in the picture. This helps the video look more 3D and less flat.

Visual Organization Simplicity: The simpler and less cluttered the shot is, the clearer it will be to the viewer

Life-less Shots In a photo it is okay to have a person “pose.” In a video, though, you need to show movement and action.