Classical & Operant Conditioning


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Presentation transcript:

Classical & Operant Conditioning Human Behavior Ms. Swarts

Pavlov-Classical/Operant Conditioning

Behaviorism- School of thought in psychology that based on the thought that learning occurs through interaction with the environment.

Learning Perspectives Classical conditioning-Pavlov’s -Operant conditioning and Cognitive Social Learning- B.F. Skinner

Classical Conditioning A learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Pavlov experiment with the dogs, food, ringing bell and salivation. Video: ing&lid=17009964&ID=143260&player=13

Reflexes – hardwired into brain Unconditioned Response – natural and automatic response to the unconditioned stimulus Unlearned and automatically associated with the unconditioned stimulus. Examples– you get goose bumps or shiver Your stomach growls You salivate Unconditioned stimulus – natural and automatic response. A situation that produces a response without prior learning. Examples – You are cold You are Hungry Smell your favorite food

Conditioned Stimulus & Response Conditioned Stimulus – a previously neutral situation that causes the conditioned response after being associated with the unconditioned situation (CS). For example – class bell Conditioned Response - learned behavior to a conditioned stimulus that occurs after a relationship has been created between CS and US (CR). For example – you know class is over when the bell rings.

Classical Conditioning-

Classical Conditioning-

Classical Conditioning in the Real World In reality, people do not respond exactly like Pavlov's dogs. Many dog trainers use classical conditioning techniques to help people train their pets. Treatment of phobias or anxiety problems. Teachers are able to apply classical conditioning in the class by creating a positive classroom environment to help students overcome anxiety or fear. (Safe Environment when speaking in public)

Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner – consequence changes behavior Changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. Reinforcements and punishments Studied rats, food and electrical shock. Video: d=17009964&ID=143259&player=13

Operant Conditioning-

Operant Conditioning-

Reinforcement & Punishment Reinforcement – a consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring. Examples- You’ve Been Caught Card Paycheck Bonus Hug Good grade Compliment Punishment – a consequence that decreases the likelihood of a behavior occurring. Examples- Grounded Get a referral Suspended Yelled at Fired

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