Social innovations and the intergration of people with disabilities in Russia Christian Fröhlich Higher School of Economics / Södertörn University Высшая школа экономики, Москва,
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Introduction фото worldwide over a billion people with a disability, about 15% of the world population (WHO 2011) in Russia in 2010 about 9% of the population or 13,2 million people (Romanov/Jarskaja-Smirnova 2010) significant proportion of the population, but marginalized and segregated because of public finances or technical difficulties social, political and cultural patterns social integration of the disabled = process of transformation of social relations, political decision- making and cultural representation
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Introduction фото Civil society and its organizations = driving forces of transformation by producing social innovations But under which circumstances and conditions? What are factors enabling the production of social innovations? Study based on semi-structured interviews in Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, and Perm in 2009/10
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Social Innovations фото Lack of a theoretical basis and clear operationalizations (Voorberg et al. 2013) Complex process measured in its distinct form in a concrete context (Bund et al. 2013) “Social innovations are new solutions (products, services, models, markets, processes etc.) that simultaneously meet a social need (more effectively than existing solutions) and lead to new or improved capabilities and relationships and better use of assets and resources.” (Young Foundation 2012: 18) Social innovations „relative“ to certain aspects of social reality: passage to new social relations and social practices which meet needs better (Gillwald 2000) Pre-condition: new models of interpreting society lead to new awareness of social problems/needs and to new means to solve them = new social practices = social innovations
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, Social Innovations and Civil Society фото But which factors initiate the process of formation of new social models and practices? (Krlev, Bund and Mildenberger, 2014) Ressources (personal, finances, infrastructure) Institutions: provide cultural-cognitive models, norms and practical regulations Politics: open political environment Society: social attitudes influence implementation of new social practices Actors of civil society related to all above factors (Edwards 2009): Economic role: capacity of service provision /for developing infrastructure Social role: social capital & new norms/models of behaviour (institutional role) Political role: monitoring of state and promotion of good governance Civil Society = social environment & realm of activities, which enable Detection of new problems Articulation of demands to solve them New social practices and relations = social innovations
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Disability in the Soviet Union фото Social classification of the disabled based on the (dis-)ability to work State paternalism: access to society regulated by state organs Medical model of disability: physical/psychological reasons for deviance to be corrected and cured in state institutions For certain categories of disabled people existed „protected“ spaces of living and working Voicing of problems/demands stongly limited, independent social organisation prohibited and repressed 1980: «There are no invalids in the USSR»
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Perestroika and the 1990s фото Mid 1980s: „Glasnost‘“ and opening of society Voicing of problems, critique and demands Self-organizing and interest group formation 1990s: crash of economy and downfall of welfare system Self-help groups Non-governmental interest protection 1988 Allrussian Society of the Disabled 1995 Law “On the social protection of the disabled“ 2008 Russia signs UN convention, 2012 ratifies
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Pre-conditions of Social Innovations фото Pull-factors of the innovation process: Bad socio-economic situation Lack of social welfare Weak rehabilitation structures Social exlusion Discrimination and negative social attitudes Development of non-governmental self-organisation International support Rise of new demands/needs
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Pre-conditions of Social Innovations 2 фото Framework conditions globally International „social model“ of disability (UN Convention 2006) Normative changes in society «Disability mainstreaming» = including the rights of the disabled in all political questions and decisions Empowerment, autonomy, independence Anti-discrimination, equal rights and chances Society without barriers, universal design
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Pre-conditions for Social Innovations 3 фото Framework conditions in Russia Ressources: - international donors and grants (1990s) - NGOs of parents and people with disabilities - ICTs Institutions:- international support and expierence - new national law (1995) - UN Convention (2006) Politics:- global integration of Russia - national commitees on disability related questions - state support programs - intertwinement of state/non-state organization
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Social Innovations 1 фото New social practices: Autonomous collective actions Social entrepreneurship democratization Politicization Protests, petitions Participation in poltical processes and decisions, consultations Use of legal measures Social advocate Court trails Lobbying for legal change Opening up public space, implementing universal design
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2015 Social Innovations 5 фото New educational and professional practices Consulting Inclusive education Inclusive work places Changing public opinion/attitudes Social advertisment Cultural events Overcoming social distance New forms of rehabilitation Open institutions Individualization
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